Why They Call All White People Are Racist?

>'Your entire existence is drenched in racism': L'Oreal's first transgender model claims 'ALL white people' are racist in extraordinary Facebook rant that could see her lose lucrative cosmetic campaign

>Witha dizzying fanfare, she was brought in as the 'face of modern diversity'.

>But days after she was announced as L'Oreal's first transgender model, Munroe Bergdorf launched an extraordinary rant declaring all white people racist.

>The 29-year-old British star, who appeared in the cosmetic giant's recent '#allworthit' campaign alongside Cheryl Cole and Katie Piper, now faces being dropped from her lucrative new role.

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One day the whites will chimpout and exterminate all non whites.

Sorry sweety you already tried that and it didn't go so well for you :)

Time for round 2, faggot.

obvious b8

literally when, sweetie

aww that's cute sweetie. 'member what happened last time?

t. kike

>entire existence is drenched in racism
Can't have it both ways you assholes

Laugh it up kikes, its when you laugh is when the rug is swept up from under you.

I probably wasn't a racist until they kept calling me a racist



Deal with it nigger


Every time they say all white people are racist more get redpilled and join our side

When are you retards going to catch on that the word "Racist" is the same word as "Nigger".
Some of us think all black people are niggers, some don't.
But mostly we think they are niggers.
Same thing.

>now faces being dropped from her lucrative new role
God dammit, I guess we're going to have to wait a little longer for the race war.

It's an anti-white slur. People would think you're an idiot if you call a nonwhite person racist

What a fucking mystery


Psycho tranny who hates whites is hired as female model despite being male. We're reaching Fukushima levels of insanity in this culture now

>all slave owners were white
25%of jews owned slaves, 2% of blacks owned slaves, I'm sure there were a few rich spics and prairie nigs with slaves.


>Step 1: They used to laugh about it
>Step 2: They thought it was a joke
Step 3: They are not laughing anymore.

And people would think you were an idiot if you called a white man a nigger. Same thing.

>Be nigger
>Be trans
>Live in the west
>Work for western company
>Live in western culture that tolerates transsexuals and ended slavery
>Make tons of money
>Get ad campaign

Like honestly you dumb nigger, do you not realize that if not for white people, you'd either be a slave due to being a nigger, or lynched by other niggers for being a tranny? haha

"Of black people's complaining there is no end" (ancient proverb)

Confucius here knows what's up.

i would gladly slaughter

Her autistic political views aside, would tap / 10 (...when drunk)

>all white people are racist

glad to hear it, at least we are united in something


"No to racism" = "No Whites"
"Diversity" = "No Whites"

Okay but how big is xer penis and are there any pics of xon's bulge?

how do we get that model fired?

It's always the pale ones.

I have a name for this. I call it "mullato guilt". They are guilty for their white half and it drives them crazy. They are guilty because they had to live with their cousins making fun of them for being white.

Neoliberalism and Marxism are just tools used for the destruction of Europoid civilization.

We must unite under the banner of white nationalism, and crush the degenerates, for the sake of our childrens' future.

This is bullshit, they would NEVER hire a real woman that heavy as a model! Women have to fucking starve themselves, make these fucking trannies starve themselves, too!

I've noticed those militant mulattoes as well. The narcissism of small differences. I read somewhere that people living near the borders of a country will always be more nationalistic than those in the centre (at least in eastern Europe). Also the way that a secretary is always the snobbiest person in a company, because she's the lowliest and closest to the front door

tranny thrown a bone by a company to give her a real job
blows it

>tranny model
what is this disgusting shit

>you already tried that
Never happened, but it's looking like it might be a requirement, at least domestically.


>what is this disgusting shit

Normalizing ugliness, degeneracy, deviance and training mindless idiots to mistake these things for beauty

How the fuck does this moose face get a contract when she looks like a brick wall. Are they that desperate for trannies that they gave this mongoloid a contract

>that one on the right

Insert Disc 2

>t. oldfag

there has gotta be better looking trannies than this dude

Liberals and the media are literally 1-2 steps away from calling for the extermination of all white people.

Literal concentration camps -- run by liberal minority groups with full support from the media and all of our elected officials.

It's the clear next step for liberals and the media - calling for all whites to be killed -- that white people are too toxic to be allowed to live.

We are maybe 2-3 years away from that step.

"We will most likely see these type events explode peaking out in real bloodshed by September 21/22nd, 2019 (2019.725). So expect to see this civil unrest continue to rise especially after 2017."

So, bravely fight the 3 wars to save the West:
1- the war on our individual personal weaknesses (fought by becoming better each day physically and mentally)
2- the cold war on the leftists and traitors (fought by waging defensive and offensive memetic and deplatforming war on the enemy, online and AFK)
3- the hot war against the traitors and enemies of the West when the anti-white oppressors of the West kick it off (to be fought in the future, and to be fought right now by means of SHTF prepping)

after the Great Western Global Civil Wars we’ll need to remain vigilant and make the correct changes to our way of governing our people in order to prosper again, instead of facing another cycle of 300 to 600 years of dark age era on the West again.

Fight on these 3 fronts each and every day and you’ll reach satisfaction. Do it for yourself and do it for your family. Do it for your community and for your country. And last but not least, do it also for your race and the whole West.

Too beta for that, Todd. Also you would need to get off the computer for once.


BASED to the core. That's )))science and reason((( right there.

"White supremacy" = white existence


>a tranny is mentally ill

Woo lad color me surprised

More evidence that multiracial countries are a bad thing.

>instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla
Australians BTFO

They aren't us, they will always hate & resent us for it
This is like, why people had countries in the first place

These are views shared by 90%+ of blacks

>tranny thrown a bone by a company to give her a real job
>blows it
and the next bones to be thrown out will be hers

Yes good good.
Let's make it hip and trendy to be an empowered tranny in the colored community.
Haha, dude wants to take white people down a peg so he goes and castrates himself. Now people will just laugh at him, he'll never reproduce, and he can't really attack a real man. No one wants anything to do with that thing, he's literally a diversity hire hahaha
That's no role model nigga get someone respectable to say that shit so it'll look appealing like the president oh wait look who that ishahahaha

Yes colored folks, fight white supremacy by chopping your cock off and wearing yoga pants, that'll show us!
Hahahahahaha nigga I'm dyin get the wata nigga hahaha

well i for one am racist so it's got me there.

fuck niggers

>already tried
no it wasn't. white men never tried to genocide all the other races cause they're christcucks.

>unironically saying "all white people are racist!"

dumb tranny