Johnny Righini - The Face of Mental Illness

What can be done for sissies like Johnny Righini?

Would testosterone therapy remedy his sick brain?

Damn, there's some disgusting pictures on this thing's Instagram, just take a look at the latest ones, literally vomitpuke

Other urls found in this thread:

Looks more like a genetic defect than anything testosterone can fix.

Nazis watch out

It's a transmale you idiot.

What is even the point of giving it more test.

>Would testosterone therapy remedy his sick brain?
It's literally a biological female on testosterone retard.

nigger nobody speaks that jargon here

she has cute eyes
a shame she did this to herself

I shouldn't have to ask questions like this, was it born male or female?

>If it appeared in front of you and offered to suck your cock?

its a female that became a male

jokes on you op fool

what do they mean by all the (((pandas))), user?

>lemme zuc ya

>be a woman
>could have a life and a family
>instead pay Jewish medical industry to pump you full of chemicals and surgically mutilate you
>they're happy to oblige

So was that first a girl then transmorphed into that "dude"

Fug. Seriously. We need fire and fury.

looks like joe pesci with aids

yes, an anorexic vegan girl
>pic related is before transition

any pics of this thing before it "became" a man?

Look at his mannerism, he stands like a chick and takes selfies like a chick.
Considering how much "he" loves posing like a girl, I'm surprised she didn't just stay as one.

>hair under his nipples


>johnny being a faggot with zucchinis he earlier shoved in his ass


covers the scars.

When I see trans people like this i get the feeling of seeing a abomination like human centipede. Anyone else feel like that? like a deep seeded disturbance like you are watching a horror movie.

this thing is disgusting.

Looks so fucking frail

There are usually two reasons this is done:

1) They start unwanted, need something to cling to so they can validate themselves as being "activist" or such. They jump on the trans train, subconciously figuring nobody desired them anyway so making themselves fucked up is going to net more attention, albiet sympathy under the guise of compassionate progressivism.

2) They suffer gender dysphoria, legitimately love the effects of testosterone and beard-having, but aren't willing to put in the hard miles to appear as male and blend in like the rest of us do (workout/eat/stop taking feminine selfies), unwilling to put in the sacrifices. So they cling to progressivism to justify their lack of effort and make it "totally okay that youre like that hon- i mean dude, it's YOUR expression XOXO"

Keep in mind this person hasnt been mutilated surgically and has a vag.
t. mtf who autistically overanalyzes other trannies

Yes. We need a purge. Or atleast a really bad happening.

i just got that looking at thisgagged

>Keep in mind this person hasnt been mutilated surgically and has a vag.
Wait forget that, they did have their tits lopped off.

Do us a favor. Kill yourself.

So much cringe.

How does this thing even fuck? I would love to know (FOR SCIENCE) as facts of course. It has a fat jap daddy boyfriend but that doesn't mean it gets fucked, how would a jap even fuck it with a 1 inch shrivelled cock?

what the fuck?

Brother. Why is this happening to us.

Ive known plenty of mentally ill attention seeking ed girls this must be the next step inline with current trends in void filling.

seehaving your tits chopped of doesn't count as mutilation?

forgot about that

we have turned away from gods light





>There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls
Ironically, this is a quote from George Carlin who, I believe, would have plenty of comedic material after seeing this jackass

AIDS dude, that's AIDS

Here's my suggestion for therapy. Fast, effective, and best of all...PERMANENT!

Hmmm, I had a similar issue with food when I was teenager from OCD, only I obsessed over potentially getting sick from food because of a phobia of vomiting.

Im doing ok.

>t. mtf who autistically overanalyzes other trannies

son, i am dissapoint

man it's el seƱor barriga!

What am I doing in this thread?

You will puke. Cringe is real. Shit is nasty.

Dear fucking God please tell me it isn't pregnant



I second the notion.

Do the world a favor and kill yourself. I hope the 45 percent is true and not a made up stat. I want to cling to the hope that it's true rather than ruin it by finding out it's false.

