BREAKING: Comey was never going to prosecute Clinton
Well fuck
Yet Sup Forums will still defend the fbi like fucking retards
>Yet Sup Forums will still defend the fbi like fucking retards
kys faggot
He had the emails and knew there was nothing
FBI not deepstate Comey. We already exposed deep state here for years. They are shitting themselves right now.
Let's archive this
I knew this.
He has always been and will always be Hillary's protector.
It begs the question: > why?
Good thing AG Sessions just recently inspected Gitmo and deemed it fit for continued and expanded use
We always knew this. Nice that it is confirmed, though.
Tick, tock, swamp.
>According to the unredacted portions of the transcripts, it appears that in April or early May of 2016, Mr. Comey
Hate to rain on your parade, but the press conf was in June, May or April isn't that much earlier.
I assume this was before they interviewed Hillary Clinton herself, but who cares if they didn't find any evidence so far, it's not like that interview is going to change anything?
The press conference was in July, dumb dumb.
No shit. He has been in cahoots with Clinton and Obama and Lynch the entire time, covering for them.
And you know, Dems blame Comey for the 'reopening the case' letter that supposedly cost Hillary the election, but the only reason he did it was so he could size Weiners laptop-- to protect Clinton and the Dems.
Clinton probably fucking told him to do it, thinking she had the election locked up-- or even rigged so that her election was inevitable.
Republicans are corrupt but Dems are reprobate criminals.
Yep, it's only a matter of time. Getcha popcorn ready.
He's a liberal Catholic crusader.
this fuck needs to hang for TREASON
it was 5th of July, but still it's not that far apart.
you just don't know anyone who works for the federal government - these people are 95 IQ (at best) retards, who move slow as snail.
the case was probably concluded by May.
And Clinton wasn't even interviewed until the 4th of July weekend.
I bet she went with Comey to the show
Read the fucking article shithead. It was being drafted before they even interviewed Cheryl Mills, Hillary or Pagliano.
OK, so why hasn't his replacement done it? Is there a statute of limitations on this? You fags are desperate.
Again if there's no evidence (and there isn't), it's perfectly fine to conclude a case this early. Would you be as mad if Mueller concluded his case, 2 months before interviewing Trump?
This. Is everyone part of the Clinton swamp now? Chris Wray was hand picked by a Trump.
A letter from two GOP senators? Cool.
>no evidence Hillary had classified info on her server
Are you on crack? Serious question because you can't be this dumb.
So is Lindsey Graham based or no?
Reminder: The FBI never looked at Hillary's servers
Very relevant here. Especially because the letter stems from Graham himself.
Dont get me wromg, graham is a piece of shit. But he's already jumped ship from the deep state
What difference, at this point, does it make?
From the group of 30,000, 152 of emails have been determined classified, only 8 were marked as classified.
Look dude, it's over, accept it already. You are a fucking libertarian, how are you not able to see that politicians are only doing this shit because it's popular/they get free media time, especially right wing media.
The only thing Clinton might go down for is the Clinton foundation, but that's unlikely.
I think a bunch of these greedy old farts severely underestimated the impact the internet would have years down the road. Much like how generals are fighting today's wars with yesterday's tactics and equipment. I think when it comes to the internet the same situation arose. Us being able to even talk about this shit really seems to have thrown a stick in their spokes.
>group of 30000
>yes over 11 dozen were classified.
so you admit (just as comey did) she broke the law. what about the 30000 that she deleted? you've never held a security clearance.
Okay folks we need REAL interest in this. Let me help some folks to get things into perspective as far as comey is concerned.
>Debbie sends email to Soros group saying DOJ won't let Clinton investigation go too far.
>FBI recieves this email in March 2016
>Comey had shown this email to Congress as an explanation for not letting the case go to DOJ
>April/May 2016 comey supposedly already plans to clear hillary
>This is why Gowdy said that the DOJ was compromised. (Think imran awan being tipped off as well)
>CNN/WaPo are now saying that email from Debbie to Soros was fake and planted by Russians. And Comey didn't let the case go to DOJ because he did not want to tip off the Russians he was in on their fake email. (WTF??)
>June tarmac meeting (perhaps telling lynch there will be no prosecution recommendation)
>July 2016 clinton cleared
Graham is saying bullshit, Comey never told us that this was a fake document.
Ongoing conspiracies do not have a statute of limitations.
This story has been picked up by the MSM in the past hour. LETS GO
Bump come on