If he successfully serves a full eight-year term, and gets much of what Sup Forums wants, then who's next after him?
Surely not Pence.
If he successfully serves a full eight-year term, and gets much of what Sup Forums wants, then who's next after him?
Surely not Pence.
He will have established himself as Fürher for life and invested in life-preserving technology that will enable him to rule forever.
Jared Taylor will run for President :)
Rand Paul or Rowdy Gowdy digits will confirm.
>Bluepill: The Post
Probably Michelle Obama or some hopenchangey (((Democrat))) puppet like Joe Ossoff
God-Emperor. 12,000 so year hegenomy of mankind. All alien races must serve.
If Trump gets re-elected, he will be the last President of the United States. This situation is not going to be anything but catastrophic SEVEN years from now. They might try to hold an election if we somehow do limp along that long but it will not be considered legitimate, if it even reaches election day.
Donald Trump Jr. is the only correct answer.
inb4 "i'm a war president"
Sheriff Joe of course.
>he thinks we'll let Trump only serve 8 years
Taylor Swift.
Whoever marries Taylor Swift
2024 will see the election of an explicitly white nationalist President. Not any of the current leaders of the Alt-right, but someone new and charismatic who will emerge from the Southern Evangelical community with a message of biblically justified white supremacy.
If Trump can successfully run the country for 8 years then I would want him to run for a third term. Term limits are retarded.
Pence is a useless fundie clown. Fuck him.
>Term limits are retarded.
See Angela Merkel
To be fair Trump will be near 80, while if anybody can do it, it would be Trump, realistically, and fairly, we can't expect more than 2 terms even if he was aloud more
Probably this.
Trump will end up being to moderate. As the country grows more conservative in a backlash against liberalism, the 2024 President will be one of the worst.
We cant really know who will emerge. Obama was a response to 8 years of Bush, and Trump is a response to 8 years of Obama. Trump does seem to me to have the ability to be the next Reagan, but it all depends on if he can get his act together.
Pence would be good if he became more redpilled and less establishment, and I do think it'll happen after being with Trump for the length of the term.
You also have to remember Trump opened the floodgates for outsiders and businesspeople to run for President. Maybe a Mark Cuban type would be cool.
It depends on your definition of liberal. Currently if you don't support government forced religion, government forced childbirth and a version of law and order that only applies to the poor and minorities, you are a liberal.
Ossoff got funding from every rich Democrat and still lost the Georgia election lmao.
David Duke.
Impossible. We don't have the demographics now and they'll be even worse in 2024. Revolution is our pnly chance.
If Trump cracks down on sanctuary cities and expels most of the illegals, then things won't get too bad. If he doesn't, the 2024 President will probably declare a state of emergency, take us to war with Mexico "because they invaded us", and deploy the military to suppress both illegals and their leftist allies. Habeas Corpus can be suspended in cases of invasion and rebellion, and technically that's what we have.
The current demographic crisis actually works to our advantage, as it forces a growing white racial awareness. Remember, the south was only about 60% white, that's why it had institutionalized racism.
>ignoring the math and population trends
you're legit living in a fantasy. if Trump doesn't deport 1-3 million illegals this country is done for by 2024
>>full eight-year term
Most likely barring some huge dnc fuckups the pendulum will swing and we will get another socialist in office to save everyones feels.
I'll be 35 in 2024
I just want to preempt the inevitable "HE GAINED 20 POINTS" and point out that the previous candidate, Rodney Stooksbury, had no photograph, no social media presence, and spent spent $0. Democrats would rather pretend they were retarded enough to sink $24 million dollars into an unwinnable district than admit there is no Trump backlash.
If we had an election today and every white person voted for us and every brown person voted against us, we would barely win. Trump is not going to stop the spics from ruining us without going beyond the powers he has as President under the current constitution.
Pence is a joke of a man. Won't be him. Who knows...who cares...
You cant run for pres from prison
>user 2024
>Race War Now
Cruz or Roboto
And you're ignoring history. We've been here before and the result is consistent. A militant white nationalist movement, ala the second klan era, will form and take control of large sections of the country. The left's political influence will remained confined to cities and coasts. The electoral math from 2016 will prevail, and the President after Trump will simply declare a state of emergency, use the military to occupy the major cities and suppress the democrats, and then violently deport the illegals and their kids.
dafuq you talkin about?
Barron, obviously. He's the Last President.
So what's the bad news?
Ivanka after her divorce.
>If we had an election today and every white person voted for us and every brown person voted against us, we would barely win.
Whites are 72% of the electorate, and 62% of the general population. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. The current powers under the Constitution would actually allow Trump to do what he needs, but he won't go that far.
President Forney.
That the total dominance over politics a nationalistic Republican party will gain will also inevitably corrupt it. The 2030s will be very scandal ridden.
This is the fate of all multicultural politics.
Literally Hitler
there is actually a chance of that happening.
>contribute so much into electing president
>see that it hadnt done shit, and you have another shabbos goy who suck dicks of bankers
>Sup Forums wants, then who's next after him?
I thought Sup Forums supposed to learn valuable lesson that this elections gave, understand that "democracy" is a shitshow and game played by enemy rules, and seek new way to fight jew.
you had me til aloud