Hitler with pooinloo

Haha, despite Nazis here claiming that Hitler never a single non white to step into Germany, Hitler and Himmler not only shook hands and met & dined with a pooinloo leader, but also allowed him to give a speech in front of Nazi Leaders


That's because Hitler supported India against Anglo colonialism you autistic sperglord

Hitler truly was a man of the people. a true humanitarian fighting the global elites enslavement of people everywhere.

I've read the claim online that during the Third Reich Indians were allowed to live in Germany and study there. Is this true?

It's quite disgusting if correct. The thought of numerous non-whites living in the Reich leaving their bodily rests (skin cells, etc) and looking at German women is revolting.

So Hitler was a race-traitor, helping Brown guys to harm fellow white man

here, put this on and get into that Box Car over there ..it will take you to a bubble party.

I've literally never heard of Indians being allowed to study in Germany during the Third Reich. Not that it would have mattered anyway. Germany had strict laws about work and study visas. You could stay for work for the amount of time allotted but you could never settle in Germany. You have to go back.

You fags are so retarded I can't even tell what side you're shilling for.

They might have gone back after completing their studies but during the years they spent on German soil, they left numerous non-white bodily deposits on the fatherland.

>Race traitor
As opposed to the French who brought their colonial niggers to invade the Rhineland in the 1920's solely for the purpose of sullying German blood? Or the Americans who let their niggers run rampant in France and Italy? Or the British whose largest volunteer army came from India? Or the fucking Russians, who literally sent the MONGOLS to the front lines to have their way with European women from Germans to Poles to Czechs to Hungarians to even fucking Russian nurses interned in German concentration camps as well as liberated Jews. But oh no, the Russians aren't race traitors are they?

Yes, what a hero of humanity he was.

"National Socialism," he once exclaimed to Otto Strasser, "would be worth nothing if it were restricted merely to Germany and did not seal the supremacy of the superior Race over the entire world for at least a thousand to two thousand years."


In Mein Kampf, Hitler states: "...it [Nazi philosophy] by no means believes in an equality of races, but along with their difference it recognizes their higher or lesser value and feels itself obligated to promote the victory of the better and stronger, and demand the subordination of the inferior and weaker in accordance with the eternal will that dominates this universe."

Hitler then states the Aryan is also culturally superior.

"All the human culture, all the results of art, science, and technology that we see before us today, are almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan..."

"Hence it is no accident that the first cultures arose in places where the Aryan, in his encounters with lower peoples, subjugated them and bent them to his will. They then became the first technical instrument in the service of a developing culture."

And as for breeding a better man:

"Those who see in National Socialism nothing more than a political movement know scarcely anything of it. It is more even than a religion: it is the will to create mankind anew." "A new variety of man is beginning to separate out. The two types will rapidly diverge from one another. One will sink to a sub-human race and the other rise far above the man of today. I might call the two varities the god-man and the mass animal." The new, godlike Aryan would rule over the inferior races, the "mass-animal."

That sort of thinking is what the Allies want you to think about Hitler.

He supported India because
1. He admired Indian culture and history
2. Supporting india against Britain would mean Britain would lose her cash cow and hopefully deprive her of wartime resources


>despite Nazis here claiming that Hitler never a single non white to step into Germany
Literally no natsoc. here is claiming that, the third reich was extremely multicultural compared to the allied nations.

He "admired" India inasmuch as he believed it to have been founded by Aryans like the Germans, who later bred into the "inferior" native population. Indians should not be flattered by this.

Wow who would believe that what the left and kikes say about Hitler is false...

I don't doubt that but I never said they should admire him for it. My only intention was explaining why he supported India.

>despite Nazis here claiming that Hitler never a single non white to step into Germany

No one has ever said this.

Here come the apologists for the Third Reich. See to know the truth about Hitler. He was a typical adherent to the "Master Race" Nordicist ideology.

>"Those who see in National Socialism nothing more than a political movement know scarcely anything of it. It is more even than a religion: it is the will to create mankind anew." "A new variety of man is beginning to separate out. The two types will rapidly diverge from one another. One will sink to a sub-human race and the other rise far above the man of today. I might call the two varities the god-man and the mass animal." The new, godlike Aryan would rule over the inferior races, the "mass-animal."
Sounds pretty Jewy desu.

the masses where boned either way.
Hitler wins, and the Aryan race enhances itself to rule over a mongolism beast race of men
The (((allies))) win and the Jews use their position to dumb down the other races into beasts.

