Why did Trump lift a military ban on local police? Isnt it anti-american.
Why did Trump lift a military ban on local police? Isnt it anti-american
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Organized Gangs of paid communist larpers are attacking police with weapons
I want to donate money to the local cops... so they can buy a tank
Just preparation for the civil war. We all know whose side the cops are on.
The Civil War won't be fought be state actors. There might be one initial gun battle, but the rest of it will be setting off IEDs in places like college campuses or NASCAR race.
well the argument that Trump probably heard is somewhat convincing. the Federal government through congress has shelf life on alot of their munitions and vehicles, so we have storehouses packed full of gear just collecting dust that we can't sell to anyone.
local and state police can accept this gear, which saves them money from buying their own. Also it should be noted one of the most troubling aspects of Trump that i have been most concerned with is his pro police state stances that he's had for a long time.
He was a big proponent of stop and frisk. it's one thing when it's used primarily against niggers and spics, but given the political climate, degenerates in libtard land are wont to use them in another Waco at some point. (granted that was the feds mainly, point still stands).
>american right wingers are for "small government"
>want the police to have tanks and machine guns
you play too many video games dude
Sup Forums is now filled with right wing redditors that think they're redpilled, but think that just entails pissing off liberals.
lemme explain this simply bong: small government = local and state control. police = local and state control. thats the bedrock of our system which is not a democracy and never will be, sparkles.
The ban on military equipment for police goes way back. Unfortunately, for this day in time, the equipment is necessary. It will be most likely used as a deterrent to criminals, and especially gangs which is what trump is primarily after.
That is not what the police will recieve. They will get top of the line military grade equipment. Weapons and armor. And MAYBE an APC or two in major cities for riot control
the more diverse a society becomes,the more the local beat bobby starts to resemble a soldier
Well whatever, just don't start complaining to Sup Forums when the state's boot gets planted firmly up your arsehole.
Stop and frisk is fine imo, as long as they're confined to cities and larger population areas. There's no reason a police officer in the middle of Wyoming should have that authority
>The ban on military equipment for police goes way back.
Way back to 2015. From a program that has been running since 1997. It was running for most of Obama's term.
Why do you jews have to lie so often when the truth is so easy to find?
your laws and rights aint even uniform across the country
you could do one thing in x place in the usa and no one cares,do it one step across a state line and you are in jail for a decade
sort it out burgers
>They will get top of the line military grade equipment.
>surplus grenade launchers for tear gas canisters, a few APCs with all the guns removed, and some M-16s with the receivers modified back to single-round fire
I Have a feeling we're getting duped. MORE soldiers to Afghanistan than expected, NK war is going to happen any day. Trump lying about the economy once he became Pres.. Sean Spicer literally trolling us in this video at the end 7:20. Ron Paulers know who this guy is on Joe Rogan show.
heard it my whole life from tinfoil niggers and its never happened once. the only thing limiting my freedom and has ever limited my freedom and threatened my safety are liberal thugs.
Eh, no.
Obviously you don't understand the term military grade
We are going to erase leftists from history soon
REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey
The side of bootlickers.
Local government is already small... federal government is a huge 600lb black woman
It's not anti-American, and it IS necessary.
Police departments started to ramp up their equipment after the "North Hollywood Shootout" , where two bad guys had dozens of cops pinned down for nearly an hour, outgunned, unable to do anything.
There's a very good documentary about that event here:
We want them too
Here are the cliff notes on the North Hollywood Shootout.
Right wing calls for small FEDERAL government
multicultural societies must be suppress through excessive violence.
Fire and Fury
Military grade is a buzzword. The only morons who use the word are Democrats calling for gun control and ford truck commercials
After that shootout they got ARs. Why do I need to see an armored vehicle driving around my city with a bunch of armored cops inside? I live in a nice town. Unless they are literal rwds disposing of mud people, they have no business with this gear.
Here's the cold hard truth...
1. The only thing that stands between society and total chaos is the cop on the beat.
2. Society remains stable only as long as a cop wins every fight he gets into.
. . .
Consider a normal unarmed situation... a drunk bad guy is harassing the public on the street, the cop comes to stop him, and a fight breaks out.
What happens if the cop loses the fight and nothing is done afterwards? Simple, the public knows that the police can't protect them, and they are now at the mercy of violent thugs. From that moment on, the police have no authority, the bad guys rule the streets, and we turn into a mad max world.
In this world there are violent animals that people like you and me don't want to have to deal with. So we hire people called policemen to deal with them for us.
Now... take the above situation and add a few heavy arms. What now? We either wind up with another north hollywood shootout or the police have to up their game.
You talk about armored vehicles. Well, in the shootout, there was an injured cop who couldn't be evacuated because every time a car tried to get near to him, the bad guys were shooting through the doors of the police cars.
The only reason they were able to get that cop out and to the hospital is because they borrowed an armored car from a bank courier company.
So as long as the bat guys have weapons, the cops need to have weapons that are just as good.
And as far as "why do they need them in my nice area"....
... until the bad guys let the cops know in advance where they are going to be attacking, the cops need to plan just in case.
The only reason your town is a "good place' is because an event hasn't happened there.
I'm sure Littletown and Newtown were good places, right up until they weren't.
Cops overwhelmingly voted for Trump, support the NRA, and they only shoot black people. There is no group more redpilled than the Fraternal Order of Police. They, along with the Oath Keepers and Threepers and other militias, are all going to support the true president once the neoliberal coup removes him from power.
You spend 8 hours per day 5 days a week for 10 years dealing with the worst elements of society, and you see the world as it is, not as people wish it were.
So, while your average lefty will talk about peace and understanding, about how great things would be if we just started being nice to each other, if we broke down borders, if we just let people "be", the cops see the result of that wrong thinking every day.
Of course they're red pilled. They can't afford to see the world for anything other than what it exactly is. A cop living in a dream world is a dead cop.
Ironic, then, that leftists want all cops dead.
Of course, because in their minds cops cause crime. If there weren't "the man" hanging around, no one would have reason to commit crime.
Of course the real reason is that the paymasters behind these dumb-ass protesters are organizations whose stated goal is the overthrow of the United States. And it's hard to have a revolution if you have a cop standing in your way.