Springfield Missouri - Two For Flinching Edition

Spoke with Lisa Cox, public affairs officer with the Springfield Police Department. Here is the recording of the conversation.......

*The buzzing in the background is from my phone line*

Youtube link to video of incident::

Police Conclusion: Brake failure
Rationale: Feelings

No mechanic evaluated the vehicle to determine that the brakes had actually failed and what caused the brake failure.

Secret Service might be continuing the investigation but Springfield Police say its a closed matter. Secret Service has not responded to my request for comment yet.

What do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not an ASE certified mechanic but I can tell if brakes failed. Pedal goes to the floor with no resistance. It doesn't take someone certified to verify this shit

it takes a mechanic to tell you why they failed......

sheer accident or intentional

If brakes fail the fluid has to go somewhere. The leak will tell you. Rusted brake lines, master cylinder with a bad seal, rotted rubber... it's not rocket science. Anyone that has ever worked on a car could do this shit. It's not rocket science

and the emergency brakes?
The ones police readily admit they have no idea if the driver even attempted to use them?

also, they never discuss the method of failure.....because they dont know and didnt bother looking in to it.

My point is that its not hard to get a vehicle evaluated by a qualified individual who can answer these questions. The insinuation that this evidence should not be collected is absurd.

Jesus Christ kys
>Primary braking system
>Secondary braking system
Secret Service got in the car, looked at the brake pedal on the floor,
>yep, brakes failed
Good luck with your conspiracy theory, Oliver Stone, but for fuck's sake don't embarrass us anymore.
>primary braking system
seriously, kys

yes, because collecting the evidence needed to verify these assertions is just stupid right? Why would anyone question anything instead of just digesting the propaganda they are fed?

Emergency brakes blow. Usually only go to on rear wheel. And people don't routinely use them so when they do try, they're so rusty and corroded something seizes and they either get stuck or cable brakes and they fail

And my point is it doesn't take someone with an ASE certicarion to do this shit. It's not fucking rocket science

Nobody even checked to see if she tried to use them

it doesnt require an ASE certification to come to an entry level conclusion about what happened, but it does take a qualified individual to explain what happened and why it happened. These are things that the police should be interested in and should allow an expert to determine.

You dont get medical advice from the police and you shouldnt get mechanical advice from them either. There are people who are experts at this shit so why not let them do their jobs?

Are you only gonna let Gordon Ramsay cook for you too? Jesus Christ you're a faggot. I want this to be a failed assassination attempt just as much as you but anyone with minimal car experience could figure out why the brakes failed

So why did they fail?
Was it fluid loss from a worn line? Was the line cut?

Why the fuck would a would be assassin cut their own brake line

who has the 2nd angle from the other side of street?

answer the question. You assert that no mechanical knowledge is needed to tell WHY the brakes failed.....so why did they fail, in your expert opinion?

Check out twitter.com/ChrisPRobertson/status/903116923076059138?s=09

i do

I said minimal car knowledge you fucking faggot. Idk why they failed because I am drunk in a hotel 300 miles away. Just because you don't know shit about cars doesn't mean only experts can diagnose this dumb shit.

>Idk why they failed
You know who could tell you that.....an ASE Certified mechanic

Jesus fucking Christ you are retarded. If some dumb fucking redneck like me was there it would take him all of 2 minutes to figure out why

If it only takes two minutes to figure out, then why not have someone look at it instead of just assuming?

Here is the thing, you can say all the shit you want but you didnt look at the vehicle and frankly, the police didnt have a qualified individual look at it either.

Regardless of the motive, we both should be able to agree that a qualified individual should have made the determination about what happened and what caused it to happen.

Your desire to disregard evidence and proceed based on assumption are scary

>not replied to my request for comment
I dont think the whitehouse has time for weebs

The Kathy Griffin decapitation image was a psyops trigger. It was meant to quietly encourage mentally unstable liberals and democrats to take a shot at Trump.

Just two days ago she recanted her apology for being involved in that photo. That was a way of getting the trigger image back into the press.

Just a day later a fat, unstable lesbian tries to ram the presidential motorcade. This was clearly planned in advance, although poorly planned. And it was obvious her intention was to harm the president.

She knew she wouldn't kill him, but if she had been successful she would have inspired others to follow her example. That was the point of all of this.

Can you webm it? An easy way is to upload the mp4 to gfycat and redownload the webm.

This does look suspicious. The line of travel makes no sense. Seems deliberate. But with a woman driver, anything is possible I guess. However, I've been driving old junk cars for 25 years. Never had breaks fail.

you should be able to convert to Webm with VLC but the converter is giving me mad errors.

who is kathy griffin, really??

why does she have access to kanye's kids?

