Confiderate-the real culprits in the fact that the states have a black tinge

As is known, the raw material nature of the economy that was in the south
Therefore, the Negroes appeared in these states,
If the South had won, they would have brought in even more Negroes, And the United States would now represent something like black Argentina, only instead of beef exporting tobacco.
It is obvious that Lincoln really stopped the blackening of the United States.

Other urls found in this thread:



A very simple truth, it was also Lincoln who desired to transport the slaves back to Africa, and he'd have done it if not for his assassination.
Meanwhile the confederacy was funded by British Jews who wanted to see American divided lest they as a united block achieved independence from world finance.
Lincoln was really the hero the world perceived him to be and no revisionist or no-brain useful dixie idiot can deny this.



Would the world be a more peaceful place right now if US was even blacker right now?


This is the Sup Forums view but he actually realized there wasn't enough political capital to get it done. If the southerners knew how things would turn out they would have sent them back in a heartbeat but they wanted to re-enslave rather than just utilize new technology.


Lincoln was absolutely our guy though


The confederate constitution specifically forbid the importation of slaves from overseas.

I mean, I'm a Yankee who thinks they were all traitors who should have hanged, but even I know that.



Yo that looks like a picture from the Confederate side at the Battle of Fredericksburg at Marye's heights.

>If the South had won, they would have brought in even more Negroes, And the United States would now represent something like black Argentina, only instead of beef exporting tobacco.
If the South won they would not be part of the United States

>Be a cuck Yankee libtard SJW
>Invade blessed southland
>Kill 600,000 white men in a self-genocidal orgy

>have your supporters blame everything on the south

Yes the cucks of the North, truly are this stupid.
Pic related is you and every Northron cuck.

Republicans/democrats lost some local elections to nationalistic party:
>Native American Party, renamed the American Party 1855
>was an American Nativist political party that operated nationally in the mid-1850s. It was an anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant movement

It should be said that democrats and republicans have common origin:
But later split into 2 political parties, while they both promoted to be pro-USA, pro-small business man they later became pro-big business.

Then you had:
Opposing party of Democrats-Republicans, which funny enough was pro-federation, like today's USA, but then again not like today's USA, since they too wanted to limit big business.

So at end political parties and political ideology in USA always had holes to support big business instead of small business like they promised.

Slavery was becoming outdated and even among Confederate leadership it was becoming increasingly unpopular as the war went on. Slavery was bound to die regardless of a civil war or not. On the other hand though Lincoln wasn't going to send them back because blacks were refusing to go when they learned that Liberia and the other colonies set up for them were dumpster fires. The only way to get a real return to Africa movement going is to encourage and assist men like Marcus Garvey who made it their mission to send them back willingly.

Siege of Yorktown, Virginia, in the background - Nelson's church

Post yfw this guy ruined america forever

Many Southerners who voted for republican party through they would end slavery, but the thing is they passed a law which protected slavery.

>Republican Southerner voters
>Republican Southerner politicians
>the law
pick one of three
>Dred Scott case, was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on US labor law and constitutional law. It held that "a negro, whose ancestors were imported into [the U.S.], and sold as slaves",[2][3] whether enslaved or free, could not be an American citizen and therefore had no standing to sue in federal court,[4][5] and that the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in the federal territories acquired after the creation of the United States. Dred Scott, an enslaved man of "the negro African race"[3] who had been taken by his owners to free states and territories, attempted to sue for his freedom.

So again big business won or big landowners, while small landowners didn't agree and some politicians promoted they wanted to end slavery.

Alright cool, thank you. The soldiers do look like Yankees, the setting just looked like Marye's Height's.

>A very simple truth, it was also Lincoln who desired to transport the slaves back to Africa, and he'd have done it if not for his assassination.

It's so sad to see foreigners fall for yankee lies. Make no mistake, toothpaste, this is in fact an historical distortion that immigrant stock yankees tell each other on here to justify being filthy yankees. Here are the actual facts. 1) Lincoln only advocated for voluntary recolonization of freed blacks. He never did, and never would have, supported forcible recolonization. Most blacks did not want to leave the country after they were freed. 2) His two attempts at recolonization (in modern day Panama and Haiti) were complete disasters. His administration got scammed and fleeced by private interests. Lincoln was an incompetent boob. 3) The Republicans (Lincoln's party) and black leaders increasingly opposed Lincoln's recolonization views, and neae the end of the war withdrew all funding for it. The administration simply had no more money for it, and they were not going to get more.

There was never going to be some monumental transportation of millions of freed niggers back to Africa. That is simply historical distortion yankees tell each other to assuage their assumed guilt.

I took photos, here from here:

>the court denied Scott's request.

This gentleman should put a monument.

Good picture





THX for the photos.

Moar civil war Photos they are simply fascinating.

THX = accompanying entry?

>Lincoln attempted to send Africans back but failed.
>The confederacy attempted to keep blacks in America

Confederacy was the good guys?

All. I have seen some scanned pages from a 200+ page book, forgive me, I can't remember the title, published in 1855 that was a masterpiece of footnoted scholarly research that predicted the calamity to come. The point was that all cotton exports to Europe had to be run through markets in New York City and all the funds returned had to be returned through banks in NYC and he demonstrated eloquently that at the current (1855) rate of plundering of the South through price gouging in the markets for cotton and the usury of the NYC banks the situation in the South would be critical within the decade. When I saw this book (admittedly limited to a dozen or so scanned pages) it became clear what had happened and this gentleman had predicted it all perfectly. Like I say, I wish I could remember the title but I assure you this book exists.

No, political parties and political party voters wanted one thing, but result was different, because political parties and voters don't matter in USA, never did, that's just public circus. What matters are courts and laws. Big landowners bribed left and right or confederate and federate.

Secretary of war for the confederacy for a while

The very first battle near the river Patomak (the description may not be accurate, I apologize in advance)

Open, artillery warehouse of the Confederate army, in Charleston

Man cannonballs are awesome.

Mr. Pinkerton, the head of the private secret service, the prototype of the modern NSA

Abraham Lincoln was a Liberal Homosexual.


In 1835, slavery came within one vote of being banned in Virginia.

In this photo you see graffiti left by occupying union troops written on a brick. Hint, it's to Lee's right, slightly above the door knob.

Rota 'Charlie'

Broken Rota 'Charlie'




Army of Confidence on the other side of the front, Charleston

“The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it.” Robert E. Lee

You are not far from the truth & had we not killed Lincoln, he would have sent a lot of them back to their homelands.....feels bad man....the south was stupid.....