The jews have been pushing the WMAF meme in the media to destroy or at least destabilize the asian race.
The jews have been pushing the WMAF meme in the media to destroy or at least destabilize the asian race
They also want to do the same for whites, I'm surprised we aren't teaming up to tackle this issue. All race-mixing is genocide to both of our races.
I feel sorry for the daughter
My last ex was an Asian (who was born in Europe). Best girl I ever dated. If I ever marry a woman, she'll be Asian.
White women are too slutty, Jewish women too feminist. Asians are the perfect women.
You should thank us.
t. Westernized Chang Lee
Usually hapa women are pretty. This one just looks like someone hit her in the face with a pan.
I mean the kids always come out looking asian so its always a net plus for asians.
Are jews trying to kill themselves out now?
They haven't succeeded.
White miscegnation rates are the lowest of any race in the world.
So low that nobody but hapa cucks ever talks about it.
>the asian race
reminds me of the time that dumb horse girl with the thicc ass asked me if I spoke "asian" in high school
Those kids aren't mixed race. He's the stepdad.
Jews don't have a distinct look. Come to Israel and you'll see all races of Jews.
Heck, there were Jews who mixed with Chinese over 1000 years ago in china, their descendants look Asian, but they still preserved Jewish tradion until today.
Next is BFAM? I figure since they're left over..
nice rack on the mom
t. not a chang
Merchant meme begs to differ
Why? What's wrong with her face?
gook eye
replace slutty with fat, and you've summed up white/jewish/asian women pretty well. thank god for gorgeous asian women
>racemixing makes ugly childre-
Sup Forums btfo once again
Ew what the fuck
big head from white genes but small eyes from Asian genes = J U S T
>brown "hapa" daughter
does her white dad even know he's been cucked
We all agree jews are trying to make a single mudrace to rule over. Fine. Whites are their first target, as they're the most likely race to be able to resist, so take down the biggest threat first. Understood.
What kind of tricks will they pull on asians, like chinese? They seem like they'd be extremely resistant to jew tricks. What do you think their tactics will consist of? After they wipe out whites, no other race will trust them.
In my experience every jew I know or know of married a non-jew. My friend's wife is Jewish and is always trying to set me up with her jew friends, jew-jew kids have very high incidences of weird congenital diseases like Tay Sachs. I'm tempted to take the jewpill, try to find the jew gold, but Jewish girls seem extremely high maintenance and have a high incidence of cheating on their goys so ultimately I have to take a rain check.
She also has the dumb-looking triangle face a lot of asians have.
Outbreeding depression is a real thing.
Kaifeng jews are barely jews.
And they are impoverished living in Henan which is already poor as dirt.
You jews have nothing on the Chinese.
>cheating on their goys
That's who they are. Fucking over goyim is what they do.
The jewish tricks they use will not be comprehensible to us, since the Chinese generally lack empathy and the introspective guilt that plagues and ultimately dooms the white race.
It'll probably be based on superstitious naturopathy, ancestor worship, and humiliation from british wars and colonialism.
They may stave it off for 100 or 500 years, but a few generations after China hits its peak strength and dominance, the Jew will strike.
I respect Yellows. They are, along with us, the only ones that can create Civilization. But Whites shouldn't mix with them and vice-versa.
More than her face, it's the blood that runs through her veins: a combination of trashy asian traitor whore and yellow fever beta cumnog
She's hot though. We got to at least give him a pass.
>those slant eyed children
Her plastic surgery could only hide it for so long..
Wealth has nothing to do with anything.
Jews in Europe were extremely poor for hundreds of years. It was only in the last few hundred years that we started to accumulate real wealth.
What makes Jews distinct is influence. And if a tiny Jewish minority managed to keep their traditions and not completely assimilate for over a thousand years in a hole like china, it shows you something.
The kids dont look like mom or dad
fuck off nerd
>Oy vey stay away from the shiksa
>tfw no smol kgf
Devon Aoki. She's a hapa (((Hollywood))) actress and Steve Aoki's sister. I always thought she looked kind of down syndrome like. Couldn't understand why she was in so many movies.
But they are only loyal to other kaifeng jews.
Same as ashkenazi dont like to associate with ethiopian jews.
You still cant transcend race.
>WMAF meme
She is really hot even comparing to Colombian wemon.
You can legit see here that even half Asians have no soul. Look at those dead eyes. Look at that skull and bone structure. Try and tell me she isn't just some soulless organic self-replicating robot created by God to be used as a concubine while her brother comfortably squats in a small tunnel, laying explosives in stone, making way for new high speed train to take them back to wherever they fucking came from, along with their piece of shit father who would rather have a sexy Asian wife with honestly amazing tits, than not force his only son to have to walk around looking like he was stung by bees and recently caught staring at a solar eclipse.
It's more about culture than race. Half the kids born in Israel today are probably not 100% ashkenazi or sepharadi. The ethiopians came not long ago, so their culture is too different to the majority here.
Similar people are attracted to each other. That's why trashy unintelligent white women date black men in America.
Kaifeng jews were down to the hundreds when they were discovered. They got ZERO influence. This is very different from European jews who roam like locust through out the middle ages.
I don't think you understand that the Chinese play at a whole different level. They can't be cucked by your primitive tricks.
>destroy or destabilise a race of billions
>with a demographic so small its statistically insignificant
>to destroy or at least destabilize the asian race.
The most common person is a chinese male. What they're trying to do is destroy the WHITE race.
