Was the USSR Socialist or Communist?

Many debate whether the soviet union was socialist or communist.

>Did they have private property
>Was there ANYTHING owned by private industry
>What was the value of the family in the USSR (Family > State, or, Family < State)

USSR was most definitely not communist and it wasn't entirely socialist either, it was pseudo-socialist.

State capitalist

Don't care - Red is red
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State Capitalist, because Communism doesn't work, and it has never existed, as soon as the ideology doesn't have an authoritarian govt to enforce it, it goes back to mans natural state.

neither, it was a failure

It was a failure, that is all I can tell you.



all "communist" governments devolve into state-capitalism because real communism is untryable. it defies human nature

The Soviet Union was a Marxist-Socialist State, adhering to Marxist-Leninist Doctrine, ruled over by a Communist Party.

>>Did they have private property

Generally no, but there was personal property

>>Was there ANYTHING owned by private industry

4% of agriculture in the Soviet Union was privately owned (and that 4% output 30% of all agricultural output for the country in the 1980's).

>>What was the value of the family in the USSR (Family > State, or, Family < State)

The early Communist regime under Lenin and then Stalin attempted to supplant the family unit in favor of state control, but WW2 was a wake up call that all of their doctrine wasn't necessarily relevant. Family units become increasingly relevant in official Soviet discourse and propaganda.

Any other questions?

It was retarded like you






They were Socialist because they did not have the surplus of refined goods and resources to live in a truly Communist society.

Communism is the end goal and Socialism is the transitory political structure. It is supposed to stem out of a mature Capitalist society where there is so much surplus that workers can be compensated with what they need (food, clothes, car, etc.) in the place of money. This of course is meant to happen unanimously as the workers become fed up with being exploited for their labor. This never actually happened as Lenin forced the conditions where the Russian Empire lacked them.

Socialism is (in Marx's writings) what comes immediately after a mature Capitalist society is overthrown by the Proletariat and utilizes the means of production and the resources therein to best achieve the surplus of necessary and luxury goods to allow for the Utopian system of Communism to step in.

Communism was never designed with the Russian Empire in mind, it was too backwards. In 1917 Imperial Russia lacked the industrial infrastructure necessary to support a truly Socialist society. The Soviets were working towards Communism, however they lacked EVERYTHING they needed to be Communist, or even really Socialist. The basically just built the shit they needed and called it Socialism.

From Stalin through Chernenko, the Soviet Union was more of an authoritarian state that functioned under the guise of being a "Socialist" society.

The Politburo ultimately answered to the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, i.e. Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, and Chernenko.

Tl;Dr - No, they were authoritarian, but they claimed to be Socialist. Socialism really hasn't been tried because it can't be.

t. I studied Soviet historian - I learned about my enemy and why they will always fail. Feels good nibba.

I am a Soviet historian* I studied Socialism and Communism in college. Fuck I'm drunk and it's late here.

Who cares fag it has been 'refined' by better jews then you and has proven over and over agin to never work

Now go read the federalist papers and stop being a nigger

All I needed to know about the Soviet Union I learned in 1945.

Even at the beginning, Vladimir Lenin realized his """Communist Utopia"""" would never come to be, so he enacted the NEP to allow SOME private enterprise; which in turn made it impossible for the state to be Communist, but a Socialist state with a very controlled economy and very few communist implementations, like collectivization of farms under Stalin.

Interesting. What, if you could imagine, would be the difference between the USSR and western communist/socialist movements such as the communards if they ever took power? I imagine a more optimistic, less barbaric, but still insolvent society.