Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - TV Duell Aftermath Edition

Upcoming events:
15.10.2017 Regional election in Niedersachsen
15.10.2017 Austrian legislative election

>AfD Basic Program's list of contents in english

>AfD's Basic Program (in german)


>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders [Open]
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory [Open]
>60 Genders - AfD's Steffen Königer gives the Greens a Reality Check [Open]
>AfD pro-Syria on FB: "Merkel must go!"

>Meme Collections 2.0
postimg org/gallery/18y2lj7ka/

>Einzelfall-Map (Isolated cases - crime map)

>Resources from the 2016 election

>We are going to start translating and converting all english memes in Germans.. An example of this would be taking a smuggie, translating the mug liberal into German and slapping a CDU logo on his shirt..
>The Chad/Virgin meme is hot right now too so we could make some of those as well but let's start with the smuggies. It I'll be easy and fast
>Ignore shills, don't reply to Schulz/Antifa faggots /defeatists

If you can spare some shekels:

They accept PayPal




Other urls found in this thread:

For german Anons who want to go the extra mile:

The AfD is still looking for people who can spend some time before the election to placard posters.

Also if not even more important apply as Wahlhelfer to prevent election fraud. (Check your local deadlines at your town hall) You get even some money from the government for this, between 60-90€

Or if you don't want to spend the entire election day at the polling station, please go there as Wahlbeobachter. Every citizen got the right to be there when they count the votes! Just go there a few minutes before 6pm on election day. You don't need to do anything else.





YEah lets be a Wahlhelfer in fucking NRW.
No thank you i dont wanna be victim of some mob justice.



Virgin Axis Powers Vs. Chad Commintern







Was benutzt ihr zur Selbstverteidigung, wenn ihr euer Haus verlässt?



Mindestens. Ich bin Kölner. Hier is nichtmal ein einziges AFD poster irgendwo. Entweder sie haben die gar nicht erst versucht aufzuhängen oder die Dinger sind schneller runtergerissen als sie aufgehangen wurden.


Krauts isnt the afd controlled by bankers nowadays?

Weiss eigentlich nicht wieso ich mir diese Politscheiße überhaupt noch gebe.
>Paketfahrer sorgt sich um Altersarmut
>wählt Grün
>Rothaarige Tattoowierte Unterschicht Fettsau wird fast von Musel über den Haufen geballert
>#notallfunghis, AfD kann man nicht ernst nehmen, wählt Linke.

Fuck off and read a book, you stupid idiot.

Things have to get very bad, before they can get any better.

Such is our human behaviour.


No need to blurt out what you gonna vote.

Calm the fuck down you faggot
I was just asking a question


You sound like a stupid shill, just use google and educate yourself, faggot.



how much worse can it get when you're literally stuck in the middle of a pisslam terror attack and STILL vote left?

Crime rate info

>how much worse can it get when you're literally stuck in the middle of a pisslam terror attack and STILL vote left?

We need at least 2 or 3 European 911s to wake up this cucked continent.

At least.

Why the fuck are you making such a big fucking deal out of this? I cant read german besides that asking actual germans about german politics would get me an answer, i thought. If you cant stand non germans commenting i suggest you fuck off to a german site.

Wie dumm kann man sein um so etwas aufzuhängen?
Mir fehlen die Worte


Yes they are. that one user who always opens these threads is some bubble living rural mong who has literaly no clue that the AFD turned into a NPD 2.0 a nearly completly infiltrated controlled opposition.
I mean that lesbian cunt who runs things now has deep ties with goldmann & sachs.
Junge bist du eigentlich behindert und paranoid?
Der Käsekopf hat dir ne ehrliche Frage gestellt und nicht deine Mutter beleidigt.


Deinen Paketfahrer find ich gut

Why would you ask a question like

> Krauts isnt the afd controlled by bankers nowadays?

if you weren't a fucking leftist shill?!


