L.A. replaces Columbus Day with indigenous people's day

Love wins. Racists BTFO


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Let's celebrate the glorious accomplishments of Indigenous People. I'll start
>build a teepee
>burn buffalo shit in it for 3 hours
>scalp some white bois
>war against other tribes

So tolerant!

Wait I thought we didn't want to celebrate losers, that's why we're getting rid of all the confederate monuments.....

Makes sense given the demographics of LA.

That's what happens when you allow Mestizos to completely overrun your territory... their worldview and way of doing things becomes the norm.

How could anyone expect anything different. All white people are looking at some form of displacement like this in the not too distant future.

are these the same indigenous peoples that migrated from Siberia and then sat here fingering their asses while scalping each other on sacrificial altars?

White men are waking up.
It's only a matter of time until we start cleaning house.

mestizos like columbus. this is jews


if it wasn't for him, these people wouldn't exists today.

What's funny is that just when Columbus arrived and discovered the New World, the Aztecs were gearing up to invade North America. They only didn't because the Spanish arrived. Looks they finally did it, only took them 500 years.

this, also it's villar wanting to please faggots up north because he'll be running against newsom in a year

lso important: when villar is elected he won't be california's hispanic governor. That titles goes to Republican Romualdo Pacheco who served for half a year in 1875 after Stanford ascended to the Senate.

Columbus day is literally the celebration of the birth of the mestizo race, and celebrating indigenous people on columbus day is like declaring that MLKJ day is about black supremacy

I'm into scalping white men.

Who cares it was a shit holiday and now it's just another shit holiday replacing it


God damn I cannot wait for this country to start to collapse under so many shitskins. It will be so great when they cannot blame whites anymore.

>btw let's celebrate the people who were genocided by the original mass migration in America

>640,000 students
>470,000 spics or 73% of school population
>165,000 are english learners
>500,000 get free or reduced price meals
>50% of english learners are proficient in 5 years
>72% graduation rate
>$7.59 Billion a year budget



But indigenous north americans had slaves and performed genocides and wars... sad!!

modern day south africa looms ahead...

Liberals can't into critical thinking

yay for :
Tribal warfare, Cannibalism, Torture, human sacrifice, rape, genocide
Such is the life of a stone age savage in the new world before Europeans came along.

Sadly Dr. King was a homophobe who told vulnerable teens that their sexuality was a bad habit that could be changed with conversion therapy


We still admire him though he has flaws, however homosexual kids have to walk by the many monuments and attend the many schools in his name. They shouldn't have to feel like abominations

Don't you know native americans were just smoking peace pipes and sitting in prayer circles 24/7 until the white man came and introduced them to rape and war

"History is written by the victors"

Any native american studies experts here? Maybe we can fracture them by tribes and create in-fighting. Tribes that had slavery. Sexual slavery. Richer tribes. Conquering tribes. Etc.

I guess monthly paychecks, free healthcare, and free education isnt enough.

Edgelord 5000


>caring about anything California does

wake me up when they fall into the ocean so that I can celebrate.

No they are all equal until the collapse of babylon. The natives have more in common with each other than this corporate machine men culture. As soon as that gambling welfare safety net collapses we return to local wars just like high school rivalry games over who has the better animal mascot.

Would this not be an insult to Hispanics, a huge "minority" in LA, considering Columbus was Spanish?

Columbus was Italian

My roommate has to teach this to Jewish preschoolers in LA and yesterday all he said was "I swear to God I thought they did that already"

The only Nay vote was a Guido-American defending his Vesboipucci

I thought that was unproven? But regardless, he found the new world in the name of Spain, did he not? I would have thought Latin America liked him more than North America.

>One city in the united states
>speaking for the entire country

LA = unAmerican

Im a spic and I hate that they are doing this.

If Columbus was Jewish, we'd never hear about the Natives coming over the landbridge.

Left-leaning spics hate Columbus because he represents colonization and imperialism. Most normal people don't care, though.