>first year >fucking white male >jerk around for some, looking at the place, seeing new faces etc. >a guy sees me wearing Ensiferum t-shirt, enthusiastically starts talking to me about vikings >cool guy, older than me, bit of a nerd, been there for 3 years, he could show me around >introduces me to all his friends >cool people, hot redhead just won't stop eye-contacting me >recently turned normie, so I knew the communication basics >speak and joke around with everyone, flirt with the redhead while holding unbreakable iron eye-contact >pray that she doesn't have a boyfriend, and moreso, pray that her boyfriend isn't one of the guys around >turns out she's single so cool >nerd guy won't stop talking to me about vikings and shit >later find out that they are all antifa >don't know what I even expected from uni >play it cool, not really talk about political stuff, if they learn I'm a Sup Forumsiceman I'll lose the chance to fuck the redhead >add them all as friends on Facebook, hang out with them for 2 weeks or sth >really close at this point, redhead is almost at my grasp, already won some hugs and kisses and 1on1 dates >fucking Facebook posts on the newsfeed of redhead that I like autistic nazi pages and memes >even posts my comment saying nigger ffs >everyone instantly deletes me from friendslist >they tell as many people at uni as they can that I'm a nazi and should stay away from me >you think this all going to hell but it isn't, cont at comments
>also first year >In gen chem for engineers lecture >bored out of mind >See kid playing mini clip pool in front of me >try to connect to his game every time he searches for a game >never connect to his match >guy behind me asks why I keep leaving out of the games >turns out he was trying to connect to mine
Levi Torres
part 2
>go to school the other day, no one even talks to me >sit at class, everyone looks at me with the side of their eyes until the end >they fucking whisper to each other like sneaky jews everytime I talk >at this point I have realised what happened, it was inevitable anyway >being alone against everyone wakes up alpha tendencies deep inside me >talk back to sjw professors every chance I get >everyone hates me >overhear people saying that they're gonna catch me somewhere at night and beat me up >1-year-old MMA classes make me confident, let them come, even if they beat me up indeed, they'll have proven my points >fastforward a month, it has been the new trend to hate me >I have accepted the fact that I'll forever be alone, so I just talk back to everyone >act like a fucking douche, don't even care about the consequences, it won't get worse anyway >hot redhead keeps staring at me with a fucking angry cat look, her attempts to look intimidating almost makes her look cute >I want to fuck her antifa cunt so bad >fastforward a few nights back >party at uni, didn't originally planned on going since everyone hates me >get drunk with out-of-uni friends, they go home soon, remain alone drunk >decide to go check at the uni because why not >they're playing metal for some weird reason, small mosh pit in front of stage, join in because drunk and slightly alpha >fuckers intentionally hit me harder than others, I hit back twice as hard >get even drunker
cont at part 3
Christian Lewis
Friend, you have to wear your knowledge with pride. Do not back down, or slink away for one second. They already have painted you as Hitler's evil son. You have to keep pushing through with no apologies, but at the same time without a chip on your shoulder. Do NOT nazi larp! Just tell them you are apart of a misunderstood, extremely diverse community. Tell them you cannot abide by the corruption of any group currently in politics. Just be yourself, and keep fighting for what you believe in. Do not fall into the stormfront ethnic cleansing bullshit, because that is the same spirit as SJW nonsense. Fight against their fucking tyranny, against their amoral ways and their destruction of true liberty. Do what Jordan Peterson says to be perfectly honest. Dude, we are on the side of truth! Sorry you got fucked like that. It is a bunch of wicked bullshit.
