Born and raised a proletariat. Tell me why I should support society instead of go on welfare. I mean society clearly benefits the rich and wealthy, since i have no hope of joining the establishment or elites why the fuck not go on welfare? Why do we work to sustain a society with these assholes on top who consider anyone not as wealthy as them as scum unworthy of dignity?
Why Should A Proletariat Support Society Rather than Welfare?
^Exhibit A for abolishing welfare
Please, just hear me out.
Social parasites should be eviscerated and incinerated to be honest family
I didn't think ancaps hated the wealthy that much.
the most important thing to note here is that we reject your false societal categories. your false ideology of marxism seeks to demonise people simply for their wealth because they are oppressors... this notion is a violation of natural law.
your beliefs turn you into hateful ignoramuses - see: your pic. i suggest accepting that everything you think about society is false, and throw out your marxist brainwashing...
In hipster speak proletariat is code word for middle class Starbucks employee
Do you deny that the wealthy view themselves superior? Do you deny they secretly laugh about our struggles, do you deny the wealthy do not give a flying fuck about us, do you deny the wealthy actually don't care about the world? Do you deny the fact that someone born into the proletariat class has no opportunity to succeed compared to the wealthy?
Brilliant. Now, think about an entire nation having that same ideology. Where does the welfare come from?
>middle class
Bro, the middle class is the modern day peasant class. The middle class works works works while all their resources are owned by big corporations whose shareholders are wealthy assholes.
The corporations. Noam Chomsky said "corporations have more wealth than they know what to do with".
I am superior to you. I came from a shit neighborhood and dirt poor parents and made something of myself while you whine and waste your life complaining.
I am stronger than you.
They do better than you because they are smarter and harder working. Or do they cheat their way into high-stress positions that take extraordinary amounts of intelligence and work to succeed in?
Your sin is sloth and envy. Have some dignity.
You are a prole and wants to go on wellfare, while you at the same time doesn't support those who provide you that wellfare through taxes. Why are those who help you assholes? They might consider you scum because you leech and doesn't contribute when able.
modern corporations are part of the socialist construct known as democracy. Corporations as they exist now do not follow natural order.
You are a whiner bro, you are a whiner. You whine that people like me found a better way to live than working your ass off for a boss
My dads a state senator, do you know how fucking hard he had to work for that? Go to an Ivy League school, convince an entire state to put him in power, and then what? A salary just enough to pay basic nessasties plus a little surplus for being good goys. That's it
Meanwhile you have these royal landlords who own BILLIONS worth of wealth who were born that way. Or guys in the academic establishment like Madison Grant who did jack shit but are recognized as geniuses because their daddys were rich.
See what I mean? It's about respect, not just money itself, the wealthy dynasty families don't do anything yet they stay in respect, prestige and power.
That argument I don't like. Even in Fascist Germany corporations existed, or in the U.S
If i got a job would they still consider me a scum? Yes!
>"replace you? We've already replaced your kind long ago, besides we don't need you, dregs of society behind the counter at Wendys, we are industrious people"
>Do you deny that the wealthy view themselves superior?
depends on the person i guess. i view myself as superior to everyone, but it has nothing to do with my wealth, but my accomplishments. you're very stupid to think you can infer the mental state of people based on how much money they have. very stupid.
>Do you deny they secretly laugh about our struggles, do you deny the wealthy do not give a flying fuck about us, do you deny the wealthy actually don't care about the world?
what?? of course i deny that! maybe the jews do that, but the average wealthy person (note, you still didn't give a threshold for what that is!?) is more focused on caring for their loved ones than disdaining poor people.
> Do you deny the fact that someone born into the proletariat class has no opportunity to succeed compared to the wealthy?
I told you: "proletariat" is a meaningless term. it means nothing. it was invented to bond you to a false oppressive jewish class structure. what is "proletariat"? it makes no sense.
Karl Marx was a scum fuck worthless kike like the rest of them... I don't poison my mind with the false teachings of jews, i suggest you do the same.
Your father made that choice. If he went to an Ivy League school like you claim then he probably had more lucrative opportunities.
Oh and you're a real proletariat, the son of some Ivy League politician. Go fuck yourself champagne socialist
No, they wouldn't. But lazy people will never get respect. You've got to work to earn respect. What else do you propose would be the optimal alternative?
we dont care faggot, you literally run these threads to gain insight on the methods we use to un-cuck people.
pic related, it's OP
You're literally a parasite. You produce nothing and have to beg for your sustenance from others.
How can you call yourself a man? You cannot even provide for yourself. You're lower than the rats and the roaches, and all of the slithering, dirty creatures on the ground.
Even they serve a purpose in this world. You merely exist.