Johnny stop spamming yourself here, you insane black hole of attention.

>I would rather know that somewhere, maybe here on Earth, pic related is alive kicking out a thousand bugs than witness the horror of what a single Johnny Righini could spawn from Hell itself

The apocalypse has to be soon

Theyve been good enough to explain whats going on internally for these people no need to be so harsh.

did you see the beak on that things mother. Das juden

He makes me ashamed to be gay

We have pissed off God very badly. It is literally Sodom and Gomorrah.

Be safe.

Dont chop off your feminine benis, user.

He literally looks like a stoner girl I tried fucking wtf

Death is the only solution

Dont worry user im too scared to do that. I am going to chop off balls though.

Any before pictures?

>Oh hey, mom's out tonight, but we could still have fun, can't we big brother?

I have tried but to no avail.

If someone finds any could you post em?



That is one of the most disturbing things ive ever read in my whole internet life

looks like it's female to male, those scars are from breast tissue removal.

Is this the thing that let it's junk get cut off with a lettuce knife?

I didn't know that it was originally a she, it makes a lot of sense though. In a way, seeing the instagram makes one realize how bullshit the Transgender movement is, if you ignore the selfies, it looks like any girl's instagram page.

Same insipid pictures of food, even mostly just selfies.

It's sad, it's like some sort of Frankenstein of her own creation.

That thing was once Daddy's Little Girl and she was probably loved by her parents.

Makes it a LOT more tragic, and way less funny in all honesty.

I don't understand these type of people's fascination with communism. I mean do a little research, that's it. Also fuck fascism as well, nazi fucks.

literally pic related

>seeing the instagram makes one realize how bullshit the Transgender movement is
For real, nobody with "gender dysphoria" (what should be where transgenderism comes from) would ever get pregnant or prance around in a tutu. These people can walk right into clinics, grab their test and walk right out so long as daddy pays, then protest that "gatekeeping" is harmful.

Informed consent was a mistake. Reminder that Planned Parenthood provides it.

Because it literally miss

It's a chick that got her tits cut off and been put on drugs to turn male
Now itsmstufk in between, literally nature's abdomination

Pretty sure that thing used to be female. Hes a "femme transgender male".


why fuck fascism user ? you're not very nice :s

see>only pic I could find and I found it in one of the Sup Forums archive sites

Exactly user

I think at this point we have even surpassed Sodom and Gomorrah in degeneracy.

They never had gay marriage or sex changes...

Holocaust chic trex arm motherfucker

Yeah like if I had to choose between torture and eventually death, or undergoing hormone therapy, I'd choose the first one in a heartbeat


i predict suicide. i really do.

>being attracted to AIDS patients

this isn't a meme. That's HIV/AIDS.

nostradamus over here

He posts a lot of pictures of food.

How original.


Why not just start at the neck? If you're taking yourself out of the gene pool why not just go all the way? Why are you half-assing?

When it thinks its got no more attention coming in or the 'JAP DADDY' BF leaves, I predict overdoes of pills first, or wrist cutting because of its relation to scalpels and shit for its metamorphosis.... I'm no forensic, i'd put a wager on those two predictions tho

I can't imagine where these people get all this money.

I've gotten a few tattoos before and they put a hit in my budget for a month or two. How do these people like this or all the other trannies afford all the surgery and tattoos and body mods they get?

i predict next summer there will be a sunny day in Florida, i really do

yeah no shit man


Historically, this is one of the reasons people have banded together and gone to kill their enemies, annihilation down the last man, woman, child, livestock, abode, food supply, language and religion.

Now a days, we call it "genocide", but really it's an aspect of evolutionary pressure being exerted by member of the same species, albeit from a different people.

Anyone else notice that commies don't have chins? Do they also seek to redistribute jaw-lines to the washouts in their ranks?

They mostly care about appearance. Like 90% of expenditures bar basic needs consist of clothes, tattoos, accessories, beauty products etc.