Because they knew it would be a way to get off if their attempt failed. Or someone attempted to stop them? Quit attempting to justify an assassination attempt by a fucking transsexual. They are mentally unbalanced in the first place, you think they wouldn't cut their own brakes?

Sup Forums literally lost interest in a trump assassination attempt caught on camera and buried by the MSM?

What actually happened here? Car hits the angle wrong and completely dies? Why would they immediately stop after coming out if their intention was to ram it?

im having trouble with other online converters as well........

So someone just so happened to be filming the exact spot where the car would have come out and hit the motorcade?

Anyone else would have been outside watching, but this person was hiding to capture the crash.

This. They are normalizing the attempts. PROTEC DOLAN BURGERS!

these guys going back and forth. Made me laugh.

>1 post by this ID


It was a dry run.
They are evaluating the response from the SS.

glad you find it amusing user

its being buried because the Secret Service got caught with their pants down. If that was a suicide bomber Trump could've gotten killed

The brakes failed when her underbody hit the rim of the drainage ditch, not before

hitting the ditch is what popped the brake lines

listen to the audio, that car smacks the concrete good

Clearly it was a bigoted drumpfkin nazi who cut her brakes in order to orchestrate a grand false flag attack to further demonize the peaceful left.

wtf was that?

>o shit no brakes
>take foot off gas
>weave back and forth to bleed speed
>pump e brake
>fuck drumpf
>sabotage own brakes
>floor it
>realize being woman cant even crash properly
>fuck it up
>get away free since woman card to protect you

The fuck are you idiots talking about?

You're right, I dunno why they still limit their design to look like a limo.

It would have to be a mini nuke to damage the people in that car.

I think the cops are in on it tbqh

>Fat ugly liberal woman
>Knowing how to bleed or even remembering that she can pull the handbrake.
Yeah no

the picture in OP is wrong and retard tier csi.
the car did go off and down the embankment but only did it from the curve to the ground near the drainage to the left of the one he's marked.

This is disinfo to discredit the possibility that it was an actual attempt. OP is flat earth tier shill.

this actually.

you could not fit enough conventional explosives in a normal sedan to scratch that thing without it being painfully apparent your car is a giant rolling bomb. it would be very difficult to drive or maneuver.

that limo is a limo-shaped tank. you would need HEAT rounds or an artillery strike to take it out.

Im the one advocating that it was an actual attempt, but keep shilling

Hey what the fuck are you nutjobs talking about?

So what was the plan exactly? get T-boned by a motorcade vehicle while travelling a fraction of the speed as them?

Even if the vehicles connected it would have been literally fucking nothing. Why is this even a thing?

Bump on this angle!

This is way better than OPs video!

So a 84mm Carl gustav with heat round could take it out?
What type of Heat round?

We wanted SS to Swiss cheese the car with their P90s.
Too bad

i don't know dude look up how thick the armor plating is, add two inches and find out what kind of projectile you'd need to take it out.

probably if you shot the window though.

I honestly think this is a false flag that went wrong. Not sure, But it definitely wasn't an accident.

Did you watch the video? The car was clearly traveling faster than 30 mph, allegedly coming from a road with the speed limit of 30, now for what reason would you need to drive faster than that in a back road in a wooded area?

another angle

Where exactly was she coming from that she wasn't able to slow before going across the grass and through the trees?

fuck of shill

That doesn't look like failed brakes to me? Where did you find that video.

The image on the top looks to be in the wrong location. see

its a webm of this video

Why would Trump want to cover up an assassination attempt by calling it failed brakes? The Secret Service has to know better so how is the brakes story being pushed? This is insane and clear proof of what the violent rhetoric from the left can lead to.


I edited the image before I reviewed that video...kinda hard for me to edit it after posting it in OP

>clickbait whore "ram attempt"
>guy hits the grass
>doesn't speed up to try to ram anything
>stops instead
>gets out
>doesn't flee the scene

Tinfoil hat Sup Forums is worst Sup Forums

here is the image updated with the new suspected path of the vehicle

>Right winger Nazi sympathizer kills liberals with Dodge charger
Pol: "It was an accident, he was just scared"
mainstream media: He's a right winged KKK Nazi white supremacist terrorist!

