Should artificial semen demons be banned?

Should artificial semen demons be banned?


Take this shit to /bant/ you fucking creepster. Sage. And gay. Nobody want's to talk about your no fap you fuckin autistic weirdo. KYS

They should be perfected.

No, they should replace the real ones. AI females > Females.

Only with a creature that can deeply love a man back, can man be truly happy.
Women mental life was ALWAYS a burden for civilizatory efforts. They are a legit acidic force, dissolving the trust between the working man and his home. Never caring, never loving, always cunning and always lying.

Thats why we developed a morality that tried to handicap women culturally, by attempting to internalize guilt upon them, to unamake their devilish instincts. And not even then it worked.

So either we straight male a genetic intervention for their total and absolute mental domestication, or we substitute them for artificial loyal and capable of child bearing artificial creatures.

Women were ALWAYS a drag on the collective struggle. They leech and lie, cheat and cry, hate and smile. Either the genes, or either the synth. Wich way, goyim?

>not sailors

Useless burdensome roastie BTFO by based synth dolls.

No because they take away the only real power women have over men, sex

>Newfags don't know announcing sage is ban-worthy

faggot jarhead detected

LOL -- your dick must be like an inch long. There's no organic hatred for women that runs that deep -- this is the result of years of vehement rejection. And yet, you think you will dominate something.

That's neat.

Which side are you on?

should artificial demon semen be banned?

Typical roasty response, no defense at all, simply baseless ad hom

>wants to hold a torch and lose money
very well user, but we know your not killing it either



Real women should be banned. We need to create genetically engineered Gurley pets to completely replace human females


I'm on the side of human glory.
We should try to experiment both options, and maybe even cohabit both 50%. If whores decide to whore, we can rely on bots. If bots get hacked, we rely on domesticated whores.
Who knows.
It's true and you know that you and your kin are all morally disgusting. Man needs the warmth of your love, but they also can conquer and kill the devil and cunning that lives on your genetic memory.
Bye bye satan flappy hole.

Looking at what sounds a more realistic choice that doesn't involve replacement of the other half of the human race, how about extending this to women as well? Create synthetic companions for both and have people live their lives as free from an outlived survival mechanism urging us to seek approval or control over each other to satisfy base needs?

Also, 5.5'' dicklet here. I don't hate women. I just got tired from the obvious truth that there is a clear pattern on the mental life of the female. It's age and cultural blind, so it must be genetic. You were just designed to whore away, and I won't keep my happiness on the hands of bad genetic software any longer. So either we fix directly on the code, or we make a fixed version of you on synth, to make the satan that lives on you obsolete forever. Culture didn't permeate deep enough on your skull, so I don't think we should try that again.

no ban pls sir

Ask yourself with honesty:
Would women be happy and satisfied with a male bot?
Would men?