What are your opinions on MGTOW?

What are your opinions on MGTOW?

An excuse for virginity.

for men who can't tame women

>That pic

Before effective birth control you pretty much had to get married to safely be in a relationship and have sex. Now being stuck with children isn't as big of a given anymore so people don't care.

yay let's stay children forever

As per usual fpbp

mgtow are more beta than literal cucks

> no details on who the data applies to
> starting the y axis on 40 and ending it on 90 to dramatically represent the change


Feminism for men, nothing more nothing less.

It has the same goals, the dismantlement of the family and the liberation from societal expectations, and just uses different tactics (since it is a smaller movement).

I partake, I suppose? Being around women makes me mad, I don't like their kind and the people who keep them company. Like watching a cringy bad movie.
Besides, mo hobbies require me being alone, and I don't want to abandon them.

I don't really understand it. Sure, avoid most women. But if you find the perfect one you should obviously try to wife her up.

Less cucky than Sup Forums

There is no way to know if a woman is perfect in advance, and the consequences of wifing a bad one are too great.

Realizing that women's bullshit isn't worth it is great, but trying to turn it into a movement is retarded.

Everyone should be able to go their own way.
Fleetwood Mac taught us this back in the 70s.

How is sharing bad experience, so that others can learn from it without suffering it, bad?

>make money
>give woman food to make me food
>woman give me companion ship
>this is worth half of all your earning with her,and half your house and your car.

Because you faggots are a circlejerk of autism


Understandable reaction to culture. Wrong choice though.

>you faggots

I am neither part of the movement, nor a faggot. Quit insulting and quit strawmanning.
Its a legitimate question. You think that sharing experience is a bad strategy? Explain why, because I think the opposite is true and obvious.

You forgot to mention half your time. The time they steal from me isn't worth the investment

>women making you food
What planet do you live on? In both my serious relationships, where there was a period of living together, it was either me cooking, or both of us cooking (meaning I was cooking and she was ""helping""), or ordering food.
I learned to cook while in a relationship, because I couldn't afford to order food anymore, due to life becoming much more expensive all the sudden.

Unless you want to eat frozen fruits, yogurt and overpriced herbs mixed into a smoothie, you don't count on your girl cooking.


Don't compromise with woman.. Be ready to walk out as soon as the red line is crossed and don't knock up some cunt that doesnt respect that

good movement. women are a lost cause. the only thing worthy in life is to bring one's own worth up

The Beta male's form of feminism
Meninism if you like

I'd expect no less out of homo. What an unbelievably gay picture. It's even gayer than guys doing it in the butt, what is this shit.

You obliviously don't understand MGTOW. You must be one of those people who thinks MGTOW is avoiding women. That's not even close. MGTOW is just about not getting married and screwed by the system. It's about still having sex and even being in a relationship without risking your money. 95% of the arguments I see against MGTOW are strawman arguments.

Natural response to such a misandric society. You can't marginalize and demonize your males without you risking them assessing the pros and cons, and them coming to the conclusion checking out of society may be preferable. Shaming language is ineffective, so you're going to have to come up with a different solution.

Degenerate whiney bitches. Men have it tougher than women, and they have greater strength to dea with it that women. Grow up faggots