Hunter Nelson
part 3
>some drunk dudes play it tough but I brass them off >see hot redhead sitting in the back of the room >her friends are around, all sitting down >they're all high >fucking degenerate, but I approach because drunk >I sit beside them, like nothing have happened and we're still hanging out >everyone's too high and drunk to care >they even crack up jokes about me being a "fucking nazi" >we actually have a good time >I push myself next to the redhead >start flirting like a motherfucker, I always have funny as shit lines when drunk >at one point she just fucking stares at me with big blue eyes >all this time she was just staring at the nowhere in front of her >she starts asking why must I be a nazi >she begs me to stop being a nazi >I say no >she smokes more weed, gets higher >she says that she wants to fuck me >I joke that I'm not into pegging >she fucking gets up and rides me >says that I turn her crazy >I'm completely surprised btw >she starts fucking licking me in the neck and mouth while grinding >that's some hedonistic shit man >drunk so go for it >we literally start fucking right there and there >no one fucking cares >look around and see other people doing the same >what have I found myself into >fucking degeneracy
cont at part 4
Michael Hall
part 4
>too drunk to stop now >she keeps calling me nazi dick and that she'll show me >cum on her face and then just leave >fucking puke outside, don't know if it's the alcohol or the degeneracy >feel alpha as fuck btw >more alpha than I've ever felt >next day go to class like nothing happened >don't even speak with redhead, completely ignore her existance >see her just looking at me pissed off that I'm not talking to her >talk back to everyone during class, knowing that I turn her on by doing it >sit back thinking if there are more kinky antifa bitches like that in my class >mfw standing my ground was the hardest but best decision I've ever made >mfw I transcended from Sup Forums autist to normie to uni alpha and the sky is the limit >and all this because of NoFap
Stand your ground faggots. They may ostracisize you, they may beat you up, they may make you feel like you're alone fighting a lost war. Never listen to them and never back down. Be charismatic, have a strong personality, have a stronger character. Dress good, get fit, represent our cause the right way. Even if you don't get pussy in the end, know that at least some feminists fantasize about you fucking them while masturbating.
Hunter Taylor
Eww. You got aids now faggot.
Colton Martin
Brayden Gutierrez
Blake Edwards
Mason Johnson
shit I didn't think about that
John James
interesting shit, you're probably just making shit up, but not apologizing or backing down is real shit
Colton Adams
Thoroughly enjoyed reading this
Isaac Powell
>fucking degenerate, but I approach because drunk >she fucking gets up and rides me Isn't it degenerate to destroy yourself with alcohol and have sex with random idiots?? You should convert and seek for the operations of martyrdom, that's the only way to redeem yourself
Michael Roberts
You tried to suppress your power level for pussy.
Let that sink in.
Matthew Cook
>sex >on campus >while smoking weed >in public >in the fucking mosh pit
holy fuck is uni really this degenerate or is op a larping faggot
Robert Ramirez
Phenomenal blog post
Lucas Thomas
All hail king Chad
Christian Cook
>You should convert and seek for the operations of martyrdom >convert >operations >martyrdom >Bosnia
Kevin Ramirez
There's only one way to heaven and end of degeneracy
Gavin Young
This story just isn't believable. Its a few bars short of >whole room started clapping
Levi Martin
Carson Roberts
>being cozy around the normie
Kys you bluepilled cuck
No matter how you snug up or are """friends"""*, if you have the wrong opinions -theyd gladly murder you for it
>Not being mentally strong to tolerate loneliness >not exclusively satisfying you social needs on pol >Not being charismatic enough to be part of a right wing friends squad or forming your own
Luke Rivera
Honestly not sure what to think. Sup Forums does make generally make you miserable at first, but you overcome it and start becoming more dominant and assertive.
Gratz on not being a pussy, assuming its all true.
Luis Adams
>all this because of nofap
Fucking lost my sides OP. Jesus christ all that wall of tect just to shill for nofap at the very end. XD
David Rodriguez
>second year in literature studies >somewhat, somehow, the "male privilege" subject comes in light >say I disagree with the teacher >some, maybe half the female students sigh with exasperation >manage to make my point across somehow >later, after class, a feminist fat whale wants to talk to me >you made some interesting points, want to talk about it later?" >It's never brought up ever again by anybody, and all the feminist students still talk to me, 2 years later
Well, I guess it went way better than expected.
Dominic Moore
By fucking your first cousin cutting your dick off or by finding goats sexy?
Nicholas Myers
Didn't you use a condom idiot? Don't fucking believe them when they say they are on the pill, a friend of mine is stuck with a baby girl now for that (pretty child though ) also even if you didn't cum inside you can still get her with kids second child of my friend ( yeah the same idiot) came that way (different mother )
Mason Peterson
redpill the redhead with your dick, antifa are just lost children who need to be saved
Leo Hill
I used but still there's danger. The condom doesn't cover the full length of your shaft, the base remains uncovered.
Evan Sanders
>>fucking Facebook posts on the newsfeed of redhead that I like autistic nazi pages and memes
That's why you compartment your internet browsing and use one browser ONLY for shit you don't want the world to know. Then use private browsing on that.
