Russian challenge

In one image, how would Russia look if the Russian revolution failed?

Like Czech Republic-Austria mix with South African type racial laws and similar aggressive mentality

Like today's USA. Russian fascist club in Harbin will be pissed of with the Chinese immigration, Odessa will see "Jew lives matter" demonstrations and Saint Petersburg would be home to Chechen transgender prides.


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lmao ur like this

>vast empire filled to the brim with White Christians

Paradise on Earth.

Not good i'm afraid. Russian Empire came to be a complete wreck without commies, they just filled power vacuum.

No one cares about Russia except Putinbots

you should be grateful to Romania for helping you in Odessa.

Now it is almost entirely Russian speaking and Orthodox.

This things wouldn't be there, because Russia stays neutral in WWII and Germany wins. Most likely Hitler pressures Imperial Russia to put all the kikes into oven/Haavara destination (which most likely would have happened anyway before as a backlash on (((Revolution))).

if only you had some Freikorps in 1917

It would be less centralized, the Church would be more independent, it would be economically developed, maybe in a more balanced way, Stolypin's reforms would be pushed, and possibly more religious

The thing is that Russia is doomed to fail since Peter the Great. Before Peter the Great Russia was much more friendly towards Poland-Lithuania (it gave a loan for wars with Turkey in 17. cent ury) and it resembled P-L, they hadSobór Ziemski, which was basically a collective organ for the nobles, the Church wasn't under direct secular control

If this mild alliance lasted, then Russia could expand, proselytize the East and West, and be much better prepared for the challenge of eastern civilizations. Right now, Russia is under a slow conquest of both Chinks and Muslims, because it chose to follow the West, and overinvested its resources too much in Central Europe. Right now Russia will surely break up

It'd look a lot better.

I meant proselytize East and South*

The postwar Europe is a weird place to predict things, but in general we'd trade with Yurop and dragged a bit behind the major countries.

One can't quite exclude that it could have become a fascist state and attack Poland/Balkans/whatever. Germs and Italians were not immune to this.



Like Britain

There used to be the White Guard and Korvilov attempts

It would have been very similar to Brazil. 10-15% middle class people living in isolated fancy neighbourhoods and 85% of favelados (former serfs) living in barracks and murdering each other over a piece of bread. Russia was fucked in the XIXth century when the population quadrupled from 30 million to 120 million people (by comparison the population of France incread by 10% during the same period). Out of those 120 million people, only 10-15 million were more or less civilized, the rest were basically white niggers, violent, poor and illiterate. It's next to impossible to civilize 100 million people over such a short period of time. Europeans had been developing their core virtues like industriousness, orderliness, good managing skills and good impulse control for centuries.

Cursed pillow biter

Commie tard, Russia had only ~ 20% of White population in serfdom and wasn't the last to abolish it

Do Russians like dogs?

We had our equivalent of freikorps and they were good, but Makhno ruined everything when the former were about to take Moscow.

After that, they were doomed.

Yes, technically speaking, Bosnia and Herzegovina was the last to abolish it. But still Russia failed to develop proper farmer class, not to mention urban middle class. 90% of the population were poor, stupid and violent, unfit for any meaningful tasks.

>~ 20% of White population in serfdom

Actually Russian serfdom (unlike say, Prussian serfdom) was more like slavery. In addition to that, the rest 60-70% of the rural population were so-called state serfs who had slightly more rights and privileges than privately owned serfs (slaves), but still could not be considered farmers. By the beginning of the XXth century only 10% of the total rural population could be considered farmers.