So I was on Facebook torturing myself by looking at the feed and I came across this comic. What's/pol/'s response to this comic's messages?
That it's ok to be "evil", as long as it's in the same end of the political spectrum they are.
Basically your typical double standard and virtue signalling.
It's an alt right comic mocking corporations for firing right wing radicals but not leftist radicals
>dat second frame look of surprise
>implying white nationalists don't know antiracists are closedminded cunts
no it's not
>Antifas are the real fascists
I'd fire him too
This is good, when we start throwing commies in ovens we'll just say that they're not people
Could you sue for being fired for being a Nazi
I don't see why not
>dat evil looking retarded looking tiki torch nazi
>dat righteouly angry boss who aib't puttin up with HEEET
i think i just kUmm'd
basically put them in solitary confinement with these comics plastered on the wall to starve to death, senpai?
stfu bigot
In the next comic he takes his boss to court for defamation
How come the left is so incapable of seeing irony?
So they're not even being ironic. This is serious. We've come to the point where they're mocking themselves for us.
but the boss is a cool guy who doesn't take shit from evil heretics.... ow can you be so racist, user?
>if you have sociopolitical views I disagree with, you're fired!
>no wrongthink!
>it's not discrimination if I'm doing it
>if i disagree with your conclusions, it's obviously because you're a bad person
>you fucking asshole nigger faggot fuck face!
Nazi's weren't racist tho.
He's also flat broke, possible in prison depending on how spiteful he is.
>I can morally justify my evil
>My position has no political opposition if I deny it exists
>My comrade, you're being a bit snappy. Perhaps if I send you and your family to a gulag you will cool off.
You are closeminded
Normies are children who believe in spooks like "morals" and other nonsense.
Would you respond to a drooling retard who walked past you on the street spouting some nonsense about something or other?
Then why would you respond to *this* drooling retard?
because it's interesting
Seems like you guys are going to have a civil war.
everyone involved including everyone in this thread is a huge faggot
stop screeching your political views to the world. you're a nazi - no one fucking cares because you don't matter. is it really worth losing your job just to be an edgy faggot?
So this comic is telling Antifa that they are fascists and the boss is just spouting angry words to make pro-Antifa people look like retards?
Yeah why aren't we firing people for being in Antifa? You don't get much terroristic than these cats. They call people Nazis,trash the place and act like heroes. Fuck those people. Fuck them to death.
lol impossible!
check my numerals, if no d0bbs numbers then no civilwar
1397 was the year of the worst black plague ....
fucking trippy
never have i seen a "news" article answer its own question so quickly
wtf do you mean??
I don't get it, is this pro-Nazi or anti-Nazi?
because we hate nazis and antifa are against nazis how is that really so fucking hard for you small minded idiots to comprehend
Sup Forums is 18+
back to r*ddit
>we hate nazis
stfu nigga
>lefties like to say all art comes from their side
>all their art is trash
really makes you think
>anyone who didnt vote for hillary is a nazi
Anti. It just looks like satire because the left is a parody of itself.
Too bad a "Nazi" for some lefties is anybody right of Chomsky.
>human dogshit
omg shut the fuck up you limp wristed faggot
Lefties just indoctrinate/befriend young up and coming artists, then take credit
>thinking this is ironic
Have you already purged all normie social media out of your life?
if you make any comments about races needing to be separate or society tolerating degeneracy re lgbtq or people needing to be kept out and away or taking healthcare and welfare away from people you are a NAZI
Textbook confirmation bias.
>A: Look at things from an unbiased objective point of view
"Nazis and Antifa both employ fascist strategies"
>B: Look at things from the point of view that you share with your peers
"Yeah but Nazis are human dogshit"
It's a typical symptom of a person who is unable/unwilling to think logically and form their own opinions but instead looks to their peers for "correct opinions".
TLDR sheeple.
if you voted for trump and you still don't regret it, you're a scumbag nazi
>Every country on Earth before 1964 was Nazi and wanted a NatSoc style government
please be bait
so dumb it hurts
>never voted for him, wish i had, still love him.
Keep this comic. Look at it every day.
And make sure you fire every leftist who ever voices an opinion in your workplace. Don't tell them why, just make up a reason. Also make sure you ask loaded questions during interviews to stop them being hired in the first place.
of course it's bait retard. how autistic are you
Pretty much this. Liberals are a danger to every business
>Implying the panty-shitting junkies of Antifa have jobs
>uses a liberal's safe haven
>wonders why there's liberal comics
>Conservative logic
>nigging this hard
>im not firing you for a political disagreement
>im firing you for a political disagreement
>im not gonna refute that antifa are bad im just gonna say youre dogshit and fire you
Of COURSE the "Nazi" is being fired over his political opinion. The boss is engaging in the usual progressive trick of redefining words to end discussion and reframe his own behavior.