>Crappy 4 cylinder sedan accidentally falls into a drainage ditch and gets nowhere near Trump's armored limo.
Pol: he's a black supremacist black panther assassin!
Mainstream media: It was just an accident, the brakes failed.

yeah this was a test run or something to gauge the reaction of the SS

The car was incapacitated when it went in the ditch? Wtf is wrong with people, these people literally seem like bots trying to bury this on fucking Sup Forums. SHE COULDNT COMPLETE THE RAM WHEN THE CAR BROKE DOWN ITS NOT THAT HARD TO COMPREHEND. She didn't run because where the fuck are you going to go with the entire secret service after you man? Do you think? IF THE BRAKES FAILED HOW DID SHE STOP? She didn't stop idiot the car stopped after it RAN THREW A DITCH AND BROKE DOWN.

Can a Brit get a quick rundown on this?

Not been following American politics today.

Is it plausible that the secret service wouldn't have had a frontage road blocked off? She had to be hiding in the trees for hours if they did.

to make leftists think that trump doesn't feel threatened



Please give a


secret service dont care if local police ruled it out, itll be a waste of money. the secret service right now is probsbly busy working out the next 5 venues etc

Shut the fuck up the two aren't comparable. A group of subhumans were attempting to KILL that man and he didn't have many other options other than letting himself get killed.

The second one was literally a woman attempting to drive into a presidential motorcade, the SECRET SERVICE need to get their SHIT together and protect the president like they are paid to do. That car could of been a van with high explosives in it and it got within yards of the BEAST. Where the fuck was the response from the Secret Service, the car should have been riddled with bullets as it was DRIVING DOWN A HILL TOWARDS THE PRIDESNTIAL MOTERCADE with nothing in-between. This is a FAILURE and show of INEPTNESS by the secret service. That is why its being buried.

>muh path of least resistance

Someone tried to ram the presidential motorcade and failed

>curb + hill


vehicle almost hits presidential motorcade, police story is "what a funny string of coincidences that are unsupported by objective evidence"

so you are protecting a criminal because you have political issues?

you lefties are disgusting

This camera man needs to be found for questioning
maybe someone can get the plate number off that black van

AGAIN I ASK. Why was the car not riddled with bullets when heading towards the motercade? That should have been an immediate responce. The potential for a bombing like this is Huge and the Secret Service has proven to be inept now.

Sup Forums logic in a nutshell.

Brake failures can happen to anyone, stupid drivers and bad mechanics are all over America. The presidential limo is armored to withstand explosives and even RPG blasts. The presidential limo gets within yards of cars and people all the time. By your logic, the presidential limo shouldn't even be inside parades, because someone in the audience might have explosives- which wouldn't even dent the limo anyway.

is she dumb as fuck? hahaha

This happened less than a mile from my house.

it doesnt matterif the beast is impervious

the intent is what is the issue and clearly she had intent because the road she came from had a speed limit which prevented her from traveling that long distance

This video changes everything.

From the first video I didn't believe brake failure. From this video, we can now be pretty sure that it WAS brake failure.

The car was obviously coasting and NOT accelerating toward the motorcade.

(didn't know it was a she)
You always assume the worst when it could be, remotely, maybe, perhaps targeted at your side.

I would eventually start to believe this is a real attempt if it was at least done in a way possible and that it wouldn't have a great chance of failure (but since it's a woman .. the fuck she knows about cars).
.. also since it's a woman, even as much crazy as a leftard can be, they tend to avoid violent approaches and are more like piss bottle throwers.

go record the tire marks along the path so we can confirm if she took that road or if she was waiting in the brush the whole time

No you bafoon, by my logic the president is actually worth protecting and not risking letting a car bomb explode within yards of it. Who cares if it is supposed to withstand explosives. Murphy's law says if something can, it will go wrong, assume the BEAST fails and Trump dies?
>You "BuT ThE BeaSt WaS Supposed To Be Sooooo Stronk".

The Titanic was unsinkable and the Third Reich was supposed to last 10,000 years too.

You are supporting the shitty response of our Secret Service.

Or if she scouted the area before hand, which is extremely likely, she would know that she couldn't barrel down the fucking hill like an idiot and crash into the ditch. She knew she had to coast down the hill and through the ditch, Then Accelerate. However, her car broke down because she is a poor bitch who cant afford a truck and had to use that piece of shit.

Sun is setting, will check in the am.

The car is coasting the whole way.

1. There is no way she would ever think that by coasting she could reach him in time.

2. If the plan was to coast and then accelerate when she got to the road, why didn't she accelerate?

lol "Ram" it? Aren't those things armoured to fuck. The presidential limo weighs several tonne doesn't it? Unless they have a tractor or lorry I can't see that doing much.