Right wing conservatives keep telling me to "learn some economics". How does one without any formal education on the subject (software engineer) actually accomplishes that? Any recommended books?
Learning economics
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If you really want to start learning economics, this one is for you:
>Any recommended books?
Das Kapital
He was asking about economics books not dungeons and dragons rule books.
milton friedman videos are alright.
mises.org is good.
basically economics boils down to the idea of productivity: The more people produce, efficiently, the better, generally speaking.
socialists and left wingers base all their 'solutions' on the looting and redistributing of wealth from the producers. This obviously cannot work.
Appreciate your input friends. I just want to not be a complete ignorant.
The thing is that economics is a social science and there are many different schools of thought. The two most prevalent these days are Keynesian and Austrian (or one of its derivatives).
Read up on those two and the roles of central banks and currencies in todays society.
Right wingers are generally the least informed when it comes to economics beyond a 101 level. Libertarians especially. They think that they understand everything once they've learned a simple supply and demand chart without actually understanding any of the underlying effects or derivations. They're quick to say things like "free market rule" etc but have little understanding of what that means. If anything when someone says that to you you should respond with, how much economics have you studied? Odds are the answer is that they have no formal education in it and they're going by hearsay from some conservative mouthpiece. At best they've read something like Sowell's Basic Economics and take it 100% to heart, ignoring the large parts of ideology held therein. Predictive economics is a lie. Regulation is important and necessary.
t. Free-market Fascist
I approve and second what this Boliviafag is telling you.
>mises.org is good.
I have a very shallow idea on what those two schools consist in. Maybe I should look into it.
>t. Free-market Fascist
Lets say u become fuhrer ,how would free market fascism work ?in detail ?
How'd you get to be this smug?
You sound like some fag that dropped out of community college and thinks hes an econ wiz.
Uh, no, socialists base their solutions on improved productivity incentives under worker ownership.
>And Women!
They say this book is very good for beginners, but I have never read it. You can find in Portuguese en.wikipedia.org
start with the world history
>(software engineer)
well, you might have a powerful set of tools already, so read read read
goldman sachs seem to be high level agents, so study how they operate maybe?
Debt is not Capital.
Our nations and "the international community" run on debt that they can just print as much of as they want.
This devalues the currency.
Thats why you can't afford a house or start a family.
The Wealth of Nations is generally considered to be the springboard for modern economic thinking.
Usury is a sin and its normalisation is the root of all evil in this world
Social structures should be controlled by one single entity, much in the way Plato describes in the republic. The general economics should allow for free-trade and commerce both internationally and nationally. This is not to say there isn't oversight by the overall fascist leader to ensure that projects for the public good are carried out and that there is overall a regulatory body for all reasons needed.
In this way the people are strong as is the economy.
this is a good video, but you have to read the book itself.
ignore all the keynesian subhumans and stick to austrian studies like mises institute.
Not sure why you'd think that. Merely pointing out that the type of person who identifies as "right-wing" and tells others to learn economics rarely understands it themselves beyond a shallow level. Also, I have a post-graduate degree in finance and economics.
Split between social aspects of society and the general market.
>Investment Bank
Wew lad
This person is an actual retard OP. Do not listen to gold posters, do not respond to gold posters.
You have to realize that much of economics is just unspectacular old men with mathematics envy peddling self-serving liberal orthodoxies without any real models to back it up. It's definitely not a science.
You'd be better served by studying mathematics, history, and politics rather than trying to impress a bunch of cargo-culters.
And definitely don't read this Mankiw faggot. It's literally pure ideology.
Gold has been money for 1000s of years. Its going off the gold standard that created the problems we have today.
Or explain why I'm wrong.
if you're talking about keynesian economists (most of the economists in japan and usa) you're right. they're all central bank cock sucking subhumans who worship gay freemason cock.
Das Kapital is actually pretty important, at least for the fact it put the words "capital" and "commodities" into the vocabulary of economists, and it developed the capital/worker/productivity dynamic
>One of the most highly respected pieces of economic literature is pure ideology
Wew lad
You're simply a retard that doesn't understand what money actually is. But keep parroting Ayn Rand, really makes you sound totally smart and not like a retard.
>I don't understand it so it's bad
Fly-over states everyone.
Don't waste your time reading ancap bullshit. You're better off reading Marx than the ZioCoin pushers. I guarantee that none of these people understand economics themselves, they're just using a fallacy to defend their ideology.
