
Are the soviets actually behind all of this? or was it the jews all along?
Is the media's russia story actually a warning sign from within? or is it an ironic joke on their side?


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it's not the "soviets" seeing as the soviet union doesn't even exist anymore so i wonder who could be behind this

'The Soviets' were mostly Jewish. We're talking ~90% of central committee members.

The Soviets were formed of Bolshevik party members who were Jews.

Two and two

... but I'm sure the dead commies are laughing in their graves.

how are the jews so consistently evil throughout time?

>whatcha doin there rabbi?

>... but I'm sure the dead commies are laughing in their graves.
doubt it.
They're in Jewish hell now.

In the 1920s yes. Not in the 1970s and 1980s when Bezmenov was active.
Read Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald to find out the truth about subversion.

1. In-group preference
2. High IQ
3. Very active in media & finance


These are dangerous times for the truth brother.

It's all the (((SOVIETS))).

But the ideologically indoctrinated people they slipped into Western societies academics and media remain. That was their ultimate victory when it became apparent they were close to collapse

>pic related
this is one of the ultimate jew redpills, besides books like culture of critique etc

everyone knows about that 1 time germans specifically targeted to remove the jew. not many people know about the 358 other times it happened.

Those goddamn (((soviets)))

The communist revolution of 1917 was a jewish operation.

See pic.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:


How do you plan on countering the jews' subversion of the US, Sup Forums?


This is the fault of the soviets, however it was the Jews that set it in motion.
That being said, the Soviet Union has been dead and gone for a while now, I don't believe there is anyone guiding the subversion at the moment but that it's on a sort of auto pilot if you will.
Fagmarriage, tranny shit is just deluded leftists using the apparatus left behind by the KGB to take the demoralization process much further than it ever needed to go

Hrs right though
Your pick shows decadent western useful idiots, who, when a revolution does occur, will be lined up against a wall and shot

thanks for posting that

Not every jew is evil, but they're raised to be extremely tribal and nepotistic, as well as money loving. There is probably a genetic component as well but that's more complicated. Anyway, throughout history enough of the most ruthless and cunning kikes got into positions of power in law, banking, entertainment, ect, and then they promote and deal with other jews. It doesn't matter if they're qualified or moral, they're jews so they get a pass. This is the case in every single nation that Jews have lived in for several thousand years. I don't believe in an international Jewish conspiracy, but it's plainly obvious that many if not most of the men attempting to pull the global strings are kikes or adhere to kikeology

Considering the soviets were Jews, it's the Jews.

If you ever have the time, listen to this

Hrm, who infests the frankfurt school and gave birth to marxism?


Holy shit. Never seen this before. Even in 700b.c they were pulling the same shit

Reminder to everyone that we don't need to abandon youtube, we need to fight for it and raise a stink about censorship... that's where all the normies that need redpilling are... but if we are forced out, and that day may be coming, BE PREPARED.

Use one of the many free services to download and save important youtube videos you want to preserve as an MP4 to your hard drive. Who knows what video hosting service we end up settling on in the shuffle.


Start doing it now!

The Frankfurt school had infilitrated US academia since 1930s. But yeah, let's totally discard Critical Theory and it's impact on mass culture in favor of TV lectures of one low-ranking defector from the 1980s. Sharts will eat up any ridiculous propaganda as long as it has big bad russians in it.

Calm down Vlad, no one is blaming the Russian/Soviet people per se. It was the jews, as always.

I chalk it up to some evopsych shit myself. Just reading a biography of Lenin, it's stupid how many of his associates (and him) were of Jewish stock. And here is Lenin's hero.

you can't assimilate the jew, it hasn't worked for thousands of years. you can only remove the jew or kill the jew, or an alternative is complete exposure. hitler did
>all of the above
but since it turned south you can see what they've done to germany in retaliation.

japan managed to keep them out pretty well. the biggest reason being that jews don't look japanese, and you can't fool a homogenous society if you don't look like them.

if every jew were suddenly blue the western world would stop listening to them in under a month.

The soviets were Jews retard

You cunts truly are clueless on the Soviet propaganda that was being dumped into your countries in the XX century.

My father travelled all around the world as a political activist (read: propagandist) in his late teens, early twenties and held talks with communist organisations/parties all around the west preaching about the "global workers revolution".