You're firing the "Nazi' because his political position is too extreme. Therefore there are political positions worthy of being fired over. Therefore if Antifa members are not fired, those political positions are NOT too extreme.
Jesus Christ liberals never accept responsibility for anything, just accept that you're banning political opinions and that you're okay with Antifa, this isn't hard unless you're lying to everyone about what you're doing.
Well, I know one country that keeps getting away just with that. Should we make them stop?
it symbolizes everything wrong with people making implications from ONE word thats supposed to represent an entire REALM OF THOUGHT THAT CONSISTS OF A MORE THAN A FEW ASSUMPTIONS AND IF YOU CANT GET THIS YOU ARE STUPID
My response is:
Make your own company and hire whoever you want. Whining on the internet won't help you.
The US is all about doing business and if "nazis" are bad for business they get removed, simple as that.
Remeber who you're siding with future fertilizer. You're just bourgeois scum to them.
You're not doing it right. You've got a nazbol flag and your response reads like you're a neo-liberal.
Nazis are pieces of shit fire them all
>if your political stance is based on "hate facts" then your opinion is auto-discarded
seems like typical pozzed normie-think to me
acknowledging that there are biological differences between ethnicities is the first, and hardest, pill to swallow
>your response reads like you're a neo-liberal
That's just how the bulk of the American population thinks, as sad as it is. It's all about getting paid so that you can sit on your couch, drink beer and watch some niggers on TV. Nobody really cares about politics, they're alienated from their society. Even the few people involved in street protests are mostly LARPers.
I agree with the comic, the boss is a faggot and isn't willing to listen to anyone else's point of view while talking over them like a 12 year old.
I know that's now what the artist wanted to convey, but that's how the comic came across to me.
The beauty of a liberal arts degree is that it commands you to get a high enough proficiency at language skills that you can make an argument through your tone of voice and hand gestures while saying words that are much more mild and pleasant sounding without it coming across as immediately awkward.
If you'll notice, if they know eyes are on them liberals are always vague as all fuck about their real beliefs. The tone and body language indicates merciless white genocide, but their actual words suggest helping the downtrodden and people coming coming together in no certain terms.
Tucker Carlson is a bloodhound for this sort of shit, and after you see him interview a few lefties you notice that their actual arguments are just empty niceties (which makes them hard to argue against - "oh, so youre FOR all mexicans starving to death JUST so you can have your stupid wall?!") but their tone and lack of clarity always suggest something sinister just underneath the surface. Also, look for a knowing little smirk when they use their code words for violence
Didn't you get the memo? Now that Trump's in the white house people on the left have suddenly rediscovered individual liberty, freedom of association, and states rights (all of which only when it serves their immediate benefit only, naturally)
Not only is there nothing wrong with racism, racism is actually a GOOD thing.
If it weren't for racism, or a bias towards one's own race or people, or even using the power of a government to maintain ethnic purity no civilization would of ever happened.
The idea that somehow disowning your race is "good", is completely insane.
The only people who claim that "white racist" or "racism" is bad, are racial groups who benefit as a whole from making racial attacks on white people and white civilization.
So, people who are racist for their race. People who want to transfer the power of one race's civilization to their race.
So, non-racist are basically absentee fathers, domestic abusers, and just generally someone who will abandon all their morals and principles in the name of virtue signaling or fear.
Non-Racist are Cowards willing to sacrifice their own families to avoid being called a "mean name"
>everyone is alienated from their society
Yeah and that'd have nothing to do with the fact that your comrades are always telling them they're evil, their country is a disgrace, and that their demographic displacement is a moral good, right?
Your argument that demographic shift is inevitable due to macro economic trends might even he believable if you sociopaths didn't get giddy with glee anytime someone mentions whites becoming a minority to make room for hordes of low IQ, low skilled desperate immigrants who are primed to listen to your political message without you retards having to bother to come up with a halfway decent argument every now and again.
Seriously, you commie niggers make my fucking head hurt when you talk about social alienation and use it as a rationale for putting you people in charge. Social alienation had been all but eradicated by the 1950s, and the only reason it's come back in the big way since the 60s is because you motherfuckers can't even follow Marx's teachings correctly and you purposely try to wreck society by stoking racial, sexual, and class tensions in order to bring about your "organic" workers revolution well before it's got anything resembling grassroots support from the actual proletariat.
>the actual proletariat
Boy does the proletariat regret a lot of decision they've made after any socialist revolution. Hehe.
lmao. The only way a more heavily socialist nation could ever work is if it was high-trust, so what do the communists do to achieve their utopian wonderland?
Encourage every single possible measure to destroy trust within a society.
Seig heil