But what if everyone became jewish, wouldnt the bankers and those in the position of upmost power still be the caucasoid jews, now rulling over the various jews of lesser ethinicities?
globalists want all races mixed, rootless, without an identity, self-hating.
this is not just a war on whites. this is war on everyone. we are all victims of globalist elites but we hate each other. divide and conquer.
Other than the fact that people from the Middle East and India had many civilisations when white pigs and rice niggers were swinging on trees yea....
nothing wrong with the forgotten white man getting his own undersized vagina and plastic tits to play with. perhaps your are just a jealous coalburner roastie?
Yeah but Asians are smarter and have stronger cultural heritage. Most people who identify as "white" usually say something silly like " Im a quarter Irish, German, 1/8 Swedish, with some Spanish and French". When you ask a Chinese, Korean, or Japanese what they are they say either Chinese, Korean, or Japanese.
Not everyone will become a Jew. Jews were always about 10 million. In roman times there was a census of Jews and it was about 8 million. Some believe it's because the number of Jewish souls is finite.
every time we get influence, the goyim become jealous and massacre a few millions. Those are the weak ones. Natural selection keeps the smart ones around, so we keep getting better through eugenics.
No matter how similar their culture, wouldnt the caucasoid jew still promote another caucasoid jew employee rather than a darker, different in appearance african jew?
>tfw Hitler and Europeans gave free Eugenics to Jews for thousands of years.
Yep. Also we practiced eugenics for centuries by encouraging all the males to study the talmud. And the smartest ones with the best thinking and reasoning abilities had their pick of women. The father of the bride will literally pay a large sum of money to marry his daughter to a bright Jew scholar. So the du,b ones never got to reproduce.
That's how you get cows who produce loads of milk, even though their ancestors didn't/ And how you breed fast horses.
Every time I see rich white guy with an asian wife I'm like damn bro why buy the game if you're just gonna play it on easy?
China is full of dozens of cultures that evolved in unique ways not so different than how cultures in Europe evolved separately.
Mao's cultural revolution did a great amount of damage to China's various cultures and they promoted a singular Han culture to represent everyone.
It'd be like the EU taking steps to tear down remnants of Europe's unique cultures and promoting a singular European culture as representing everyone from Europe
dowries are pretty common in eastern cultures as well. chinese did something similar with government exams, too
Whites and Asians are as close to equal as two vastly different phenotypes could be. I don't understand why people are so against this?
Wouldn't Whites + Asians vs. Jews + the shitskin hordes be a much more even fight than whites vs. the entire world?
Yes, but in Jewish culture the main and only aim was for the groom to be extremely bright. No other attribute mattered. He could have been from a poor farmer family and a rich billionaire father would pay him a lot to marry his daughter.
Face it. It's always been the battle of the Caucasian vs Mongoloid
Mestizos,hapas, slavs, finns, roaches all get counted as not white. Whites can't win this one. Whites; outnumbered, recessive genes, collapsing societies, can't reproduce, love blacks to the point of giving away their own civilizations.
It's over YT mongoloids will rule the world.
BMAF is the trend now. The media in Hong Kong is pushing it.
Checked, KEK fucking wills it!
by smart, you mean the ones that fled? in which case jews arent becoming stronger or smarter by eugenics, but rather more cowardly
yea okay r/asianmasculinity
Hi /r/asian"""""masculinity"""""
She looks like a whore
Don't worry, sempais.
We'll take your white women in return.
jewish asian kids, what could go wrong?
Those kids look pure Asian, not half-white.
I don't think that white guy is the biological father.
> There was this guy, he looked Asian.. and he was speaking another language, I'm pretty sure it was.. Asian.
The irony.
Someone cheated on Pete Rose.
Nothing could go wong.
All asians are degenerate
99.9% of you beta faggots would worship the ground she walks on.
Asian women pretend to be nice and feminine, but if you marry them they'll become more bossy. It's an act.
I actually admire that, n wonder you managed to raise your ethnic iq.
But asians still don't like you.
No, you can't keep me from my waifu. How about we just donate some juices to the cause?
c-checked,kek wills east asian and whites vs.the jew and shitskins
Kiana Kim is from Seoul, South Korea. South Koreans use the most plastic surgery in the world on average.
You can see she has breast implants and has some surgery done on her eyes to make it more western looking. Her kids have very asian slanted eyes.
Considering there are WAY more Asians than Whites in the world its obviously being done to destabilize the White race, not the "ching chongs".
I would coom all over her
Why do hapa women often turn out attractive but hapa men just look weak and awkward?
In my experience a lot of Jews have yellow fever but it's purely anecdotal.
Based fucking Pete
Thats just the power of the BBC, it needs no pushing by the media, every woman knows it
*Eazy E voice*
"Your about to experience the strength of Blacc Dicc"
It's a little outta Whack in the Internet/media. I know this Hapa dude in San Pedro, CA (Chinese father/Russian mother) and his a pretty Chad stud. And he has a gorgeous sister too.
>inb4 14/88
Muh Dik Muhfugga
confirmation bias
you're not gay
women wear makeup
assuming the ones in white are their kids, the wife had eye surgery.
>WMAF marriage
>daughter looks like a Kazakh
Wow his kids look just like him.
butter face
Too bad the kids are fucking ugly. Admittedly I would've fucked the shit out of her too.
She looks completely different without being in a figure four headlock gagging on cock, just saying.
You'd think it'd be the other way around
since you know
the lack of Asian females in the China area.
Jews have always tried killing themselves it's "our" disease.
really fires the neurons...
jews are too evil