Elijah Gray
>everyone instantly deletes me from friendslist >>they tell as many people at uni as they can that I'm a nazi and should stay away from me
the weak weeding out the strong, sad times, evolution reversed
Jack Carter
>and all this because of NoFap I wasn't expecting a punchline to this story
Ryan Howard
Lol I'm the guy who narked on that brat from Hawaii who doodled Pepe in class.
Nicholas Fisher
I hope she signed your consent form
Jaxon Myers
>all this because of NoFap you an me bong, the others din' een twig it
Caleb Phillips
>revealing any degree of powerlevel anywhere on your main facebook account >and all this because of NoFap God fucking dammit.
Charles Morris
My uni/pol/ story >2004 election >ultra-liberal uni, everyone hates bush >i'm edgy as fuck and decide to be a nihilist >cute girl: "user did you register to vote yet??????" >me: "ha no, i don't believe in politics or voting, it makes no difference" >cute girl: "uh?" >handsome guy: "dude. you are the reason we are in iraq." >cute girl: "yeah!"
That feel when I was the virgin student, and handsome guy was more chad than I'd be for nearly a decade.
Cameron Nguyen
>university european history class >professor asks us to reveal power levels first day by saying "who would partake in a religious crusade in modern times?" >nobody raises hands >"who would die for their country?" >some hands go up
two classes later, today:
>professor constantly goes on rants about stuff, not teaching what we're getting tested on >attempting to discuss natural history and human history >professor starts talking about how no lives matter, mimcs the "Black Lives Matter" chant without saying the word "black" clearly >"we're worried about Houston and what's going on with the hurricane, right? none of that even matters" >trying to make the point that in the grand scheme of things and in relation to the time the universe has existed/will exist that humans make basically no impact >feel the tension in the room from the 40+ other people in class
some good entertainment when i'm in there high as shit
Jayden Bell
Brandon Collins
>girl from school comes to my city to go to a birthday party and a wedding >she invites me to both of the events >go to birthday party >bunch of hipsters, mate >outside the bar with my girl and little sister of the birthday girl >they're talking shit >little sister takes out a pack of Newports >how did I know you smoke Newports ;) >what the fuck do you mean by that?? >O shit >she takes my meaning from my "O shit" face >unbeknownst to me she has been feeling like a whore lately and is sad about it >goes in the bar and starts crying to her sisters >the whole group comes out and starts yelling at me >they are making no sense just calling me a nazi, insulting me, and threatening me >don't even have time to apologize or explain but it's funny so I laugh >my girl pulls me away >the one girl who was yelling at me the most yells something after us so I say "eat a dick, bitch" >OMG YOU CANT TALK TO A WOMAN LIKE THAT >one numale puts his hand on my shoulder gets in my face and says I should leave before I get hurt >blow smoke in his face >ya really gonna blow smoke in my face like a dickhead? >you're in my face dummy >another numale tries to push me and I literally just stand there >another says "you're literally a pussy" (sexist much?) >I'm literally a vagina :) okay bro >they're all telling me to leave so I tell them to go back in the bar and I'll leave >they keep trying it their way but eventually I get my way >go home drunk on the train and freestyle rap with two drunk black kids And that's how I got invited and disinvited from a wedding within a few hours Also I was being harangued for asking innocent questions to a girl and a gay guy who were talking about their "sugar daddies" they said I was judging them but I was just curious Bunch of stupid niggas
Austin Collins
oh fuck i forgot about those everyone clapping pastas. i love that shit
Lincoln Parker
Uni is really that degenerate. It fucking sucks.
Mason Richardson
You should have started something with the guy that pushed you but noice senpai
Dylan Cook
>2007, senior year >go out with friends, having dinner conversation, for some reason turns to politics >I start venting my annoyance over how overregulation is fucking over small businesses >girl: "We have it great here compared to other countries." >others around the table nod in agreement >my jaw hangs, aghast >suddenly recall that they're all chinese
Daniel Turner
Winning attitude. Bravo.
William Brown
Welp boys it truly is the beginning of an era, Nazis cucking antifa. The times are a changing. youtube.com/watch?v=e7qQ6_RV4VQ
Matthew Hughes
>2006 >got my gun license, buy a shotty and a couple pistols >roommate asks me to stop buying guns because his parents are scared >I agree, but start cleaning my guns in the living room and invite him to hang out >roommate moves in with his gf, but keeps paying rent
Sadly, I never got to play my halloween prank on him. I'd gotten a buddy in the ag college to get me some blood from the slaughterhouse and some pig brains. I was gonna make like I blew my head off in the bathtub.
