What would you pick, Sup Forums?
What would you pick, Sup Forums?
Top row, 4th
The smug looking one.
only one choice
Second row 4th for me
Bottom left
Sup Forums is being slid like absolute mad right now. Wikileaks mysteriously went down and pizzagate arrests close to the Clintons are happening! A retired US army colonel who was on the advisory board of a Haitian mining company along with Hillary Clintons brother Anthony Rodham was arrested for "Bribing Haitian Officials" yesterday:
Anybody who picks anything but the bottom left corner needs to go back
The bottom left
the very angry one
write in because: he didn't kill all of them
Scream because, not enough.
>Sup Forums is being slid like absolute mad right now.
Fuck off retard, no one cares about Wikileaks.
Can't go wrong with that.
for anne frank my holocaust waifu
1st one on 2nd row
would I get detention for this?
Bet they put every kid who picks bottom left on a list.
Meme potential here
just nuke the west already
A bit offtopic
Is this actually a thing now? Are children already so degenerate that you have to use emojis to answer questions critically?
No fucking wonder humanity is in a nose-dive currently
Anne Frank wasn't a real person. She's Bana alabed before Bana Alabed.
she's real for meeeeeeeee
Sauce me OP
every other emoji is practically nigger-tier
This isn't real right
Huh, looks like they have both "angry" and "angry as a nigger" as a choice.
What are you doing in France Jeff? Get back to that new album!
>special ed classed
Why? Shouldn't they use limited mental capacity of retard to more practical things, like wiping their asses and cooking microwave junk?
>Sup Forums is being slid like absolute mad right now. Wikileaks mysteriously went down and pizzagate arrests close to the Clintons are happening! A retired US army colonel who was on the advisory board of a Haitian mining company along with Hillary Clintons brother Anthony Rodham was arrested for "Bribing Haitian Officials" yesterday:
your thready was mysteriously 404'ed
This isn't teaching, it's just gauging. ((They)) want to identify nazi kids early and send the results to FEMA.
Say about germany but you want but even we dont have this sort of shit in school all we get is one mandatory visit to the concentration camp which was a fucking blast because everyone was screwing around and thats it
I like it BIG TIME
>This is American education.
Welp, we may have lost.