This was a very common thing. Fuck, even Yuri talks about how he did this in India. Do you think that this doesn't have an impact? Do you think that "muh social justice" and "muh equality" came from nowhere?

What you see today are the fruits of the seeds planted by soviets, who were watered by kikes and embraced by useful goys.


soviets = jews
so yes to both questions

How do we solve the immediate situation though?
How can the government be used against their plan?

Yeah, it was the Russians.
Pic unrelated

In addition to what all the other posters said, Jews have always felt at odds with other societies, and desire to subvert other societies while protecting their own to weaken and destroy their enemies through corruption.

It's not a conscious strategy for most Jews but a strategy imbued by their culture, which at some level *does* consciously realize that what is worst for the host population is what is best for the Jews. The Jewish strategy is like that of a parasite: attach to the host and conduct warfare by interfering with the mechanisms of the host, and use the resulting chaos to secure resources and reproduce.

You had to be atheist to be in the Party.

you had to be atheist only if you were a non-jew

ussr society was conservative though, despite the athiest commie jews genociding almost into extinction all the christian right wing monorchist russians and all other euro ethnicities that were once subjects of the great very anti semetic russian empire
jews are behind it all
russia's trying to bounce back to equalebrium at the least, but england we need to prey for
england too lost a monarchist empire no thanks to the jew
but somehow more socially fucked then the soviet union ever was

>what you see today is the fruit of Jews watered by useful idiots
Yes we know

>We're talking ~90% of central committee members.
>Still no proof, aside from Robert Wilson article that lists several people some of whom never were in Central Committee and on top of that gives wrong number of members

Yeah, btw i probably found the book Putin was quoting in his "85%" speech. It's called "Wake up, Russia" by Evgeniy Sarom, and it's a low effort bs baked up by no sources at allвocпpянь poccия&source=bl&ots=-Nl-rAasKg&sig=mjMFuDycqAqLmYIeH-0AXZuRvHo&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false

page 90 gives the huge list in russian

Victor Sebestyen wrote a new 2017 biography of Lenin released in February. He doesn't shy away from mentioned members of the socialist revolutionaries who were Jewish. I wouldn't say 85% myself based on memory, but at least 50%, but those 50% still comprised the major soviets.

French (French-Jewish) intellectuals + KGB agents + white baby boomer hippies. Leftists aren't even Marxists anymore because they've abandoned materialism and class theory. They're post-christian anti-materialist esoteric egalitarians.

The Soviet Union turned anti-zionist in the 1940s, when Stalin started to suspect the Soviet Jews of holding a stronger allegiance to Israel and the Jews than to the USSR and communism. This sentiment of anti-zionism intensified after the 1967 Six Day War, which pitted the USSR and its Arab allies against the USA and Israel.

During that war the Israeli's attacked the USS Liberty, an American espionage ship, and it was all covered up by Lyndon Johnson, John McCain's father and some other horrible traitors.
Never forget the Liberty.

Let's keep this thread bumped, good red pills in here.

Communism is a Jewish enterprise from top to bottom, there is no difference between a soviet and a jew they are one in the same

>The Soviet Union turned anti-zionist in the 1940s
this is false, but interesting

Yes, I was wrong wrong. Stalin turned anti-Jewish in the 1940s, and only in 1967 did the USSR turn anti-zionist. Up to 1967 communism played a large role in Israeli politics.

meh still not quite there

JOSEPH STALIN in a reply given on January 12, 1931 to an enquiry made by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency of America (Stars and Sand, page 316) "Anti-Semitism is dangerous for the toilers, for it is a false track which diverts them from the proper road and leads them into the jungle. Hence, Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable and bitter enemies of anti-Semitism. In the U.S.S.R., anti-Semitism is strictly prosecuted as a phenomenon hostile to the Soviet system. According to the laws of the U.S.S.R. active anti-Semites are punished with death."

