Why do white people abandon their pets? Are they devoid of compassion and empathy?

Why do white people abandon their pets? Are they devoid of compassion and empathy?

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Nig nogs of all colors.



It's like they don't even care. They just want to carry on as is, into their death

With regards to cats, sometimes those fuckers just don't come back. You can't call a cat, generally.

Furthermore, the same can be said for dogs. If you're from a city or anywhere north of Georgia, you probably keep your dogs in the yard behind a fence, or inside your house. Where I'm from, we just let them out the door and they come back when they come back. If thunder can spook a dog into crawling through drywall, a hurricane can send it running and hiding for 48 hours.

It's not abandonment, it's strategic. Cutting losses and running. You gonna die lookin' for a dog that could be anywhere, in a two mile radius around your property? You gotta make that call on your own.

Cats? Not worth the effort to capture them if they don't want to come in most cases.

So you're saying the hurricane came as a surprise to you?

Capturing cats is very easy. You just need the cat to be hungry, and it will voluntarily go into any cage you set out for it.

They're also very good survivors and know how to seek high ground. Cats are awesome.

Fuck you nigger leaf id save every kitter katter i seen if i were there

We tried to set niggers free but they keep coming back to us. That's why you never feed wild animals.

Are you retarded, toothpaste?

shut up, quilt!

My nigger

My fucking tard indoor cat has run off a few times because its a douche and if outdoors will chase another cat if he sees one. I can't call him and there is no way he will find his way back.I have to go looking for him

what are you talking about op? only nogs do that shit

>looks at filename
>sees flag

That's because they know it's futile. They see that this is God punishing us for forsaking our land and our race to those inferior to us. These ladies are the last dying remenant of a once great race that ruled this nation. And we have failed them. Better to submit to the grey water than live to see their country taken over by niggers.

Punishment fits the crime.

obvous bait and Sup Forums tier thread, loaded question.

sage and report

This is how whites treat their parents in the usa.
They send them away to die at a place designed for such a thing. As soon as their kid gets old enough and their parents start showing signs of being less self sufficient - boom, they're gone. They call it sending your folks away.. [to die]

A colloquial term, cut short so it sounds less morbid and then later renamed them Retirement Centers. Do you do this in canada too?

Aww little cumskin burger couldn't handle the harsh truth about his LE SUPERIOR RACE

that cat looks understandably pissed

That's how all cats look faggot.

What type of reverse meta-bait is this? Whites are the only ones who do care about animals.


>nonwhites can't imagine a white man without thinking of semen
That's pretty fucking gay my dude.


White people are the most empathetic for animals, user.

If you mean Houston, it'd be Nogs


what in the dick?

why are they doing THAT to the dogger?


Look at how pissed off it looks

That's just how nonwhites are my dude.

Look at the woman behind her in front of the cat. Why isnt she propped up in a chair or something?

Aaand i just realised the floor was water. But seriously they need to be better taken care of

Cats can survive in wild, unlike those pet dogs bred to be cute and small.


That water must stink like hell and they just comfy sitting in it, they must be used to nobody giving a fuck.

>white people

It's niggers and chinks 99% of the time.

Cool bait thread bro. Really trolling those Sup Forums tards lol nice *thumbs up*

ey man wat da hell bruh dey yt evil af!

my cat hates water...it hates everything actually


They think the fear makes the meat taste better.

Oh yes cause only white people have. Fuck me u cunts are fucking literally INSANE


Not insane. Just easily programmed.


pretty poor my dood

Why do niggers beat their children and rape? Are they devoid of compassion and empathy?

It was an evil confederate plot to kill Lincoln and save the niggers from deportation. The south must concede to white supremacy! Charleston, Illinois, in 1858 Abraham Lincoln said:
I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races–that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to inter-marry with white people; and I will say in addition to this, that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. teachingamericanhistory.org/library/document/again-lincoln/

>Are they devoid of compassion and empathy?
You know the answer.

Oh yeah, of course. Makes me glad to be a member of the "whi pi-po"

>ywn stand on a mountain of skulls

glass China when?

>greatest country on earth

My last post before I got banned.
1 day, the cumskin-cuck wanted me out of this thread.

#posted from my cellphone

>tfw you live in a niggerfree country with loving white people

>coming from a country who is most famous for fucking sheep

At least we care for our elderly, we don't just ship them off to a home and abandon them to pursue vanity, hedonism and shekels.


>having animal cruelty videos on your harddrive

delete this

What the fuck is wrong with chinks?

they don't have souls

>sometimes those fuckers just don't come back.
This means they are dead or somthing happend to them. They don't do this just out of selfishness

These pictures are pretty sad when you see them, but at the same time I think they must have really been bitches to their children growing up for them to get left there now. A lot of people are shitty parents and this is what happens.

Speak for yourself
Last year when LA flooded i got a boat out my neighbor who left yard
Loaded it up with all 3 of my dogs 2 snakes an iguana and my gfs dog and swam out with them in tow then walked down 2 miles to a church carrying the snakes iguana and gf dog
Shit was brutal but she refused to let me stay in the house with them and wait it out after a foot of water got in
