Does the conservative party of Canada have any chance of winning the 2019 election? I'm uneducated on Canadian politics since US politics are so much better, so who should I vote for? I'm right leaning on the libertarian side of things.
Does the conservative party of Canada have any chance of winning the 2019 election...
Conservative Party is your only hope, and even then, my understanding is that the candidate they chose to field is basically equivalent to an American RINO.
Basically, choose between Trudeau or ND speeding Canada off a cliff, or the Conservatives tapping the brakes slightly.
vote for that conservative wiener who should have lost to maxime bernier
my family voted for turdo in 2015 and will not be in 2019 because of all his PC garbage. hoping many others will do the same. also my family is pretty lefty but turdo is pushing it way too much for them..
DESU the last truly Conservative government Leafistan had ended in 2002
I see. My parents support the NDP completely, they help put up signs and tell their friends to support it too. My mother even got one of the best jobs in her life because of it. Is there anyway I can redpill my parents? Worst case I'll just pretend I voted NDP.
Ontario needs to be carpet bombed off of the map, especially those white kids in Toronto who all dress like niggers and un ironically sound like women from southern California
winning would be impossible without a big scandal, or economic crash
have to see what the ndp do, electing the sikh could change things and a minority or coalition government more possible
ruling parties tend to last more than one election
You've posted this more than once
Sadly I have a white friend who has a case of Niggeritis. Listens to rap music and talks about gangs and signs constantly. They dress themself well though otherwise. Is there anyway I can snap some sense into them?
What is it going to take for you cucks to get rid of the Crown? Bulldike criminal Premire mandating federal government teach children there are 5 genders, can't even speak out against the waves of mudslimes that are incoming in 2018, college girlfriends having the ability to no shit take you to the cleaners in alimony if you break up after 6 months...
Probably not, it comes in waves in Canada. Jean Chretien was PM for 10 years, Stephen Harper was PM for 10 years, Trudeau will be PM for 10 years.
Enjoy turning into Sweden.
Canada is fucked. This is the next conservative leader.
Like, what would it actually take for Canadians to revolt? The only thing that they seem to like that's cheap that their faggot military cannot do without in a combat zone is Tim Hortons, what if the government said no more timbits then would you leafs rake?
Worst case, do you think there's any hope for me to immigrate to the US? I'm seriously considering it at this point.
Those digits....
>supporting Conservatives
>any year beyond 2006 up to the present
They still don't get it. The Liberals took a fucking decade to get their shit together, and they still only succeeded because the Conservatives dug themselves into a hole. The Conservatives will take another decade at least to recover. Scheer is cancer and I don't see the Conservatives winning until they get another leader or unless the country is in economic ruin (which it isn't yet).
Am I the only fucking person here who isn't a partisan shill? You want Canada to burn in flames as long as a fucking blue party is in power? If anyone deserved the rope...
Find out what they don't like about the current Liberal government and compare NDP's platform against it. They're both center-left, so if there's something distinctly left-wing about Trudeau's government that they don't like, there's a 95% chance you'll find it in the NDP platform for next year that can be framed as getting more of the same.
If their beef is with Trudeau's less leftist stuff, then they're probably hopeless until they wind up getting re-educated by reality.
Seems good. They've voiced problems with Trudeau before, they just never go in depth about what their problems with them are. Thanks for the help.
Obviously there's no chance of a win from an alternative party but are there any that are promising?
I only really care about keeping my guns long enough to export them to the USA when I move there after graduating
conservatives it is
yeah dude lets have our first kike PM
Wrong. Sup Forums's leaf shitposters didn't like him but their candidate was the Romney RINO asshole. The Tories just nominated a Cruz-type guy instead of Trump-type Trost. So instead of a dude who supports partial-birth abortion and tax cuts, the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada is actually a man who opposes abortion entirely, and has a well-rounded right-wing agenda.
It really depends on if Trudeau implements his electoral reform and if CHP is able to emerge as a major player and take a large amount of NDP votes to form a coalition with the Tories, in my opinion. However, I believe the Conservative Party has a very high likelihood of winning if we just do it right. Never impossible.
Yeah. With a bullet.
Yes Quebec is going to turn blue cause of this illegal immigration bullshit. Ontario is going to turn blue because the cost of energy is ruining people
Canadians will never revolt ever, the only time we riot is if we lose a major hockey game. Most Canadians I meet don't even care about politics in Canada. In fact I would bet most Canadians know more about what's going on in US politics than Canadian politics.
No. Cuckservatives elected a virgin as their leader, whereas the Liberals will be running a literal Chad pic related
Forgot pic but I think you all know who our Chad is. The Chad Prime Minister vs. the virgin opposition leader.
Same. Most people I know and I know a lot more about US politics. Most of them just shout the Stuff the media wants them to hear, like
>Trump is racist, trump is unhinged, Trump is a dictator.
potentially possible depending on how this goes. 7,000 haitians is not a lot yet, but there are another 63,000 losing status in the US and 360,000 central americans in early 2018. they head north, trudeau could easily lose public support.
>In fact I would bet most Canadians know more about what's going on in US politics than Canadian politics.
essentially accurate, whenever I'm up in toronto the locals are pretty much like
>did anyone else hear what drumpf said today
never hear anything about all of the canadian politics though. i try to talk about stories I read and nobody knows shit or cares.
Canadian News is just US news but more liberal at this point, which is why you probably hear nothing. The most attention to Canadian issues in Canada was back when Trudeau gave a bunch of money to a terrorist.
are you me? im the only fucking conservative by the looks of it in jew of T, cant wait to move back to Alberta. I agree with the burger about Toronto, its far beyond repair, pack your bags bud, Alberta is calling your name.