How do you go from this
How do you go from this
Made me think
To this?
Uncured mental illness.
to this
Kill it with fire.
Average girl.
Below average girl.
Postmodern culture basically teaches you it's better to be below average than average, that being like anyone else is the gravest sin, that you'd rather "challenge" conceptions of greatness.. by being a really shit person.
styx is a cute
This, doctors a short while ago just gave up trying to heal these sick fucks
Upper education
This picture looks straight out of 2007 (jean skirt, Polo blouse with lace halter underneath, leggings, flats, straight hair).
How? Internet. Social media. Women being submissive conformists who will do anything for extra attention?
Leftism is a mental illness.
He'd actually make a qt girl
I am fucking TIRED of Styx trying to steal my YouTube waifu.
she looks a little bit like an ex gf
holy shit is this real? whats her name
The same reasons we have MGTOW.
It's not. Styxwhateverthefuck is on the left and Rage After Storm on the right. They are both, or were in Storm's case, YouTubers.
Not the same person
By believing propaganda and not being critical enough.
Tumblr and college are brutal brutal drugs.
Come on now, these words have meanings.
the problem isn't she's doing porn, it's that she doesn't shave her disgusting pit hair while doing it.
true, some ideas damage the brain permanently
they convince themselves they were never happy.
top fucking kek this looks like a (male) friend of mine
Not in Clapistan they don't
She went from a girl to a MTF transsexual? How does that work?
does the reverse count?