TIL the Aral Sea dried up because the waters were diverted to grow cotton. My (((college))) told me it was from (((climate change))). Why is this allowed Sup Forums? How do we stop the climate change meme?
TIL the Aral Sea dried up because the waters were diverted to grow cotton...
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TIL you are a colossal faggot
T b h
stfu, stupid puerto rican defending communistic retardation
>get out of burgerland for edu. Go to mexico if you have to.
>Tell your parents to pay for a decent private school
>there is no google street view in Kazakhstan
can someone post photos
The soviets drained the lake like the fucking morons they are and fucked up the enviroment. That's how it went down.
Jealous of my superior status? Poor leaf, I would be mad too.
It was caused by climate change. The commies diverted water based on the climate they had been experiencing, but the drawdowns were too large for the climate they got.
Didnt know about this. Thanks OP. Doesn't surprise me your college lied to you like that.
>It was caused by climate change. The commies diverted water based on the climate they had been experiencing, but the drawdowns were too large for the climate they got.
lol idiot
Lake Chad is drying up too.
>Soviets drained the lake
>left pic is 1989
Want to know when the most draining took place? After the fall of the Soviet Union and the controls it had.
When I was a kid, the Aral Sea was still on our geography tests. Now I feel old.
The great irony is that it is, in effect, man made climate change.
Just not what they mean by it.
Finally, Lake Stacy can be ours
You went to a shitty state school then. It's pretty common knowledge that the shrinking of the Aral sea came from dams and diversions. Anyone who tells you otherwise is the liberal equivalent of people who post watermelon and fried chicken jokes.
>How do we stop the climate change meme?
Read Scot Adams (Dilbert) on this.
The disappearance of the lake was no surprise to the Soviets; they expected it to happen long before. As early as 1964, Aleksandr Asarin at the Hydroproject Institute pointed out that the lake was doomed, explaining, "It was part of the five-year plans, approved by the council of ministers and the Politburo. Nobody on a lower level would dare to say a word contradicting those plans, even if it was the fate of the Aral Sea."[18]
Soviet irrigation projects literally raised Kazakhstan out of abject poverty you fucking retards. They're the only reason why it isn't a terrorist ridden shit hole like Afghanistan right now, although without outside help it's probably gonna go to shit again soon .
How about you let the Kazakhs speak for themselves, you jerk
You're a retarded American. It's the only nation whose people don't understand the grave danger of climate change.
If any Kazakh here wants to speak then sure. IT's just retarded to compare the economic benefits of a lake with some fisherman living around it to countless acres of irrigated farmland producing valuable export commodities.
You have status? I'm pretty sure you're what is known as a non-country. A non-state even. I guess that's a status.
Not paying taxes while your woman flock to our island to get the taste of the carribean without getting raped and dismembered status.
Implying the Russians were diverting limited amounts of water in accord with a carefully developed plan, instead of taking it all as part of a quick cash grab with no concern for the environment.
Exactly correct
Because boomers wont admit they are the real problem... The real question is what do we do about the boomer problem?
>grave danger of climate change
What exactly is the danger. I want specifics. And no bullshit since I'm actually in the climate science field.
Ok. Good.
I apologize. A Kazakh told me it was a "great success." Carry on. See
>climate change isn't a thing
>there are more hurricanes than there ever have been because...
for fucks sake, we just got through the largest hurricane drought in the continental US in recorded history.
The largest immediate danger would be rising sea temperatures. Warmer seas mean stronger storms. If you don't know this, then I seriously doubt your involvement in the environmental sciences.
>warmer seas mean stronger storms
Vitun punikkiryssä
>although without outside help it's probably gonna go to shit again soon .
So what was the point? A giant waste of time, money and resources just to temporarily prevent nature from taking it's course.
>it's almost as though there's a pattern or something
Surprised that a communist government caused one of the worst environmental disasters in history?
but who was extratropical/tropical temp gradient?
Russia used to have a fleet of warships on the Aral. They participated in the conquest and pacification of Central Asia. Now? It's just a dusty desiccated poisonous desert basin. Really makes you drink.
Why are you quoting that
I wonder why hurricanes only occur during warmer months...
The belly of the beast has yet to begin to leak. I.r.m.a will strike the true blow watch these digits.
Round up is america... hmmm
GMO Corn is america .. Wamer?
Fukushima is japaneesy
Which communist fuck did this?
