I have part jewish ancestry but I consider myself to be German

I have part jewish ancestry but I consider myself to be German.
I fucking hate kikes, mudslimes and lefties.
How can I use my inherited jew power to save Germany?

Other urls found in this thread:


You can try shilling the Goyim into NOT KILLING THEMSELVES.
You'll be fighting an uphill battle though.

You can denounce what they advocate, or brag you'll have advantages due to your ancestry. Anything that slowly wakes them up.
this is an advantage redpilling the masses, use it

>Move to Muslim area.
>Declare your being prosecuted for your religious beliefs
>Sue Government.
>Get Shekels.
>Use money to move to another Muslim area.

Come on kike, you honestly need a goy to tell you how to Jew ?

I think you guys want Germany to stay alive more than the actual Germans. Just use their guilt against them and tell them they are not protecting you from Jihadis.

They WANT the Jihadist to kill us
It's their final fuck-you to the Jewish people

Much like Muslims they'll drag themselves to hell just for the Jew to be there with them

Which part and how much

>How can I use my inherited jew power to save Germany?

kys. and everyone like you,

It is true that German autism is a threat for themselves and anyone near them

>Being this much of a filthy lying kike

you need to remove that jewish blood, kys.

No one asked for your titles

My maternal grandmother is jewish.

>I have part jewish ancestry but I consider myself to be German.
>I fucking hate kikes, mudslimes and lefties.
>How can I use my inherited jew power to save Germany?
Shareblue slider, you have made this exact same fucking thread several days in a row now. FUCK OFF

This, Germans are the worst possible neighbor

Their autism is a threat to the entire world, though it could have led to great things

I just hope they'll disappear without another White Armaggeddon

Don't reproduce.

Why so mean?

You made germany this way. It's almost a shame that death camps didn't exist.


It's ok I'm park kike as well and I hate kikes too. I can blend in with whites and I intend to fight with them all the way through.


I try to redpill people. Not just on Sup Forums, /po/ is kind of an echo chamber. I usually go on youtube and post links to red-pill videos and I post red-pill statistics (like black males being 6% of the US population and committing 50% of the murders). I'll make sure to post these on typical leftist trash youtube videos too, to make sure it's leftists seeing them (like TYT).

I'm half kike, half slav, and I do not want the world to turn black/brown.

Meant to be a reply for:
>How can I use my inherited jew power to save Germany?

Soon they will be entirely replaced by sandniggers, which is probably not a better neighbour.