Stalin turned Anti-Jew in 1928 when he started murdering every Jew in his own party, namely Bukharin, Kamenev and Zinoviev. The Jews in the party actually tried to prevent the holodomor by trying to remove Lysenko, but Stalin killed them

Julius Rosenberg; electrical engineer; transferred U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, sentenced to death and executed in June 1953.
Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg; wife of Julius; transferred U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets, sentenced to death and executed in 1953.
David Greenglass: brother of Ethel Rosenberg; aided the Rosenbergs; was a Los Alamos machinist; passed drawings of atomic implosion lens to Harry Gold.
Ruth Greenglass; wife of David.
Morton Sobell; former employee of the Navy's Bureau of Ordnance; radar engineer and former classmate of Elitcher and Rosenberg.
J. Robert Oppenheimer; top U.S. nuclear scientist; was in charge of the Manhattan Project; gave the Soviets atomic secrets.
Leo Szilard; worked with Oppenheimer on the Manhattan Project.
Bruno Pontecorvo; born in Italy; emigrated to Oklahoma in 1940.
George Silverman; Air Force officer; pal of non-Jewish U.S. spy Elizabeth Bentley.
Morris Cohen (aka Peter Kroger); spy recruiter; assisted the Rosenbergs; entered U.S. Army in 1942.
Robert Soblen; fled to Israel; committed suicide while being extradited back to America in 1962.
Jack Soble; head of a U.S. spy ring which included Boris Morros; members of the ring were indicted/arrested in 1957.
Charles Kramer; staff member of the Kilgore committee headed by U.S. Sen. Harley Kilgore; a speechwriter for Henry Wallace.
Victor Perlo; the CPUSA's [American Communist party] official economist; was on the War Production Board.
Lee Pressman; Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) lawyer; Communist party member.
Jacob Albam; an associate of Jack Soble.
V. J. Jerome (aka Isaac Romaine); the theoretician of the CPUSA.
Alexander Trachtenberg; member, CPUSA.
Jacob Mindel; member, CPUSA.
Israel Amter; a CPUSA leader.
Albert F. Lannon; member, CPUSA.

Fred Rose; Canadian Communist.
Prof. Israel Halperin; Canadian Communist.
Jacob Stachel; top American Communist party official.
"John Gates" (aka Israel Regenstreif); a longtime Communist; fought in the Spanish Civil War; editor-in-chief of the Daily Worker; defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.
"Gus Hall" (real name Arvo K. Halberg); U.S. Communist Party chairman; defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.
Irving Potash; defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.
Philip Bart; general manager of the Daily Worker newspaper.
"Gil Green" (Gilbert Greenberg); defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.
"Carl Winter" (Philip Carl Weissberg); defendant in Foley Square trial of American Communists.
Alexander Feklisov; Julius Rosenberg's Soviet case officer; attached to the Soviet Consulate in New York [presumed to be Jewish].
Joel Barr; pal of Julius Rosenberg; electrical engineer; worked on military radar at the U.S. Army Signal Corps lab at Fort Monmouth; recruited by Rosenberg; fled to Czechoslovakia, he assumed fake identity.
William Perl; worked in Cleveland at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics.
Gaik Ovakimian; head of the KGB's American desk [presumed to be Jewish].
Harry Dexter White [real name Weiss]; Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Henry Morgenthau; architect of Bretton Woods and the World Bank.
Bernard Schuster; good friend of Julius Rosenberg; member of the American Communist party; was Earl Browder's liaison to the KGB.
Alfred Sarant; pal of Barr; electrical engineer; worked on military radar at the U.S. Army Signal Corps lab at Fort Monmouth; recruited by Rosenberg; fled to Czechoslovakia and assumed fake identity.
Harry Gold [real name Goldodnitsky]; chemist; part of 1940s Fuchs-Gold spy ring.
Abraham Brothman; headed an engineering firm in N. Y.; part of Fuchs-Gold spy ring.
Miriam Moskowitz; part of Fuchs-Gold spy ring.