Colton Baker
I was literally surrounded. The only people who wouldn't have tried to jump me if I swung were my girl and some normie cousin in a Lebrun Jersey who didn't know anyone either, he looked like he was having a laff tho And when I say I just stood there I mean he put his hands on my torso said "time to go buddy" and walked into me. My feet did not move and I just smiled. If I was getting actual threatening vibes from anyone I would have just left.
Jose Nelson
>XD reddit
Eli Garcia
Jordan Cox
>Not getting as much info as possible so the RWDS can fix their shit when SHTF
Thomas Sanchez
Shameless bump
Angel Hall
Checked, praise king Chad (PBUH)
Thomas Hernandez
>Freshman year >live in the dorms because I didn't know better >room with a former Marine >Guy doesn't really go to classes just plays Destiny and watches Netflick on PS4 >Shit is always super loud >Try to ignore him because I was a dumbass >After he goes to sleep I play call of duty with the sound on low. >Roommate always start tossing and turning >Don't think much of it >Halfway into the semester I get back from afternoon classes to find the room trashed >PS4 and TV are broken with the Marine flag ripped in half on the floor >Most of my stuff was untouched >no sign of roomie >Asked my RA what happened >Says the roommate had a mental breakdown and won't be living in the room anymore. >realize I might have triggered his PTSD with Call of Duty so I keep my mouth shut >Next roommate is a really quiet dude >Silence is bliss
Christian Wood
>live in the dorms because I didn't know better Dorms was required first year at my school.
Honestly I think it was a good experience, despite being absolute bullshit.
Luke Miller
Just remember, you're paying that loon to rant at you.
Parker Green
>>everyone hates me fuck em, brother
Zachary Diaz
>first year >see hot red head at uni >add her on facebook, hope to dear god she accepts the friend invite >cum my pants when she does >always stare at her in class, she looks at me sometimes so she must want the dick >trolling lefties as usual on the facespace >see someone posting anti-trump stuff >call them a nigger-loving kike >notice that the redhead was in the comments section >she unfriends me shortly afterward >she won't look me in the eye at school anymore >it's because she's a commie nigger lover >vent my frustrations on a chinese cooking forum with outlandish and ridiculous tales >tfw pussy is all I care about and I can't get it
Joseph Martin
The college I go to is a lot less degenerate, still bad though
Alexander Nguyen
This professor of yours might be a Durara!!! fan.
Grayson Clark
>LOL SHRUB >LOL DRUMPF thanks for not voting against bush. I remember the liberal ass-rage well.
Joshua Green
i worked for a concert company for three years, and I've found teenagers fingerfucking at concerts and raves.
Kayden Martin
this is not Sup Forums , nobody cares about your wet dreams
Christian Williams
Nothing much at my Uni.
>Feminist got mad at me for holding the door open >Friend had a book thrown at him for holding the door open >Safe space on second floor of Engineer building >Girl chimpout because crazy religious dude said blacks were inferior. I feel glad going to a commuter campus.
Carter Ortiz
Basically don't break your frame
Gavin Jackson
>Start of Uni: Bernie Bro >By third year: Very right leaning And I thought the opposite was supposed to happen.
Owen Reyes
You fucking suck at timelines faggot
Brandon Gutierrez
>everyone got the clap
Charles Rivera
>Be in engineering >17 and life is looking up >realize after first semester that the institution is literally biased against whites while helping all the nonwhites succeed when they're the visible majority and the vast majority of TAs and professors >lose interest in science in general and how fucking simple minded it all is (honestly engineering in general is the most brain numbing garbage in existence and it does not make you think whatsoever) >basically drop out and leave home for a year and end up going back to do a degree and get into law school to get a cushy white collar job because why not >actually kinda want to be a politician so I can remove minorities only to realize every major party is for mass immigration and globalism >become more depressed >see family and friends defend antifa actions >now just wanna finish school and go get big with my band and say fuck the world because nothing will change Western society is too far gone. We need to let it all end
Xavier Turner
>go get big with my band Finish law school dude. It's actually fun to practice law. It's a lot fucking more conservative a lifestyle than you probably think, even in Canada.
