What did he mean by this Sup Forums?

>President Trump’s second oldest son Eric has claimed that negative media coverage of his father is so ferocious that it would lead another person to depression and then suicide.

>see enn enn is mean to daddy >:(

I hope he does. But only after completing his term.

President Snowflake is melting.

They're priming us so we don't ask questions.

>all posts thus far are retarded and actually cant see what Eric is plainly saying

Trump = bitch nigger

That the smear campaign is going 100% since Trump announced to run the primaries, no, since he badmouthed Obama as having a fake birth-certificate.
They only stop it when he decided to bomb SYRIA with MOAB for his daughter.
I guess they did the same with Hitler, but Hitler is dead, and so is his regime. Ruthless propaganda, non-stop.

I hope he kills himself soon

Good thing he's not an ordinary person.


I mean the incessant coverage makes me ill I had to take a break from news the past 9 days cause its so mentally draining trying to figure out what's real and what's sensationalized

You're a piece of dogshit

It means a few dozen journalists are going to suddenly shoot themselves twice in the back of the head. Tragic deaths, very sad, many such cases.



Are (((they))) preparing the road to suicide him?

you're a sad faggot who hates fun

He's right. Any weaker man would cave under the amount of petty scrutiny the corporate international media is giving trump for even the smallest of slights, such as the time when he supposedly made fun of that handicapped journalist (he didn't, he did the same hand gesture talking about Ted Cruz before). Trump is either oblivious to the chagrin or is iron-willed.

The only lesson that I can learn from this is that the corporate media, which in the US has been narrowed down to 6 companies since 1985, is used as a political bludgeon to imitate any candidate that does not follow the script given to them by the globalist banking elite. It happened to Ron Paul when he ran in 2008 and 2012. The counter to this is a public distrustful of the media establishment.

Though given his cucked stances on Afghanistan, the police, Israel-Saudi Arabia, and the economy, DT is likely conceding to salvage what is left of his reputation.

The God Emperor is not pierced by the words and spears of us mere mortals. He absorbs the hate and processes it into energy to MAGA.

A friggin leaf eh bud

hint: none of it is real. it's all sensationalized.

by every metric that they used to judge past presidents, we are in the golden age of american history and president trump is presiding over our most utopian hour. the only reason we're seeing constant coverage of trannybabies and xenderxeers is because there are NO REAL PROBLEMS to report on. his handling of harvey for example has been a dream compared to past responses.

Exactly. I checked his wikipedia page, over the years, through archive.org. I saw how it turned negative in 2011. After he went after Obongo.

Sad... they should be ashamed of themselves. But it's what they want - so they won't!

Maybe we should write him love letters to bring up his mood?

A truck load of love mail a week would help.