Sidney Weinbaum [real name Israel Weinbaum]; part of Fuchs-Gold spy ring.
Theodore Hall [real name Hallsberg, also claimed Holtzberg]; worked with Enrico Fermi and J. Robert Oppenheimer; "was the first to provide the Soviets with the crucial information that helped them build the bomb."
Judith Coplon; passed classified documents from U.S. Justice Department to a Russian agent in 1949.
Isak Akhmerov; married to the niece of American Communist leader Earl Browder.
Yakov (Jacob) Golos; chief organizer of spying action through the American Communist party.
Gregory Kheifetz; Soviet vice-consul in San Francisco; allegedly recruited J. Robert Oppenheimer to spy for the Soviets.
Sam Semyonov [real name Abe Taubman]; top officer in the spy branch "XY Line," which carried out technical and scientific spying.
Maurice Halperin; U.S. Office of Strategic Services employee.
Armand Hammer; millionaire; Communist; head of Occidental Petroleum; one of the world's only millionaire/Communists.
Gerhart Eisler; 'secret' boss of the Communist Party in the U.S. in the 1930s/1940s.
J. Peters [aka Joszef Peter]; Comintern agent; pal of G. Eisler; author of the "Peters Manual;" real name Goldberger.
Nathan Gregory Silvermaster; leader of a post-World War II espionage ring; on the U.S. Board of Economic Warfare; a high-ranking officer at the U.S. Treasury Department.
Bella Gold; U.S. Commerce Dept. employee; worked for Nathan Silvermaster.
Sonya Gold; U.S. Treasury Dept. employee; worked for Nathan Silvermaster.
Philip Jaffe; editor of Amerasia magazine, a Maoist organ.
Dr. Joseph Weinberg; University of Minnesota official.
Andrew Roth; Brooklyn Jew; a lieutenant in U.S. Naval Intelligence.
Samuel Dickstein; U.S. Congressman from New York.
Alfred Stern; American businessman; husband of non-Jewish spy Martha Dodd.

Boris Morros; American businessman; once worked for Paramount Studios; partner of Alfred Stern.
Mark Julius Gayn [real name Mark Ginsbourg]; a journalist; pal of Phil Jaffe; worked for Amerasia magazine and The New Republic.
Jonathan Pollard; U.S. Navy intelligence analyst; passed classified material to Israel -- where he is a national hero due to his spying actions.


Short Answer is Yes.

Long Answer: soviet/russian agents have been doing this for decades so they're master of obfuscation.

Sup Forums is basically a KGB dreamland. They can spread rumors and anti-american fervor very easily, all of it designed to advance russian interests/weaken the US

>or was it the jews all along?

Communism and Collectivism are core tenants of Jewish Philosophy.

>Victor Sebestyen wrote a new 2017 biography of Lenin released in February.
Haven't heard of it, i'll take a look maybe.
I'm always talking about "85% were jews" and proofs given to support this claim. However it's safe to say that yes, they've played important part.
>but at least 50%
Depends on how you define "major soviets". Easiest way to go here is to look at Party's Politburo – that will give you "good" numbers. Here is what archives say (these are different names and compositions of same organisation):

Close circle of Central Committee of RSDRP(b) (18.8.1917) – 4/11 jewish (Joffe, Sverdlov, Sokolnikov, Ouritskiy)

Politburo of CC RSDRP(b) (23.10.1917) – 4/7 jewish (Zinoviev, Kamenev, Sokolnokov, Trotsky)

Buro of CC RSDRP(b) (12.12.1917) – 2/4 jewish (Trotsky, Sverdlov)

Politburo of CC RKP(b) (25.3.1919) – 3/9 jewish (Kamenev, Trotsky, Zinoviev)

It was growing since then and these last three remained its members until 1926.

But if you instead go for RSFSR Council of People's Commissars (1917 - 1922), it will be only 5% jewish. So this is a tricky situation.

Stalin was a 33rd degree freemason, so was Churchill and Truman, All Jew puppets. We cannot begin to understand humanities slavery until are educated how the jews rule. Christopher Columbus was a jew freemason (1492) real name was Christabel colon. the control goes back to Babylon mystery school. the jew started all religions, jews are the Jesuits, the Catholics, Islam, the cia. they are the priesthood behind it all

Dont forget about the Jewish wives of Lenin and other party elites.

Fuck off David Ickes shil

now we have someone that knows what theya re talking about

Well he was a Rosicrucian not a Mason, but these are kinda interchangeable as are many other groups

>the jew started all religions, jews are the Jesuits, the Catholics, Islam, the cia. they are the priesthood behind it all
meh close, someone also started Judaism desu and (((they))) weren't no Jew

theocratic supremacist dictatorship in the religion of truth.

it can't. they control it. you need to push to have an impartial person take over the central banks (me)


>come onto Sup Forums to see if there are any happenings
>get redpilled about the Jews
Holy fuck

An important thing to recall is that it's not just who was in his administration, nor did they keep perfect records (many things were concealed because they weren't "official"), but what I mean by the "major" soviets is those that Lenin was more or less certain were dedicated to the cause even after the revolution, for things were so much more tumultuous in his first two years of reign. But even pre-revolution, the socialists who protected or smuggled or corresponded with him in Europe when he was more-or-less in exile. I can't pull any names right now since I'm at work and can't refer to the book, but even the European socialists were also very Jewish.