My dad has tried many times to become a Congressmen but failed, all that work just to become a state senator
>Oh and you're a real proletariat, the son of some Ivy League politician. Go fuck yourself champagne socialist
My dad works for a salaried position meaning he's proletariat by definition. If my dad was part of the deep state, yes he'd be bourgoise, but no being a politician makes you PROLE since you are the one being exploited in society not the one doing the exploiting
So you think that in that situation, corporations would decide that they would rather stick around and give their money away to people who are unwilling to work, rather than pick up and move to somewhere else where they get to keep their money? That's one of the most naive things I've ever heard.
So how could I get respect?
>depends on the person i guess. i view myself as superior to everyone, but it has nothing to do with my wealth, but my accomplishments. you're very stupid to think you can infer the mental state of people based on how much money they have. very stupid.
So you think you're superior to every other person? Psychopath
>what?? of course i deny that! maybe the jews do that, but the average wealthy person (note, you still didn't give a threshold for what that is!?) is more focused on caring for their loved ones than disdaining poor people.
Obviously but they do think to themselves "haha stupid poor people i don't care about you don't look at me filth!" By wealthy i mean like the establishment dynasty families.
>I told you: "proletariat" is a meaningless term. it means nothing. it was invented to bond you to a false oppressive jewish class structure. what is "proletariat"? it makes no sense.
Proletariet is someone who works for a salaried position.
>The social/political elite like me and my dad are being oppressed, help
Just don't let the corporations bring their wealth out of the country. They can't hall trillions of dollars of infastructure and machinary out of a country
Your ideology is outdated by at least a hundred years. Look around, do you see any factories still? No, today everybody got the opportunity to do well, as long as they aren't lazy. Get an education, it is even paid for by the socialist systems.
We're not elite. He's a STATE senator you're thinking of Congressmen. State senators only make 120K a year and have basically zero political power. The DEEP STATE is the oppressor local politicians are fellow proles
The president earns a salary, and is therefore proletariat by your definition
>Here comes the excuses
Those corporations will pay off your dad to look the other way while they take their money offshore
>get an education
I can't since you can't just do that today. Maybe in the 1850s or the 1950s everyone had a chance to do well and get an education, but today you gotta be a dynasty family member. Today you can't even get an education past high-school unless you're one of them.
>Born and raised a proletariat.
>State senators only make 120K a year
>only make 120k a year
True but he's funded and propped up by the bourgoise. So for example OBama has SOOOO much wealth given to him by Goldman Sachs and all that he's basically bourgoise. Same with the Clintons, Trumps, Bushes. Bernie Sanders and Mike Pence are examples of proletariets. Their combined net worth is not even 1 million
That's why you need good people in government, like Bernie Sanders.
Now I'm starting to think this is bait.
my dad
Corporations are public trusts. "public" is not something that can exist in a free society. Not in that form anyone. Real Corporations would actually involve share holders being liable.
Yes, true. Modern nobility are propped up by communistic democracies. However, dynasty wealth exists for a reason. Not all men are equal. Egalitarianism is a farce. You can't stop inheritance.
I was dirt poor growing up. My parents were both drug addicts and I was kicked out of the house when I was 18 and I joined the Army. I saved my money invested in the stock market early. I currently own 2 duplexes that I collect rental income from.
The proletarians voted for Trump.
I can actually prove I'm smarter than everyone else. that's why I'm going to be placed in charge of the planet. it's just plain old science.
k well if you're anti "dynasty" families, you're anti Jew. it makes no sense that you'd follow the words of a jew's book designed to enslave your mind (Engels + Marx?? dafuq)
ok so having a salary makes you um.... oppressed? dont you think that's a wee bit reductionist?
Ah, now i see. You are jealous. You despise the "bourgouise" because you will never become one. Your problem is natural selection, you are too stupid to progress.
It's time comrade
Yeah but do you see any 120K a year get you here? 120K a year is good if you want to go on vacation a bit, but you see guys like that going here? You see those guys getting into the political establishment? You think the DEEP STATE would consider 120K a year a lot? You think the banks the corporations see that as anything other than a fucking penny?
Of course this is bait, i'm just refining my skills on talking to leftists.
You should support a society that you have a real ownership stake in
Where the fuck do you think welfare comes from, magic?
Mah nigga. Did the same thing. Joined the Army, saved my deployment money and bought rental property.
So stealing, then.
I think you're a troll
Share holders have no steak in the matter though, for the most part.
>Yes, true. Modern nobility are propped up by communistic democracies. However, dynasty wealth exists for a reason. Not all men are equal. Egalitarianism is a farce. You can't stop inheritance.
