what is the cartoonist trying to convey?
What is the cartoonist trying to convey?
Other urls found in this thread:
>anifa are the good guys
>seek peace through violence
I would shotpost harder but honestly no clue
antifa with american flag.
fuck off
>antifa with the US flag
Antifa are THE flag burners of america. The number one anti-American source on US soil.
this was my first thought
So deep..
>Antifa proudly waving the American flag
Someone please spam pic related to whoever the fuck drew this.
If you are a giant, don't hold hands with the antifa giant or you will go yellow and deformed
that if you fold it in half it become a weird looking face. gen z fucktards wont get this joke
hes going to start stepping on it once he reaches the top
I don't know, but this "artist" is an uneducated liberal shill.
>muh mad magazine muhfugga
Nazi Confederate Spongebob reproduces through budding.
>No Trump, no wall, no USA at all
Wow..... powerful. This is what real patriotism looks like.
coincidentally around the same time the media completely turned on them
A redpilled White man and a redpilled and sun tanned White woman working together to destroy our enemies.
gib sauce
You win the internet!
Thanks for posting the original.
>usa flag not on fire
Clearly that the Confederate States of America were nazis despite existing 70 years before them
TOP KEK. See you lads at on front page of t_d.
that everyone right of center is a nazi/confederate and only kikes are american
his love for cock
antifa are the good goys . when they burn the flag while chanting '' death to america '' its patriotism . its you dirty nazis who are the baddies .all that 6billion in the oven and human lampshades is bad m'kay
That's he's a fucking kike.
i bet you bought sea monkeys too kek
>le epic BAGED xD sargon is really smart xDxDxdxdD
>le epic BAGED XD sargon is really smart
Best Fat.
>that one antifa with the american flag
This is horse shit. These fuckers are just plain horse shit.
Very subtle and nuanced
Side 1 and Side 2 should team up against Side 3.
They don't have to anymore, it's too late; but I wouldn't stop them.
That AntiFags fantasize themselves as being brave
oppressed 3rd world dark-skinned women freedom
fighters, while actually being the exact opposite
in every respect.
That and they want to hold hands with the big, thicc,
metal-helmeted penis man.
I see two sides of the same coin. Go too far left and antifa... To far right.. neo Nazi... Kind of like Stalin and dare I say it.. Hitler back in the day. Same, literally but hated each other...
I love the recent seppo antifa trend of "but we Iz patriotz". Must make the people who were rioting in black masks in the nineties throw up a little.
Come on brehs
Confederate flag / nazi supporters are secretly a mix of really large, fat yellow chinks... and tiny yellow chinks.
And Antifa respect America and dindu nuffin and totally don't set the flag on fire. Also apparently there are no niggers.
pls make the nigger liberal bitch carry the flag of israel.
I'll let a real meme artisan take over
what the fuck is a seppo
Gary Johnson, is that you?
An Amerifat
Fucking off yourself, Magapede
Asians have tiny men living inside them.
These people are either so ill-informed or so deceptive that they are actually trying to present Antifa as patriotic
>supposed nazis with confederate flags
>supposed anarchists with federal flags
top wew, America really has killed politics hasn't it?
No one noticed (because you don't understand sophisticated art) that the small skinheads are growing out of the giant salami nazi's skin, and they're all male. The queen antifa has multiple races and sexes climbing ON here instead of OUT of her.
I can't bend my mind anymore to squeeze that into some meaning, I guess it might be actual art. I bet it was painted by a fucking nigger college cunt who "be educated now". In fact I had a nigger college cunt as a roommate years ago and she was fucking stupid as a doormat but her race and sex put her on this "strange journey" of going to school which she appeared confused and pushed to the limit doing the remedial 6th grade writing studies (read and write it back to me = EDUCATED!). Like if a monkey accidentally stepped onto a conveyor belt and started looking around scared and confused. Hey look, I'm the artist now!
I always knew, deep down, that Nazis were made of cheese
White privilege vs Asian oppression
The flames are obscured.