James Reyes
>big ass story >read last line >nofap MOTHER FUCKAAAA
Justin Martin
Well that's what I'm also kinda aiming for, although I might just stick to copyrights or working as a crown lawyer (public prosecutor).
Gavin Moore
Good job kid, keep it up
Xavier Wilson
Isaac Moore
Chad nationalism.
Isaiah Parker
Nicholas Perez
If you're in Vancouver, you could make fucking bank doing contracts for startups.
Otherwise move to Alberta and do oil and gas law.
Wyatt Phillips
>eating lunch with friends >all Asian Speaking of which, has anyone else noticed that asians will only hang out in a majority-Asian group? >dicking around, my friend asks if people would rather never be able to leave the US or never be able to be in the US >most people say they'd live in Canada >I say I would stay on US territory so that I could go to the moon >cue lengthy debate in which I argue (not very seriously) that the US owns the moon because we got there first and planted our flag on it >my arguments are impenetrable >eventually one girl tells me "this is why I hate white people" Everyone else thought it was pretty funny. Another girl I think became my apologist for the anti white one.
Sebastian Rodriguez
Your father is disappointed in you.
Alexander Russell
>freestyle rap with two drunk black kids Kek
Mason Martinez
Similar story OP
>Go to club in Cali >Party hard >All these crusties hanging around >Some random punks try getting me to join Antifa thinking I'm into that shit >People add me on Kikebook randomly >Some of the punks that hang around there or work there. Fuck if I know. >One of them is some chick who never said a word to me in person, but through message, said I was cute after seeing me a few times >Say something blasting Antifa openly and to stop trying to ask me to join (open post) >Deleted by a few people right then and there >Awkward moments with that same "cat" glare OP mentions with the hatefuck look every time I return to said club >Everyone around me thinks I'm a full-blown Nazi because I just don't fucking care about this modern shit >Get told "Hey, I like how you stand up for yourself" by some. >Hate fuck a few SJW-looking girls with nose rings from Berkeley >Don't call back because regret, but because they like me, I'm constantly bombarded with phonecalls calling me a jerk, and they end up crying on the phone saying they "care about who they fuck" (some poly degeneracy I guess)
Overrated once you get to hate fuck them. You realize you achieved nothing and these people wont change anyways.
Here's the thing, guys. These Antifa people joined out of peer pressure to hang with the "fun" crowd. You can wear a full SS uniform in public and they'll still get wet because of how you carry yourselves.
Camden Torres
>You realize you achieved nothing and these people wont change anyways.
This is basically the moral of the story of how I lost my virginity.
Brody Hall
I is that you Tucker Max?
Nicholas Davis
Great read, really could be true, but it's Sup Forums so who knows.
Thanks anyway.
Have a (you)
Jack Davis
Oowww you are a special kind of faggot. So this your personal late night story time chat room is it summerfag? All these nu-fags condoling your faggot ass. Take your shitty story's and shitty memes to . Unlike on you don't grandeur immediate respect here, regardless of what memeflag you choose.
Thomas Gomez
*kisses your lips*
Jonathan Wright
Start your own political party. Hitler did. Well, actually he took over a fringe party with like ten members and built it up.
Andrew Williams
Alright Sup Forums I'll give you a good election night story from uni
>be me >freshman year have this typical bro-liberal roommate >democrat but not a crazy antifa dude >helps found college Democrats which apparently didn't exist on my campus till 2014 >always bragging about how much fun the club is >I was a libertarian at the time and not interested in the College Republicans at the time >I'm so annoyed that I decide to care about College Republicans though >I get this group of guys in my dorm to take over the existing College Republican club >the advisor for the club literally has hold an election with just us and the advisor >end freshman year as VP of College Republicans >mfw I'm an engineering student not even relevant to me
Jordan Harris
Thanks for the story bro, saved
Jace Howard
Somewhat similar story, but highschool >freshman at a liberal hs in a liberal town >English teacher assigns seats and I get plopped next to a slightly chubby, attractive-if-you're-really-drunk white girl >we don't know each other but we get along reasonably well >one day, during school announcements via TV in classroom the LGBTQIAGDIKVSEBBQ+ club announces they're having a meeting at x time >I chuckle slightly >white girl snaps and asks, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH BEING TRANSGENDER?" >I'm only 15 at this point, am not athletic in any way, have some pretty beta tendencies, and am tradcon mainly because my parents are >oh shit >I-I never said there's anything wrong with being transgender >THEN WHY DID YOU LAUGH? >at this point, I realize I either have to fight or get trampled on >so I tell her it's ridiculous how many genders there supposedly are, gays can't reproduce and are therefore an evolutionary deadend, etc >she's surprised I didn't break down in tears and apologize, and is probably turned on or at least intrigued >she calms down and POLITELY tries to convince me homos are ok, and the guy next to me who is actually a devout Christian joins my side >thanks bro >that was the day I began to find my balls, and my journey to being redpilled and eventually my quest to deliberately become a Chad (still working on that) would begin only a few months later >liberal chick hit on me for the rest of the year, I accidentally made her cry a few times but she never held it against me, revealing some interesting truths about women to me >thank God for man's ability to stand up for himself
Ayden Lee
System thinks my post is spam, so here's a pic.