Let me ask you this. Imagine Madison Grant, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr, Trump, George Bush Jr. These guys all came from Dynasties, did they do any work to deserve it? NO! They were born that way. Yes some people are smarter than others but that doesn't mean their children and children's children and children's children's children should be establishment DEEP STATE rulers
Because Clinton was worse
I'm anti-GLOBALIST ESTABLISMENT Jews. I'm pro-proletariet Jews. And no having a salary is oppression since you are working and what you produce goes to the person giving you the salary. Slavery in modern sense
It's not stupidity, it's sociology. We don't have wealth mobility, nothing I can do to get me up with the elites, it's not fair since im very smart but I can't move up since i don't have the resources to invest.
>cheat their way
Is it cheating if they were handed it based on who they knew instead of just skils? Of course not, that's just (((networking))).
>positions that take extraordinary amounts of intelligence and work to succeed in
Oy vey, leaving my 2 million dollars in that diversified stock portfolio left me exhausted. I need another bailout.
because there are better things to do than become a loser
pic related is for your daily reminder
Welfare comes from taxes which should come from corporations
Well here's the thing. I don't want equality, i want equality of opportunity. Dynasties prove that's BULLSHIT since it's just who your dad was.
I'm tired of people talking about cuckunism like it's good thing in any sense. I'm sorry we can't all be as mentally retarded as you, but some of us have a firm grasp on reality. Please join us, we don't like watching others suffer in their ignorance.
>Share holders have no steak
Yup, definitely bait. Gorilla warfare incoming.
It's not stolen if the laws change to make it government property
Fucking this. My cousin is a fucking retard yet he met some ((people)) in a university now he's working on wallstreet doing nothing but making so much money. This society is unbelievably fucked
And you think being a proletariet isn't a loser?
I'm 23 years old. I'd saved up around 10k from working when i was 19. Today i got around 50k in savings. I've invested, i've been on vacations in India paid with my own money, i've bought a car with my own money.
>My dads a state senator, do you know how fucking hard he had to work for that?
>im proletariat
Yall niggers posting in a troll bread
>shareholders are responsible for a company rather than managment
Yep you're a troll
>not mentally retarded
Besides why would i want to join you guys if you want me dead? I don't like people who want to kill me.
someone else called you a champagne socialist. it's true and thats why blue collar will never get behind your movement. people wanting to work and make a life for themselves hear some son of a senator telling them how they should "rise up against their masters"... what the fuck do you know kid? pull your head out of your ass and put down the marx books
But here's the thing, do you have influence in society? Do you have respect, do you have prestige? This is what democracy promised us, do you have those things? If you meet a wealthy person you will understand, they see you as dirt
State senators only make 120K a year in my state. To be 1% you need to make 500K a year and to be rich you have to be part of the establishment you need to be part of the 0.001%. I know you're trolling but for anyone reading this is his debunk
>My dads a state senator
Which state? I'm interested.
ok. define for me who is part of your nation and perhaps we can get around to fixing these things the way you want them to be
inb4 muh melting pot
You can't even spell Libertarian with auto-correct, though I realize you are rapidly responding. And I'm not one, I just like using the flag because of my love of freedom.
And then what? My life is so fucking shit. I have nothing else to do but read Marx and see how good life could be. Life is boring in our capitalist world, and what do you mean son of Senator?
Public impressions of senators is bullshit, this isn't house of cards. Maybe congressmen are privileged but STATE senators deal with useless bullshit like too much potholes in the road and stuff like that. The deep state is who has influence.
Yes, i do actually. I am a member of a political party. My friend is the advisor of the oil and energy minister, while i myself have talked to the financial and prime minister several times. They are actually interested in hearing what we young think.
I'm worried if i say I will be doxxed somehow.
Anyone who is in America now.
Ok but my point is you want my kind dead, so why would i join a movemnet that wants me dead?
Wait are you series? I sorry i insulted you before I serously want to hear what the powerful people think. Do these people dislike the proletariet? And how did you even get in that position? I mean are you ultra-rich?
Never met a commie who wasn't a college drop out or without a number of mental illnesses; odds are I never will
You have been fed a flase story. Why would you ever identify with your slave name/class. Youre exhibiting stockholm syndrome.
What do you want? More bathrooms in your house? Learn a way of taking care of yourself that is independent of walmart before you whine about being stuck with the dregs of society
You're father deserve to be taxed a 100% and have all his property seized.
>Life is boring in our capitalist world
Stop right there, you have multiple lifetimes worth of things to do in your shitty 70 year lifespan. Go take some antidepressants stop trying to be sincere while shitposting.
WTF? Why? I was thinking he should have lower taxes. Tax the fucking banks, tax the fucking corporations. Tax the fucking rich royalty.
No. I want to be the establismhnet, be the ELITES, be respected by them at least. Be like Madison Grant where he's part of the academic establishment, stop whining your ass off.
Oh really, like what?
