Congratulations Los Angeles! LACityCouncil has voted to replace Columbus Day with IndigenousPeoplesDay
Congratulations Los Angeles! LACityCouncil has voted to replace Columbus Day with IndigenousPeoplesDay
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fucking california man
may an 10.0 earthquake shake california to the core
fucking retarded, what did indigenous people ever do? those fuckers never even figured out how to make a wheel.
It takes a dozen of the fucking retards to play one drum. They're not a very bright people.
Reminder that this outrages American Indians. We do not need your patronage.
Colombus was a douche anyway soooo...
... Is it really a loss?
I want a Ponce de Leon day. Guy was a real asshole, a true Floridian.
They were too busy making feather hats and dying of polio kek
What did Columbus ever do?
Sailed the ocean blue in 1492. they teach us that in fucking preschool.
Then? Eat each other. Scavenge area of all resources. Drive Buffalo nearly extinct. Not invent anything ever. Pick fight with Europeans and get absolutely wrecked.
Now? Demand gibs. We wuz noble savages. Sell contraband smokes. Get drunk on mouthwash. Bitch about white people. Live in metal boxes on the rez.
California needs some hurricanes of its own!
I agree with replacing Columbus day, but that's because I prefer Leif Erikson day (who discovered America 500 years before that wop)
Yeah him and the thousands of other sailors.
>What did Columbus ever do?
He was a famous explorer who discovered the New World and established Spanish colonies in the Caribbean. So quite a lot.
Christopher Columbus was a fucking hack anyway
The vikings discovered the new world before Christopher Columbus did.
>burger education
>burger education
hinga dinga durgin
i don't care about Columbus, but i root against those who oppose him
Christopher Columbus did a bunch of fucked up shit to the natives. He wasn't a sweet guy.
But he's still my hero. No other Italian, besides maybe Mussolini, butt blasts so many liberals.
Cali can't die from droughts soon enough. A shame that the Californians wont just die as well though instead of migrating to red states and ruining them too.
>no u: the post
Jesus kid do some research outside of a YouTube video.
At least nuclear tested Bikini Bottom got it right
who the hell cares?
LA is a cesspool of libtards.
>trusting burger education
Coming from le 56% face
Nothing. White racists just like to name shit after other white people. I couldn't care fucking less about that wh*te nigger. Personally, I think King Phillip the 2nd is more memorable than that retard.
As a commiefornian, i literally can't tell you which part of the nation needs to die first. I don't care if its from a LONG overdue earthquake, nuke or other.
Los Angeles is a cesspool, San Diego is mexico 2.0, San Francisco is the degenerate capital of the world, Oakland is nigger city, and Silicon Valley is loaded with the world's supply of progressives and thot police
Literally, if any/all of the above would cease to exist, that would be wonderful
After experiencing this exact same thing crop up my way in multiple iterations (such as Rudd's lauded 'apology') I'm curious what Sup Forums thinks about...
What exactly happens once the left and left sympathizers use up all the easy to reach, empty gestures that don't actually mean anything?
when did chinese ppl become american indians?
More than one person can discover something.
Oh yeah I gotta discuss OPs shit.
No one cares about the label of the day as long as we get a day off. Also we could trigger some snowflakes by reminding them that losers don't get participation trophies. (It's there reasoning behind tearing down confederate monuments)
This. The word "discover" means something very different to leftists.
So I discovered America
GTFO of my state bitch. This is, and always will be, New Spain. Deal with it bitch. Besides, brown people are more adapted to this environment. I believe that nature creates the peoples of a particular area, hence, the area of North America is strictly for Native Americans. As a corollary, white people will become brown in generations, as a consequence of living in this habitat. It's Nature, and Man as One.
Perfectly reasonable, now I demand that they take down all of the decorstions since we as a nation have decided we don't want reminders of people who lost wars.
Sure. It's just that his (Christopher Columbus') discovery of America was a lot more important and impressive than your (Tyrese Washington's) discovery of America.
So it doesn't matter if you were the first to discover something, it's just how popular you are?
Yes but who decided to tell the rest of the world about it?
People agree with the same things for different reasons when their politics are similar but not identical.
Los Angeles like London has now fallen to leftists.
also columbus discovered a different part of the new world
while the vikings discovered some of Quebec and Newfoundland
so he did in fact also discover the new world
Stone-age primates who practiced ritual torture & cannibalism? No thx you KIKE.
Solutreans were the first Europeans that made it to America, during the fucking ice age. Long before the Mongoloids did.
Aztlan is coming, motherfuckers.
This is just a prelude to the real deal.