Fuck off, and kill yourself, faggot.

Thanks for a proper answer Gerbro

>1488 Digits

you flipped somehting

Because its a legitimate question in these times.
A question that you dont have an answer for because you live online and in your little echo chambers. Its well known all across german nationalists that the Afd has been deemed too "dangerous" and has been infiltrated by copious amounts of sleeper agents from the BND just like the NPD


Kommste ausm Osten Junge?

>Junge bist du eigentlich behindert und paranoid?

4pol is now being shilled for more than 1 year 24/7 CONSTANTLY by paid leftist shills and you fucking 89IQ dipshits still believe in genuine posters who ask negatively connoted questions.

Are you 70IQ???

Because i dont know the answer to that question?
If people in this thread wouldve said no it isnt i wouldve accepted that answer.
Seriously calm down man being that fired up isnt good for your health.

>Its well known all across german nationalists that the Afd has been deemed too "dangerous" and has been infiltrated by copious amounts of sleeper agents from the BND just like the NPD


Try it harder, you leftist beta cuck shill.

Na never been tested, did get Abitur with 1,5 tho, not that this counts in NRW but still.

I know ive been on pol for a few years now but youre still fucking retarded that you think that the dutch dude asked a "shill question" it was a legitimate reasonable question.
You would know if you had been interested in Politics before 2015.

Der Osten gehört echt weggesprengt.

Just don't wear any swag that reveales your political standpoint.

This is a known leftist shill, don't answer him seriously anymore.

Stop being so delusional and wake up. Of course people are gonna vote AFD me included but not because I believe in this party of semi sucessful politicians (the good ones all left about a year after the afd was founded because so many newcomers were obvious plants by the government) but because its a "Trotzstimme" from me.

Verpiss dich, Kotmann.

Fuck off.

Dude. Seriously, stop being so fucking retarded and actually read my posts.
theres IDs on this board newfag, stop samefagging

Junge du bist so arm dran.


>1 in 7 Germans 32 & Younger Are Muslim—80% Are On Welfare

Soll er ruhig verrecken an seiner Altersarmut aber vielleicht spart er wenigstens Beerdigungskosten wenn von seiner von Funghis Totgefuckten Tochter niemals die Überreste gefunden werden.

Usually I legally carry a folding Buck-knife and a can of maze. Sometimes I legally carry my RG-9 conceiled.


Where teh fuck do you live that you deem that necessary?

I live in the asshole of cologne, right in the middle of the city and I dont feel the need for that.
(i got training tho and i carry my kubaton thats enough)


I hope this racist bigot gets imprisoned by the gestapo. Germany is a thought crime free zone.

Freimaurer beseitigen

Verrecke in deinem schabenverseuchten Westen, Makss

Freimaurer bekämpfen !!

It's got 2 wings - one, mostly in West Germany, being made up of political opportunists and banking cronies. They just want to be the CDU from the 1990s, but that's not gonna help, that's the party that brough in the Turks.

The other wing, centered around Höcke and Gauland is more patriotic/nationalistic. That's the one we're counting on. Unfortunately the middle class always gets scared when they talk about the realities of ethnicity and stuff like that. Fucking pussies.


Werde ich wahrscheinlich aber danke für die netten Worte.

Kein Reich ohne Weimar.

That's bullshit, but it's ok, we are on Sup Forums.

vermutlich werden diese (((Polithofschranzen))) vom Sender gekastet - können alle ins Gas

this is english website you dumb krautshits

It's my right to own and carry with appropriate license (and that one is a fucking joke). Thus, I'm exercising my rights.

halt mal deine dumme Fresse du beschissener Bolschewik


Scheiss Schweizer, sei Neutral und halt dein Maul so wie immer

Elaborate? I mean, I hope the Höcke wing wins and considering how it went with him against Petry/Pretzell it looks increasingly like it.


They are generic byldo scum, they aren't able to speak proper english.
Also they just shitpost, so their posts are worthless gabberish noone cares about.