Brody Hill
>Sophomore year >just run the club nothing particularly interesting >I did plan dialogues with BLM with the College Republicans so got some interesting interactions >things were chill though >meet my future girlfriend in the club that year >fastforward to junior year >2016 election ramping up >attempt to get Milo >school flips a shit >current president quits out of anxiety from it all >all of the sudden club President >junior year engineer >what have I done to myself >soothe things over with the school >write articles endorsing/defending the Trumpster >give various interviews >fight back against increasing diversity class requirements for the business students >first they come for the business students >next the engineers I am not having any of that shit
>fast forward to election night >my freshman year roommate is now President of College Dems >plan a joint election night watch party >I had gone to a Trump rally the previous week and realized with a hundred percent certainty that Trump was going to win >was saying it for months proceeding >I get to watch the dems melt as it happens >Florida results start coming in >trending Trump >Virginia is contested for a long time >Pennsylvania begins looking red >I get the CRs cheering all the positive moves >the dems cheer for Hillary >slowly far more cheers for Trump >my former roommate walks up to me and says hey I need to go to a safer place I think she's going to lose >I smirk tell him it's all good >slowly the dems file out realizing defeat is inevitable >I ask the room if we can just turn it to FOX News and stop watching fake news >we flip to FOX and wait until Trump is declared the official winner >go into class the next day and attempt my best to hide my exhilaration >I haven't got tired of winning yet
Anyone interested in hearing more?
Joshua Barnes
Gavin Howard
Sure, I've enjoyed reading all posts on this thread. You guys never disappoint.
Gavin Cooper
Very well
>be part of a free speech/discussion organization on campus >have some really interesting discussions >defended the fact that economists don't have national interests at heart >protectionism can make sense at times >that's all side bar stuff >go on a retreat with the organization to talk political philosophy >opening comments for the weekend were from a Greek scholar >attempts to explain the Trump victory >argument goes as thus: >white people decided to ignore identity politics as long as they weren't called racist >they are being called racist now so all bars are off >white people woke up so now Trump is necessary >mfw I did not know university professors existed that were like this >group of 4 professors for the weekend all sort of agree with the premise >I choose a great school >back to the professor >questions whether the founding conditions of our nation are tennable >that's it, leaves that question hanging in the air
>study the greats >have plenty of discussion >after dinner every one goes out to drink >professors included >last night out to drink with all the professors and one other student >I just like hearing the professors argue back and forth >the professor who had given the opening lecture gets in an argument with the only liberal leaning professor with us >opening professor claims that Obama wanted to get rid of white people >that the entire Democratic Party wants to do this >he's drunk and it's getting entertaining >claims that he is fine voting for a white nationalist party because it stems off white genocide >my mouth is agape >liberal professor essentially cedes all ground >he agrees >opening professor yells at him that he shouldn't be a liberal if he is agreeing >he storms off >decide I need to drink with professors more and that my school is far better than I ever imagined
Nathan Mitchell
Fucking BASED
Henry Ross
NoFap does wonders. I've been shithole depressed for the last couple months and failing, but last semester I pretty much nofapped the whole semester and it gave me magic powers of unbroken concentration
Ayden Campbell
>easy as fuck classes >expecting anyone to be impressed
David Mitchell
>all the sexual decadence >all the bias against white males while the females get off Scott free