I'm not even in Texas and I'm starting to think about The Alamo.
So Columbus only discovered the Caribbean and central america, he did not discover the new world, only a different part of it right?
>antifa proudly displaying their faces
Would be a huge step toward me not considering them total faggots. If they stopped attacking people over their opinions then I wouldn't mind them at all.
Who gives a shit, I still gotta work that day.
>wh*te nigger
Still more than any tree nigger ever did.
Columbus isn't responsible for any of the shit that went down with the natives, that was the Spanish and pilgrim's fault. Columbus only found the land, he isn't responsible for what people did with his discovery.
>Christopher Columbus did a bunch of fucked up shit to the natives. He wasn't a sweet guy.
i read that in Dr. Phil's voice. Feels good. I could picture him snapping on a wild nigger one day.
Sort of. Say you're an explorer who lives in and around the asshole of the Earth. You discover a brand new land, but in a few generations all of your ancestors die out and the only people you managed to tell your tale to were a bunch of illiterate sheep farmers at the periphery of the civilized world.
If that were the case your discovery wouldn't be as meaningful as someone whose discovery actually led to significant historical events.
So, like, yeah, it's like totally all a popularity contest. Good point.
>a bunch of Mexicans larping as Apaches
I've seen more Mexicans in the Central Coast than San Diego.
I've seen more Mexicans in LA than San Diego.
Then again I might be mistaking the white skinned Mexicans for not being Mexican; especially since they seem to hold down jobs and speak fluent English.
stop appropriating native culture
More than your fatass that's for sure
Cool I hope the sun people renew their cults and take over and they build a pyramid and revive their soccer game with severed heads and play it and put it on youtube.
Don't they murder themselves over some god that's a lightning bird? That's way cooler then that city's previous reign of black drug dealers.
This could be a positive change for Los Angeles.
>As a corollary, white people will become brown in generations,
>implying evolution happens in a couple of generations
What kind of wacky science is Bill Nye teaching now?
Yeah, I guess sometimes the first discoverer might have not been able to publish or inform people of their findings, leaving it undiscovered.
Why don't we just co-opt the term 'Indigenous American' to mean any white American who didn't recently immigrate?
Are you 12 years old or just a liberal? Your arguments are childish.
ya but are us white people allowed to dress up as cowboys and indians and get drunk more now?
or muh appropriashuns?
>attack English settlements
>destroys lots of money worth of supplies and massacre English settlers
>doesn't know what a book is
>no written language, or advancement of technology for the entire time natives have been on the American continent
>ignorantly disrespects the Bible in front of the Spaniards
>99% of Natives are now killed off by the Europeans
Now the Indians want a day that celebrates them that replaced the discovery of the American continent that has nothing to do with Indians?
It wasn't much of an argument, more of a hyperbolic question.
In less than 100 years it's going to end up as "Indigenous Remembrance Day" since they'll all be white people.
that doesnt even make sense there is no record of human arrival in iceland or greenland prior to vikings
Why should we celebrate a culture of the defeated?
What do feather indians have to do with cubans?
Central and South natives are to us what South Europeans are to north Europeans.
They're not red.
The wheel is a little too complicated. How about we try to each them to ride horses instead.
Its not like the natives themselves were in their homeland. The Lakotas raped and pillaged their way across the great plains displacing tribes once they had horses.
how did they instantly learn to horse ride
Spaniards arent brown and north of the border natives arent the same as south of the border natives.
good question
i see no reason to
>Spaniards arent brown
Found the angry mestizo.
no they both discovered different parts of the new world
And yet where is their settlement? Weak genes and low motivation, Columbus made it happen
You're preaching to the choir. The Iroquois did the exact same thing in the east. It's not like the concept of conquest was foreign to any of them.
They were more savage than Columbus! They killed innocent women and children without provocation.
>No one cares about the label of the day as long as we get a day off
I hope you recall this post as you celebrate Suck a Gay Trans Nigger Day on 25th December 2027.
also known as
Slave Appreciation Day
If losers can't have statues, why do these losers get a special day to celebrate the fact that they lost? We need to close down the reservations and take back the land. No handouts for losers.
Sailed to America four thousand years before Columbus?
you're implying these 0.5% of the population are the ones with the power that actually enacted this legislation when it was actually just some virtue signalling liberals
Four thousand years after the reds did it
what the fuck I discovered america as soon as i left for work! wheres my holiday!?!
What do they do when the word "indigenous" becomes a hate term?
I like to think of it as the Day of the Conquered People, where we remember our accomplishments and celebrate with hope in our hearts.
Fuck redniggers.