I'd be more concerned about how shit your college is, but you made this all up so it's a moot point.
idk what to tell you man. People shouldn't comment on fields they know absolute shit about. They end up saying bullshit like warm water = more storms
I'm 32 now. This shit was predicted when i was 9.
Well thankfully science hasn't proven that the seas are getting warmer, so what's the worry?
"Climate change" is cucked terminology because the system uses it to bitch at you, but they don't have to explain whether it's heating up or cooling down, it's just "change". Just a few short years ago it was "global warming". That term fell out of favor, because we had some really fucking cold winters, and people started begging for global warming. "Climate change" allows the jewsmedia to forever bitch to you, but for absolutely nothing.
They need warm water to form, but that's not what user meant. Warm anomalies aren't the same as warm water. Any storm requires convective instability to gain strength. Global warming warms the whole column including water and the air above. It also reduces the temp gradient between the tropics and mid latitudes which ends up reducing extreme weather.
I actually did not make this up. Many community colleges teach this garbage to people. Do a quick search and find out
> Drain lake
> Become producer of cotton for soviet overlords
> Profit?
There is a global consensus concerning rising global temperatures. To suggest rising atmospheric temperatures will not result in higher oceanic temperatures is frankly quite idiotic. Consider suicide.
Experts have been spreading this shit for decades.
Bullshit, you lying cunt. Every university teaches the history of the Aral Sea being a human caused disaster. Climate change is a factor that is FURTHER affecting it.
Dumb lying shit.
Lake Chad has an average depth of 4 feet and its size changes like crazy. People have been saying it will be gone soon for hundreds of years.
Funny how no one knows about Owen's lake. The US eliminated a lake before the Russians ever did:
Owens Lake is a mostly dry lake in the Owens Valley on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada in Inyo County, California. It is about 5 miles (8.0 km) south of Lone Pine, California. Unlike most dry lakes in the Basin and Range Province that have been dry for thousands of years, Owens held significant water until 1913, when much of the Owens River was diverted into the Los Angeles Aqueduct, causing Owens Lake to desiccate by 1926.[2] Today, some of the flow of the river has been restored, and the lake now contains some water. Nevertheless, as of 2013, it is the largest single source of dust pollution in the United States.[3]
>global consensus
Climate science is 90% retards trying to scrounge up grant money for third rate projects. They are also what people refer to when they say "consensus". There are maybe 3-5 people that really lead the field and deal with the cutting edge base physics. There is no where near the consensus you think exists. It's commonly known that GHG's are a positive temp forcing, but no one can say for sure how much of our warming is attributable to them or if we will continue to warm in the future. Most estimates of climate sensitivity are overblown due to faulty feedback assumptions.
Hah. Way to out yourself, oil shill. The ONLY scientific literature casting any shadow of a doubt over the question of man's involvement in climate change are bankrolled by Exxon, BP and the like. You have been duped into thinking no consensus exists when in fact there are two sides: those who warn of our inevitable doom versus those who wish to remain the highest grossing corporations in global history.
Follow the money, and everything will make sense.
>Fortunately those scientists whose funding depends on organisations like NASA or the EU or any alarmist NGO, aren't subject to any agenda at all.
The best you can do is inform people when and where you find them.
that looks beautiful
I wouldn't call random TV programs "experts".
>Climate science is 90% retards trying to scrounge up grant money for third rate projects.
Prove it.
>They are also what people refer to when they say "consensus".
No, people are referring to the overwhelming weight of publications and evidence.
>but no one can say for sure how much of our warming is attributable to them or if we will continue to warm in the future.
There are plenty of studies which say exactly that.
>Every government is secretly conspiring together to fake research, even when it's against the interests of their own industries.
The Anal Sea
Never did me any good, that's what I say
>Implying they haven't been ruining their own industries for decades
Sure, but that's because of lots of individual dumb decisions, not some grand co-ordinated conspiracy.
Will it become the virgin pond?
Stop (((colleges))). And (((media))). It's the only way.
>growing cotton
>with salt water
How were you allowed to still be in school, mooching off FAFSA, using the publics money to fund your stupid welfare ass
The Aral Sea dried up not because of "climate change" but because all of its river feed were diverted for irrigation which unsurprisingly made by the USSR
Aral Sea was victim of communism
The water comes from rivers that drain to Aral Sea.