Id still pick the Aryans over the Jews in that scenario, there would be a much larger population of "aryans" from around the world, compared to 20 million or so Jews. They also have incentive to explore and colonize space, the Jews just want to be kings of earth with 2000 slaves a piece.

The Greater German Reich was an empire in an age when empires no longer existed. It was a different kind of multiculturalism. The SS literally had volunteers from all around the world with the objective of securing a National Socialist Europe.

Literally nothing personal
after Churchill cucked refused his offer to rule the world together* Imagine the paradise. Superior Anglo-Celtic and German races rocking the planet

>difference it recognizes their higher or lesser value and feels itself obligated to promote the victory of the better and stronger, and demand the subordination of the inferior and weaker in accordance with the eternal will that dominates this universe.
Wrong how? Estrogen speaks and we must listen

>Or the fucking Russians, who literally sent the MONGOLS to the front lines to have their way with European women from Germans to Poles to Czechs to Hungarians to even fucking Russian nurses interned in German concentration camps as well as liberated Jews.[citation needed]

>What's an Indo-European?
Read Julius Evola.

G. K. Chesterton hit the mark when he wrote, "There is a Jewish problem; there is certainly a Jewish culture; and I am inclined to think that it really was too prevalent in Germany. For here we have the Hitlerites themselves, in plain words, saying they are a Chosen Race. Where could they have got that notion? Where could they even have got that phrase, except from the Jews."

Laziest leftypol shill thread I've seen all day.

Barbarism has nothing to do with manhood. If that were true the savage would be the epitome of virtue.

By the bye, you would have been one of those inferior peoples marked for subordination or extermination in his mind.

Its semi-true. USSR eagerly used central asian subhumans and racially mixed units as shock troops.
>except from the Jews
Most Europeans had concept of "exceptionalism" at one time or another. Even mongrels mobs of America believe to themselves to be the "City on the Hill"


>egalitarianism makes a man
It doesn't, sissy. In-group loyalty, eugenics and stomping out the weak makes it right. Might makes it right. Always been like this.
>you would have been one of those inferior peoples marked for subordination or extermination
Which I highly doubt, since, you know, my family knew many Reich officials including Hitler

The only weak man is a simpleton like you, who stifles his conscience because it is convenient in this world to justify murder and persecution. But God will judge you in the next.

Shut up you British worm

The lowest of humanity have a tendency to attach themselves to the Nazi dogma, because it tells them they are good and great without actually having to accomplish anything. The appellation of "worm," therefore, is much more likely fairly to attach to yourself.


>believes in God
>rejects the natural order
Suck on a nigger toe
The lowest of men believe that there is a humanity in the first place

Holy fuck can one man be more based? He is always right about everything. Even killing himself. If Hitler died an old man in prison after losing the war the movement would have never continued. In death, he made the ultimate sacrifice. God rest his soul and damn the eternal Jew.

The "natural order" is one of virtue, not biology. It is made every day by the free choices of men. It is why Egypt rose, and then fell; Greece rose, and then fell; and the West rose, and is now falling, namely as a consequence of its moral degeneracy. You are weak-minded if you imagine that genes are what make you good or bad and not your actions.

What a cool fella, this is why we sell the Hitler icecream. Hail Hitle, hail Bose.

The natural order is natural and ruthless. It has no virtues. "The West" is dying because it refused the valour of strength and might. I, and other darwinistically minded people, fully support that. Good riddance. People like Breivik and ISIS doing the decent work

I didn't think this is true. Hitler admired the British Empire and sought something similar for Germany. But he showed respect to all world leaders regardless of race.

Nah he had a weird facination with India's Aryan history and it's influence on Vedic religions. Completely jargon in modern times but Hitler and Himmler believed it.

It's the AIDs, man, Pay them no mind.

>after Churchill cucked refused his offer to rule the world together* Imagine the paradise. Superior Anglo-Celtic and German races rocking the planet
smelly dumb christian scum

>Haha, despite Nazis here claiming that Hitler never a single non white to step into Germany
What? Are you retarded? No one here ever claimed that.

>Hitler and Himmler not only shook hands and met & dined with a pooinloo leader
Yes, that is common in politics.

>allowed him to give a speech in front of Nazi Leaders
Yes, that is common in politics.

He wanted to win the war.

That sounds like a good idea

just so you know one of Hitler's best friends was a Jew Emile Maurice


He only sided with India, because the British Empire refused collaboration and multiple peace offers. A negro or southest asian are some races that would have never get his private audience

wow looks like National Socialist Germany had a foreign policy