Was Charlottesville a hoax Sup Forums?

Was Charlottesville a hoax Sup Forums?

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Everything is a hoax, life is a dream and eternity an illusion. Stop reading the news and start taking long breaks from the internet information overdose. It fucks with your mind and results in depression and death.

>two fat old women
>must be the same
seek help

it's actually sad that false flags are becoming normalized. they are losing shock effect, we just accept that the govt. and news lies to us


Lots of questionable shit around the car and it was used as a talking point....something's up, I'll say that much.

t.fredneck who knows people in Charlottesville

(Also stay the fuck out of the south, we're sick of yanks who disrespect the dead)

Read about the boy who cried wolf.
Not everything is a hoax, you alex jones sucking cretins.
My advise: as soon as you start seeing too many hoaxes, stop with the internets for a week.

>Not everything is a hoax

All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts

No but there was definitely CIA and Soros fuckery going on

It was definitely not a hoax

However there is strong evidence that suggests it was a setup, i.e. the pieces were put in place to make sure an event like that would happen to discredit the right-wing


You retarded fucks

It was such a fucking hoax it ordered hoaxies to eat and not hoagies.

Retard wake up, try to be realistic for once

What happened, happened. If the question is whether it was a Made it Happen on Purpose or a Let It Happen on Purpose event. I say the latter.

>be american
>get killed by a false flag made by the government

Different ladies you dumb cunt. The lard on the right even looks like Heather.

Good catch, OP.


Nearly everything you experience is a show being put on by demons to distract you from God

You niggers are either face-blind or faggots that are terrible at your jobs.

maybe she just had no mother and they needed someone to cry on camera?

i like the part where you crop off the top of her head that has two marks that would make it easy to see their not the same.
OP is shill trying to make Sup Forums look crazy to new onlookers. Go drown in dog semen.

>yes goyim don't believe the crazy conspiracies!

fuck off shareblue kike

yes it was a hoax ignore disinfo jews

show close up of her head where the two marks are visible on other's, bet you can't do it you retarded dog fucking retard.

sandy hook inc

I love you guys but I'm not about to trust a bunch of autists with facial recognition.

>Sandyhook mom has round-edge teeth
>Charlottesville Mom has straight-edge teeth

Was filling down her teeth part of the plan?

Literally what is even the theory here? That no one was hit by a car and died? So, everyone in the crowd, the police, the medical community, were ALL in on this... They arrested an actor? The photos immediately posted to social media were Photoshop? And then they hire the same "actor" to play the mother of a person who never existed? Or did exist?

This is legitimately one of the most retarded things I have ever read on this board

CIA Bait! Yes it was a hoax but not connected to the other hoax.

Just because you can't understand the why, to the what, yet, doesn't mean there isn't one, newfaggot.


I mean, I'm not saying I believe in this, but 2 brown marks isn't exactly superspy operations here.

Please, by all means, explain it to me

Heather Heyer died of a heart attack. The car didn't even hit her, it smashed into *another* car which hit her. There were people who were hit full force by the first car and managed to survive and this whale of a woman was lightly brushed by a second impact and immediately went into cardiac arrest. They have not released the autopsy report because it will not say death by blunt force trauma it will say death by being a big fat lard swallowing piggy woman.

the red circles and text mean it's true


now find me a single ultra high res photo where susan doesn't have the marks and they aren't covered by hair or where donna has them. i'll sit here, waiting

you shouldn't teach the fish
having fun with those conspiracy tards is so awesome
you'd better feed them with more BS

does it even matter anymore

>has schizophrenia

Yup, checks out

How can ya'll not see the difference in how the chin fat attaches to the chin/mouth area?

First, is there any proof at all of a heart attack, and second, what would a fake mom actor have to do of this

Sorry, but no. Spoonfeeding people is counterproductive to the final result desired. If I, or anyone else, hands you a gorgeous pearl that you have not taken part in the involvement of it's unearthing, then you are more likely to examine it briefly and then set it aside. But if you do most of the unearthing yourself, Oh, how you will prize that pearl! You will hold it before your eyes and examine every detail!

>different eye hair and skin color, different wrinkles
contacts, dye, makeup and lighting, this won't be conclusive so I won't bother
>right has slight hemifacial microsomia of the right side
left's upper teeth are parallel with her eyes, right's upper teeth slant downward to the left because the right side of her face is a little smaller than the left
these could not be the same person

>What are age spots?
Shill harder CIA, you're getting sloppy.

user, he drew a circle over kinda similar tooth traits. Open your eyes.

Like how you bring no evidence to counter mine, you are fucking terrible at this, if i was wrong you could disprove me effortlessly just find me good ultra high res photo without those marks and without hair covering them up, then show source where you got it. should take like a minute or two max. Maybe OP is done with those dog dicks and he'll let you borrow them.

>this is the liberal garbage that destroyed leftism in the West and created the alt-right

>Seriously, WTF are age spots?

No one is this retarded, CIAnigger. You can stop pretending

why doesn't other girl have them then retard. Jesus Christ your argument doesn't even make sense. ask yourself nigger why were they cropped out of original image, OP went out of his way to remove two spots from image by cropping them. Precisely because he didn't want this brought up and it ruined his argument.

this right here is straight bad info. The sandy hook crying girl is carlee soto. Shes a lunatic anyways, but that other girl not her.


find me the age spots on ANY photo of donna, they are both same person so they're both same age so they should both have same age spots. please help me out you retarded fucking nigger

compelling argument with some straightforward evidence there. convinced me bro

what do people even know about these Heyer faggots?