Now the point of contention I believe is "is socialism Jewish" or "did socialists just happen to be Jews". That part is up for debate. I make no sweeping judgment one way or another. It's just that when you read history and it goes, This actor was a Jew, That actor was a Jew, This actor was born unto Jewish parents, and etc., it leaves a distinct impression on the people. Correlation is not causation, but damn do we have some sort of relation going on here. You feel me?

The Talmud plays a significant role in the evilness.

>I believe is "is socialism Jewish" or "did socialists just happen to be Jews"

nah not up for debate






>Are the soviets actually behind all of this? or was it the jews all along?
The soviets were ruled by jews, so take a guess.

Genetic predisposition to duping delight addiction.

>Are the soviets actually behind all of this?

Recommend any books?
How about fiction?

Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald

>t. brock fluffer

t. Boomer cuckservative who wants his neighbour's grandkids to die for Israel

alboroach in full swing

Makes me so fucking mad, this quote. I'm especially furious given the fact that when I went to America and saw the government housing which Mexicans/Blacks live in, it became painfully obvious that even that was way fucking better than the council houses/flats that the working classes (including myself) have to live in.

Fucking elitist cunt.

wtf kind of gun is she holding, the world's smallest ar15?

Nope, Georgian women are this big.

This is a blatant lie, because Israel only exists because Stalin faked the holocaust behind the iron curtain for Rothschild money. Rothschild owns Israel, as you can read in the Balfour Declaration.

Stalin was a Jew. The top of the Soviets were Jews.

Ironically they created the SJW which will elect
a future US President that may destroy

>Everyone who has done bad things is a Jew

>Dont forget about the Jewish wives of Lenin and other party elites
Such as? I've seen some claims
1. No proof exist for Krupskaya (wife of Lenin) being jew
2. No proof exist for Allilueva (second wife of Stalin) being jew
3. No proof exist for Svanidze (first wife of Stalin) being jew
4. Larina (wife of Bukharin) likely wasn't + she was living with russian adoptive parents since 4 years old
5. Sophia Muskat (wife of Dzerjinsky) WAS a jew
6. Konstantin Krestnikov (husband of Elena Stasova) definitely wasn't a jew by faith, since he was officer in Russian Army. However his ancestry is unclear to me.
7. Wife of Shaumyan was a relative of Ordjenikidze IIRC, so, not a jew
8. Polina Jemchuzhina (wife of Molotov) WAS a jew
9. Both of Bubnov's wives were russian
10. Wife of Rykov WAS a jew

So what? If i didn't forget anyone, than it gives us 3 wives for married non-jewish members of early Politburos.

>but what I mean by the "major" soviets is those that Lenin was more or less certain were dedicated to the cause even after the revolution
Then Politburo is for you. They were his close allies, although not everyone was with him since day 1. Trotsky, for instance, joined Party only in 1917.

>Now the point of contention I believe is "is socialism Jewish" or "did socialists just happen to be Jews". That part is up for debate.
>You feel me?
That's a good question. You have to consider that during early 20th century politically motivated jews of Russian Empire were supportive of any "left" (that is anti-monarchist and egalitarian, not strictly "bolshevik") political movement, since they officially were second-class citizens. And Politburo higher-ups were not only jews, but also personal friends of Lenin during his exile times, they were expelled from Russian Empire for various reasons.

Prove it.
>Inb4 stats from the 1920s

>Are the soviets actually behind all of this? or was it the jews all along?

whats the difference?

>"Putin and his colleagues were reduced mainly to collecting press clippings, thus contributing to the mountains of useless information produced by the KGB."[37] According to Putin's official biography

Gentle reminder that the KGB was completely defunct by the time this guy was in it. They weren't privy to any secret knowledge, and even then Yuri Bezmenov wasn't even actually in the KGB. P R O P A G A N D A

The USSR was the first country to recognize that state as well.

Who do you think was behind the soviets

>I have nazi flag, that means I'm not a filthy kike goyim, I'm one of you

6 - 3 is not 6, people who believe in the holocaust conspiracy are really gullible or bad at arithmetic calculations.