Your dad is filthy rich and you dare complain being poor. That's why.
yea life would be a ball under communism. go talk to anyone who has lived under communism and see how they liked it. i was just talking to someone a few days ago from venesuela. he has to mail his family food and fucking toilet paper cause they dont have fucking toilet paper.
your dad makes 120k/year and here you are complaining. did you ever think its not the system thats broken, but that you haven't figured out how to have a meaningful life? maybe you should figure that out before you try to impose a horrible system on everyone else that NO ONE here wants.
Why you ask?
Look at what welfare did to nigger communities and spic countries.
You wanna live a life no better than a nigger?
>nothing else to do but read marx
you can at least get out of your kosher approved echo chamber. try some Heideger, Evola, and Nietzsche
>State senators only make 120K a year in my state. To be 1% you need to make 500K a year and to be rich you have to be part of the establishment you need to be part of the 0.001%. I know you're trolling but for anyone reading this is his debunk
Ya know what fuck it i'll bite both your class and mentality are bourgeoisie. you're the defintion of middle class in this country i would be classed as the proletariat because i only make 20k a year. Just because you're not in the top 1% of billionaires doesnt make you working class.
I don't care what you think, I care how you act. I get pissed when someone try's to take away individual freedom. Behave yourself and you shouldn't have any problems.
Yes, i am serious. It's easier to get in contact when the country only has 5 million people i acknowledge. I'm not ultra-rich, maybe middle class+. You just need to take office in different positions in youth parties and work your way up. Networking is also very vital if you want to succeed. We kind of dislike those who doesn't work as we are conservatives, but we are still for supporting them and helping them out of poverty.
My dad is not filthy rich, are you fucking joking? Net worth 1.5 million dollars. Not even in the 10% bracket. When we vacation we stay at these places, I get jealous as fuck because other teenagers (im 18 now so don't scream underage) tell me about how their dads are buying them boats, cars, and other luxuries and im just like "uhhh i got a videogame for my birthday"
It's not the wealth that counts, it's the respect. Jordan Peterson said no matter how much wealth you have if you are at the bottom of the social heiarchy you feel like SHIT!. Yes its good having warm water and food on your plate but knowing you have no power over society, knowing you have no influence, no respect, no anything, it's torture.
I did read some right-wing literature. My point is there is nothing to do but read poltics and talk on the internet. Every day this is all i do is go on Sup Forums and make threads and it gets really boring.
ok, confirmed troll. good one kid
>Today we call the working class the "middle class" to keep them satisfied - Noam chomsky
I know you're trolling but still.
Welfare is Society senpai.
>tell me about how their dads are buying them boats, cars, and other luxuries
Who fucking cares? As long as you get to eat, have a house over your head, and can become the man you want to be, it's all you need in life. If you want to swallow in your misery on an imageboard, because of some degenerate have it easier than you, fine.
Here's your last (you) from me.
>anyone who is in America now
So is Janet Yellen part of your nation? if so you have to go back
>Want to live on welfare. can't define my nation. Didn't know America is a multi-ethnic neoliberal empire
here is your bowl of rice to share with Jerome. Remember your privilege
Believe my i haven't done shit in my life but read and talk on the internet
Well i have autism and can barely have a conversation so networking sounds pretty hard for me. Thing is I don't know where to begin? I mean Im 18 i just finished high-school, it's like now what? Where do i go network to meet Gorden Geko and join the establishment?
You're a terrible troll
I can't be the man i want to be.
You have answered your own question.
Now ask yourself... why did you ask the question?
Because your marxist theology is just a bullshit excuse you use to justify your own self pity and laziness.
You can't define a nation. One thing i believe in is Free speech. I disagree with Janet Yellen but yes she can stay.
My question is why i shouldn't go on welfare when working is just as humilating in our classist society. Never answered
Why do you think working is Humiliating?
incase you aren't trolling... you are 18 you said? you aren't supposed to have any influence or power on society yet. you wont even realize how stupid you are right now till you're 30. right now you are supposed to be a sponge that sucks up good ideas and skills so you can have those things later. i was 18 at one point (dabbled in anarcho communism, crimethinc ect) i should know.
heres another thing, when i go back and re-read that stuff that i was into when i was 18 i cringe so fucking hard it hurts.
Honestly, the train has already left the station. You have no chance unless you attend Eton school outside of London and get top grades. You could try to join the order of the solar temple and perform some sex magic.
>State senators only make 120K a year and have basically zero political power.
10/10 bait
best I've seen in months gg OP
>can't define a nation
>I believe in free speech
pick one based on Greco-Roman values (white people)
I think working is honourable. But when i did have a job I kept imagining the sons of the Rothschilds playing golf saying "haha imagine if we weren't rothschilds, we'd be working like sweaty freaks. HAHA".