Of course it does, works all over the internet

Different nose
Different eyes
Different eyebrows
Different moles

But they're both fat, so it must be a poorly executed government conspiracy.

You do know that stuff like this is the reason they mock us, don't you?

yea it is amazing what lighting & a big of magic can do

here's the big version. I dunno how the small tiny baby picture got through. I'm investigating greenberg sabotage.

it's one of the left's goals to discredit this place to new onlookers since we're being flooded recently, and they'll almost always dress up in nazi/white supremacist flag. Every time you see these kinds of threads destroy them with counter evidence, first look for what they hide or try to remove from their evidence, then find way to prove they lied or manipulated readers. Watch them become name calling foaming at the mouth morons and any smart onlooker will know they're liars and perhaps want to stick around instead of being driven away by their retardation.

big surprise this fat nigger is launching the Heather Heyer Foundation. Just like the Vicki Soto bullshit.

I have no doubt that she has been hooked in with the DNC since before her daughter's funeral. But the father wanted no part of it when Podesta/Brock/Hillary/Obama called them.

>Sandy Hook was 5 years ago
>Age spots can appear overnight
>Bitch got old

Wow tinfoil hat amirite guise?

just going off these 2 facebook photos. If they were posted on the dates shown. I bet people would say those were two different women

except they ruin your argument even farther because they're old photos and she looks even LESS like the other lady in her old photos so your hur dur 5 years argument got WRECKED but instead you focus on lesser difference of her aging.

>I'm from the south
>I'm not a yank
Trolling southern staters so easy

Even for a crisis actor conspirators, this is a reach.

Lurk fucking more, shill. We have IDs on this board.

i never tried to hide my ID, have you goofs made a single argument that has ANY sense? It's just constant vague discrediting attacks with nothing behind them.

Sup Forums is a hoax, it's not real, you're not posting here, it's all a psyop

Now what are you going to do about it.
Personally I don't give a fuck.
You care.
What are YOU going to do about it other than post on a fillipino digital swapmeet?







Donna why dont you meet Susan Heyer in person. You two can share stories about exploiting people with your faggot foundations for fake dead kids. Im sure youre just so heartbroken

Responses like these are part and parcel why (((they))) don't allow shows on tv anymore that show the special effect makeup art process and just how much it can fool you. That was in the 90's. Think about how far they have come with it now. Everything you mentioned can be changed with what I just mentioned. You know what it can't change except from plastic surgery? The skeletal form. The defining facial bone features.

Since I'm already getting digits and blowing up this thread, I'll add on to this by saying another type of show that (((they))) don't allow on tv anymore that was on in the 90's? Controlled demolition of buildings! Why? Because of all the people who recognized the red flags on the video during 9/11 when the voice could be heard of "Pull it!" and then WTC7 went down in a controlled demolition fashion.
The oldfags know. But you kids? Oh, you kids just don't know, man. You have no idea. And when you put it together? Lawdy, you are gonna be pissed something fierce!

Not yours shareblue. Whatever, enjoy your $75/week.

what the fuck even is your argument, spell it out. if you make same argument as OP or other in thread and i counter your argument with same counter-argument i make to OP/others that doesn't mean I am mixing you two up it means I'm arguing against a group. I was never confused, i was never replying to wrong person and i always made my point clear. stop trying to confuse onlookers or discredit me with vague horseshit.

yes it was, crafted by CNN, but the victim was real this time

The fat black bitch in the van that was hit was parked in the middle of the road for over 5 minutes for what police claimed was "slowing for pedestrians"(probably the response they got from her) yet on video clearly she was parked there and had multiple opportunities to drive off as there was no pedestrians for a several minutes.

Her job was to intentionally clog up the road, and she do so.

Also CNN goons where already prepped around the corner to take the shots and needed camera footage.

Expect CNN to spontaneously be able to produce more footage and photos if the narrative doesn't quite fit the bill or there is push-back.





anyways here something everyone missed

No moles in the LinkedIn photo. Also, round teeth.

If they weren't so fucking fat, even morons wouldn't be entertaining this retarded theory.
Their facial features are so mired in blubber that it actually begins to look sort of plausible.

Great eyes, friend! Now the inconsistency in black man looking like he was caused to do back flips from a car impact in a deliberately mass media made viral photo and why same black man that supposedly did back flips from a car impact was seen in this video just sitting on top of the same truck with the spooks in it, with a very non dirty looking shirt and pants after "being hit" by the car.

Shit, I got so worried about upping the video and posting before thread get's archived that I didn't finish my sentence. *-after being hit by the car makes more sense.

and if you pay extra close attention to that video scene you can spot the fat blob that gets cpr

and then someone spotted this

Different eye color but holy fuck they look like clones.

>you can't create an age spot / mole / etc out of makeup

I love our vernacular! Our vernacular is just the best! We have the best vernacular I tell you! Tremendous!

CNN is here, insuring people get diverted with the whole "omg dis da same person" conspiracy when in fact you can easily look at videos showing the shit was staged and setup with CNN cameramen ready to go at the drop of a dime with their plant blocking traffic in her Van

This is shit. They obviously have different teeth. It' s to discredit real hoaxes and spread that every conspiracy is false but the common narrative is always true.
Nice try, Chaim

what am i looking at?

Jesus christ that's not the same woman. You conspiritards are fucking insane.

possibly the face of blobbo the mystery women who was getting cpr

Eye colour and nostrils are the same too.........

thats a woman? kek

Lauren Southern??