Bergjuden dürfen zuhören aber nicht sprechen.
Bro I asked why you deem it necessary in your place of living. I dont care what you do I was just curious because i live in one of the shit stains of germany and i dont deem such weapons necessary for every day purposes.

I hope for you guys that they are genuine.
We have the same problem here with Jewish Geert Wilders. Lets hope they arent just puppets or controlled opposition.

Sounds like youre projecting rather hard and are unable to understand how IDs work on this board :^)

this is why nobody sheds a tear at your suicide

germany will have white minority in less than 50 years, isnt this fucking hilarious LOL

Die Union plant, den Familien von Flüchtlingen mit eingeschränktem Schutzstatus auch im Frühjahr 2018 noch keinen unbeschränkten Nachzug nach Deutschland zu ermöglichen. "Im Gegensatz zur SPD treten wir für eine Anschlussregelung ein", sagte Unionsfraktionsvize Stephan Harbarth (CDU) der Passauer Neuen Presse. "Der Familiennachzug muss auch in Zukunft auf ein Maß begrenzt werden, das die gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz nicht übersteigt und die Integrationsfähigkeit nicht überfordert."

how good are our chances for this?

Terrible bait

...and then they cry foul because the mods delete their non-english thread.

its the truth

learn english because you clearly dont understand words you use

The factions aren't split at the old german border line, both factions got members on both sides.

Also BOTH factions have moved to the right since 2015 and the great migration flood, so stop calling them "of political opportunists and banking cronies."

There some of them, but it's not the whole faction.

Not good I think.

That's why Thierry Baudet is better.

Geert is trying the same Trump and Spencer did - try to appeal to the Zionists (indeed, some of the AfD is doing the same, trying to appeal to Israel and how the Muzzies are so anti-semitic) which is bullshit of course, the Jews wont really care and it's just building upon another lie, that Jews are always the poor victims.

We've got our eyes on you, Krauts.

But would you agree that one wing just wants to get into government and become the old CDU - which wont solve anything - and another actually wants some untainted patriotism?

I'm still going to vote for them and I'd encourage everyone to do the same if only to see the reaction of the Greens and others. Whether we get CDU/SPD or CDU/FDP wont matter anyway.

>the Jews wont really care and it's just building upon another lie, that Jews are always the poor victims.

They do care, you stupid antisemtic edge kid.

Bevor ich letzte Woche in Köln war, war mir nicht klar, dass die MLPD aktiv Werbung macht.

I'm taking my little RG-9 on forest hikes f.i. because I've gotten into situations with wild boars where you wanna be sure to scare that sow away once you've come between her and her young.

And I'm living in the urban multiculti centre of my town. So yes, "IT" has arrived since the last two years in middlegerman cities.
The townhouse I have my flat in is subject to frequent burglar-attempts. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they only leave their traces.

I know, a lot of people still vote for PVV though. Glad FVD is growing

I dont think ill ever be able to trust the jews especially jewish politicians.

They are getting big donations to print all those posters

>being happy about another EU country being replaced.
Heh so funny m8, seriously go shitpost in an other thread.

>But would you agree that one wing just wants to get into government and become the old CDU - which wont solve anything - and another actually wants some untainted patriotism?

Yeah, I'm also in heavy favour for the nationalistic faction (der Flügel), hopefully they will dominate in the internal fight for power.

FDP cuks our shit up

>Jeder Kriegsflüchtling darf nach Deutschland
>qualifizierte Migranten sind erlaubt
>Wenn der Krieg vorbei ist müssen die Flüchtlinge Heim
>Krieg vorbei
>Flüchtlinge Heim

für jeden der es nicht mitbekommen hat, sollte Assad den Krieg gewinnen, bekommen viele Syrer einen politischen Schuztstatus weil Assad als Diktator zählt und angeblich einen Teil der syrischen Bevölkerung unterdrückt.