Martin Shkreli conspiracy thread

Martin claims to have a butt load of data on Hilary and the dnc

Allergy has her DNA

Live streams himself walking to safe house with money and data today

Being followed on fb live

Stream cuts out three blocks away from Trump Tower

1 minute later posts a status that he is at The Trump Tower (TTT)?

Facebook is now zucced

Wat do?

Hes larping and wanting attention. He browses Sup Forums and uses us as pawn.

I've looked through the entire thread and can confirm that there is nothing significant here



The stream was at:
His entire facebook page is gone.


i happened to leave the stream of him being followed in another tab before his facebook got nuked, i don't know how to save it though

Saw on another thread he was livestreaming showing he was being followed by blacked out SUV's.

He could be trolling. He's done shit like this before. Anyone remember when he pretended to get assassinated on stream?


Dude is a pathological narcissist and attention whore. Why would you expect him to be legit? Are you retarded?

He never got l his shit nuked like this though.. I have a bad feeling he got suicided

I'm pretty sure that's not a memory board.

Alternative opinion: he's MK Ultra'd


Yeah that is one of the messages a bot puts.

when does this guy go to jail? like whenever he feels like it?



Holy shit thank you

He's desperately larping. Dude's facing down 45 years for his fraud conviction. This is just him trying to create a distraction.

Maybe, maybe not. If he's LARPing, how can you explain his facebook page going down?

Wait nevermind it's back up



The Account is still on. Its live but seems hacked, so many strange and nonsensical posts.

he's a rude fucker, and disliked by the powers that be. his twitter has been disabled twice already for the shit he posts.

I was watching his live stream and I'm calling bs.

Seems like a troll for sure. I want it to be true but calling bs on this one.

He needs to make sure he avoids hot tubs, small general aviation aircraft, or any car with a hackable CAN bus (anything after 1990 generally).

Shit like this is a good way to get yourself suicided.

Fucking this.
If he had such sensitive data, why the fuck would he announce it publicly to attract the Clinton Machine and get killaryied? In reality you would be covert about your operations to expose such evil.

>He browses Sup Forums
he made this thread

Last sentence. DURRUSS
