Defend a free-market approach to disasters. You can't, but your attempt will be entertaining.
American socialism
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Government response to a disaster is not socialism. If it was the Roman Empire would be known as socialist.
In a communist country, none of those helping citizens could have afforded boats, because buying a boat just to fish for fun is too bourgeois
It culls an unrestrained, growing population on a planet with increasingly limited resources.
Socialism will always lead to a dysgenic outcome unless the government is some sort of Authoritarianism. To deny natural selection is to deny God and to deny God is asking for the roof to fall on top of you.
Business owners don't want thier costumers to die. Checkmate, socialists.
>people help each other
The free market doesn’t dictate you can’t, more than half the people in that pic are citizens
Who said I intend to defend it? I want to see the Texans who voted against Sandy aid have to say when the next relief bill comes up.
>To deny natural selection is to deny God
I guess we should just start killing people with inherited diseases or defects
>Defend a free-market approach to disasters
There's one right there in your pic.
>what is citizens help one another
>what is citizens donate money to victims
>what is government doesn't always need to handle literally everything