the white supremacists are going to flame me for this but F it...
wouldnt a selectively bred mixed race human be far superior on a base level to any individual race in its pure form (whites included)?
in theory you could breed only the desired traits from each race into 1 organic ubermensch...
Choosing superior attributes, a selectively-bred person, regardless of race, would be a master race individual.
Hypothetically yes, but good luck running a society where the government has complete control over the citizens reproduction.
Well youre not wrong.
Nope. IQ is mostly determined by genetics, and the average IQ of Africans is very low. If you're trying to create a true ubermensch, then you'd start by only breeding people with an IQ over 135+ as the baseline, which is like 0.2% of blacks.
And a meme around Sup Forums and other places is that "blacks are physically superior", which is wrong, the only reason they soak up so much of the playerbase of high level sports is because those blacks have no skills at anything else, whereas most other whites that share those potential physical attributes actually go out, use their brain and legitimately act productively.
And finally, the Ubermensh idea came from Nietzsche, who was ethnically polish and said that anti semites should be lined up and shot, so it didn't originate with the National Socialists.
The true prodigies of the world are almost entirely White European and Asian in origin. You want a eugenics ubermensch program that includes superior Asians? Go right ahead, as long as the survival and continuation of both the White and Asian ethnic groups that the specimens come from continue to exist afterwards.
>the Ubermensh idea came from Nietzsche
A. Nietzsches Übermensch has nothing to do with skill or race, but morality.
B. Übermensch is really just German for super human, the term wasn't invented by Nietzsche.
I think its important to mention that and im glad you did, it would be important to pair the idea with a system of ethnostates. i was thinking along the lines of a grand eugenics experiment where an entire country (Venezuela?) is taken over and co-opted like the antarctic.
>A. Nietzsches Übermensch has nothing to do with skill or race, but morality.
That's exactly the point I was making pointing out that the whole idea wasn't ethnically-related until the Nazis made it so.
>B. Übermensch is really just German for super human, the term wasn't invented by Nietzsche.
I didn't say the term was invented by Nietzsche, I said the original "Unbermensch" idea originated with Nietzsche, and wasn't used in any widespread intellectual manner until afterwards.
Genetic engineering in labs is a better idea as it allows for much more specific tailoring, this is like ploughing a field with a horse because it's better than doing it by hand...when we've got machines.
1984 vs. Brave New World
>the only reason they soak up so much of the playerbase of high level sports is because those blacks have no skills at anything else
I'd not dismiss the obvious advantage africans show during anaerobic exercise as not genetic (even if this is counterintuitive with their absence in water based sports)
on the other hand they are almost completely outclassed in sports requiring pure muscle strength
it would be interesting to read if this is an uncorrelated difference in muscle structure of the races or whether it's a trade off from the mutation of the same genes
Creating a superhuman is bad for everyone user.
They won't think kindly of you. Humans are little more than stupid dangerous animals.
You will be placed in a zoo or killed.
I'm going to find you and come after you.
Didn't the communists already try this?
Yoa Ming is the product of a breeding program for example.
I don't think it works. At least I'm not aware of soviet ubermensch
I'm going to hunt you down if it's the last thing I do. You are easy to track. You've left too much evidence already.
and theyd be right in comparison... thats the point
were not discussing the morality of doing it... only if they would or would not be superior.
Wow, I'm so scared.
What country am I in, then?
The Nordic Germanic/Scandinavians have all the most desirable traits already you peasant.
You sound concerned.
nice try you imbecile kike
>white is here to stay and soap all untermensch
You are easy to route through your ATM transactions.
Just waiting for you..
Not sure if you're trying to sound retarded or what, but if you want to scare people at least put some effort in.
Not trying to scare you. You will only see me once.
Good bye!
Thanks for the laugh, seeya.
>you'd start by only breeding people with an IQ over 135+ as the baseline, which is like 0.2% of blacks.
That's how evolution works, you know that right? Take that 0.2% and breed them, you upgrade the nigger race. We should be doing this for every race and that way we can say we're not being racist about it. We want the best for ever race.
You don't know me but I'm coming to get you. Stay right where you are...
Hess is a big guy!
If this becomes a mechanize human genome editing race, there will be no race to unite on nation. And also, there will be no historical, cultural and traditional ties of the people to the land and the nation. It's like an software development business competing with others.
NSDAP wants to be bowed to themselves, so I guess that they WOULD use crispr but not to a huge extent. They would only optimize fitness, intelligence, health and beauty.
A real improvement would come on a total engineering of the neo-human.
Fuck off.
We need to weight the advancement of the human race at all costs. We have the MORAL obligation to improve our code. It's just software. We NEED to make ourselves smarter, prettier, more healthy, more brave and more resilient. We are not in this realm to make money, we are here to carry on the flame of our existence towards the future in a collective struggle. THIS IS THE FUTURE, AND WE CAN'T FORGET OUR MISSION.
Hutler was a scrawny drugged out manlet
>I have this bucket of great milk! The very best choice milk from only the finest cows in dairy country!
>I'm just gunna take the top fraction of a percent of cow shit and sprinkle it in
>This is a win for cow shit everywhere!
Kinda seems like a loss of some fire ass milk to me....
thats exactly what the germans ARE. because they are NOT pure saxon, or pure nordic or pure slavic or pure roman. they are in the middle of europe, mixed with every white race out there.
this is what made them übermensch. gathering the strength of all white races into one master race.
also : give back clay
you sound like a little kid, like that little red faced kid that isnt ever invited to anything because he doesnt know how to act around other people hahahahahahahahah
Speaking strictly based on cannabis horticultural theory, should the first generation of mixed breed people have some type of F1 hybrid vigor, but then the F2's would need quite a bit of culling? Is that why there are a few fine ass mixed females, but many are dogs? Although, I guess "technically" the only way to get true F2's would bee for brothers and sister to fuck and have babbys!
Is this why the Middle East is so fucked up? I served overseas, and, let me tell you what, centuries of imbreading is the only logical thing to explain how fucked up mentally and physically those people are. Like half of the little kids had physical deformities. I'm rambling.
no, your quite right.
its just like breeding dogs.
Hess a big guy!
Is this your chair?
No, but I tell you what, we had food to eat. You should try it sometime you commie fuckstick.