Economics is not complicated in reality, and anyone with basic common sense could run an economy. Where it gets difficult is in the trade wars, which is basically all that modern economics is: a stand-in for war.
I'm a communist so I think they're retarded and you're retarded.
how would u force big business/corporations to share Growing profits by increasing wages without them leaving country?
It did none of these things. Those concepts existed literally one-hundred years before Marx. Das Kapital is not an economic work, it's a sociological one.
Why would Jews not want government interference in the markets?
Wew, real complicated stuff...
>You're simply a retard that doesn't understand what money actually is. But keep parroting Ayn Rand, really makes you sound totally smart and not like a retard.
lol! You avoided the question because there is simply no argument against it.
Gold has always been a hedge against economic collapse and it is now in the face of this inevitable economic collapse.
You have to actually make points to get your argument across. So far you are just saying "wrong" with nothing to offer as correct.
economics isn't a science.
It's sociological primarily, but it was the main work which developed our thinking of those concepts.
That being said, it's important, but you're better off reading something else (not commie) to learn the material.
That isn't something that happens in the real world. Companies stop operating in a country when they feel threatened that their assets would be seized or that the company overall is in danger due to political nature (GM Venezuela, T Rowe Price Brazil) or when it is no longer profitable for them to operate there (Several). So long as wages do not rise to unsustainable levels there is no reason for a company to leave.
If you are referring to the case of corporate inversions to relocate tax domiciles to various countries, this is done purely for tax purposes and nothing changes in reality for 99.9% of the company. In fact, even the head offices do not have to be located in the tax domicile that they claim so long as the official "headquarters" is located there. This is one reason why South Dakota (I could be wrong, it could be North) has a booming estate trust business. Often times a single room office is rented as the "headquarters" of these trusts simply for tax purposes. In reality they sit vacant year round because their only purpose is to serve as a mailing address.
I avoided it because it's a loaded question. Your entire premise started off with a fallacy.
Not really better off at all since they are just reductionist versions of Marxism and fail to truly explain the economy or the problems.
Basically it is just, 'Yes, good goy. Banks are not a state!'
So explain whats correct.
I'm waiting
this. also you can just go on like investopedia for easy to digest information
you need to learn it only if your work in this field like cfo etc or have own business (you will learn it by experience). Otherwise it is pointless to learn, because you need to work in this field to understand it.
All books are faked with purpose (by jews), unless they teach some special methods or skills
Don't read Marx with reading pic related after.
I also recommend Mankiw for the fundamental of micro and macro economics, George Selgin for banking, and Mises and Hayek (especially Bohm Bawerk) for a more conceptual understanding of economics that takes into account time and capital as complex factors affecting production.
Jean-Baptiste Say is underappreciated. Give him a read later.
This guy is a shill on damage control.
Austrian economics is the most responsible, since its actually backed by actual assets, but (((someone))) doesn't want you to be aware of that so (((someone))) sends in the damage control shills. Thats why Sup Forums was invaded with the storm fags a few years ago, and now they've convinced you all that fascism is so great, they are going for the anti-libertarian meme.
This guy has no argument to make against "actual value being money for millenia" so he just denies, as you can see in all his posts.
Hes probably (((educated))) in economics, which is Keynesian Brainwashing and desperately trying to make his degree retain value when the planet is seeing the effects of Keynesianism and how its failing miserably.
How sad!
Aside from a few exceptions on the old Mises forums, every criticism of Austrian economic I have seen was a weak strawman by people who have never read one single treatise or even pamphlet sized book summarizing the school of thought. They watched a random Ron Paul or Peter Schiff video (not economists) and think they've got it all figured out.
Money is any proxy used to exchange goods. Hell, in some video games there are currencies used as proxies because they don't allow the use of real money for things. Stone of Jordan in Diablo 2 showed this. Your entire premise that gold is the only currency that has value and only because it was used for 1000s of years is simply silly. It's a commodity that gold bugs put a higher value on simply because other people also value it, even though no one would use straight up gold for money in this day and age. That makes it nothing more than a speculative investment. not money.
>actual assets
There's a reason that literally no serious economist today is from the Austrian School and why no nation uses it's principals when crafting monetary policy. Asset backing is weak and doesn't create any growth. Not to mention that your concept of economics needing to be "responsible" doesn't make any sense. It's not about responsibility it's about equilibrium. You're conflating monetary policy with actual economics. Libertarianism is actually the most retarded ideology, btw.
>no argument to make against "actual value being money for millenia"
That's because using the amount of time something was done in the past as reason why it should be now is fallacious and intellectually dishonest.