People are being idiots and rushing to the gas stations and this asshat filled up two trash cans in the back of his truck. People can be such selfish motherfuckers.
This just happened a few hours ago in Austin, TX
It's going to evaporate real quick anyway
I'm pretty sure filling trashcans is super illegal. Why didn't you call the police?
man I hope they fall over when he brakes
Asshat and selfish why? He is being intelligent. If gas or gas supply goes to hell you will all cannibalize each other while he will be fine and pleased with himself thinking: "Look at those retards cannibalizing each other"
Furthermore he loses no money whatsoever by taking that precaution, if he doesn't need that gas for emergency he will just use it for everyday life.
Another douchenozzle.
This is why I have an electric car, I have enjoyed watching the plebs scrambling for their primitive oil
>filling two trash cans with gas in the back of your truck
>being intelligent
>that flag
It all checks out
Typical rural retard. City people would never sink to this idiocy
youre retarded that gas will evaporate in 24 hours and even if he uses it all thats only like 1 tank of gas anyway
never understood why he has a 5 card hand in this pic
price gouging desu famalam
>complaining about people purchasing a product
how does this make him a bad person? i genuinely dont understand
>that gas will evaporate in 24 hours
what in the retarded fuck are you talking about?
>that gas will evaporate in 24 hours
what the ever flying fuck are you on about?
He paid for all that gas.
I mean, it's not like gas stations have a limited supply of gasoline in their reserves or anything.
I will NOT take no for an answer
>that gas will evaporate in 24 hours
Holy fuck you are dumb
Wait until it eats through the plastic.
>leaves it out in the sun tomorrow
>it all evaporates
It's up to the Gas Station what they will permit. If they allow this bullshit, then find another gas station that appeals to your crisis morality.
Ever seen what gasoline does to a lot of plastic containers? He sure will. There is a reason gas stations have signs that say it is illegal to pump into unapproved containers.
high risk of spill
high risk of static spark
high risk of fire
the smart person is the one that has 20L jerry cans ready to go
should accidentally throw cigarette in his trash, oops
Such is life in Jewmerica.
Why is that this guys problem ?
He paid for it didn't he?
OK so what if someone rear-ends him (accidents happen) and there is a fireball that kills everyone in both cars? Still being intelligent?
call the cops if you see this, that is HIGHLY dangerous and illegal
Fuck that piece of shit, not only the greed but endangering innocent people on the road, who could be YOU
Lol this
ITT: Neets getting angry that alphas are going out of their way for survival
Only socialists are complaining.
he's being a greedy piece of shit. and he's endangering innocent people when that shit overturns and explodes, burning YOUR little daughter or mother to a crisp, you dense fucking shithead.
Maybe he's gonna resell it for a profit, ever think of that dummy?
you shit for brains have clearly never dealt with gas before.It's volatile and evaporates almost instantly when exposed to air.
>that gas will evaporate in 24 hours
And you're calling him dumb?
wow the IQ in this thread is nigger-tier
you are one dumb nigger. it's extremely dangerous, which is why its illegal. you may actually be a literal nigger.
>he's being greedy
>by paying for the amount of product he purchased
There is literally nothing wrong with this, unless there is some law pertaining to the container that he is using.
hurr durr it's dangerous
Yeah, he should just leave himself no resources to work with during a hurricane.
That's a bomb waiting to go off.
>It's illegal.
No, it's not, except the containers in particular are questionable. You know those fuel cans people use to fill up their generators? You buy them empty, not pre-filled. How do you get the fuel? A fuel pump at a station.
i would bet those are either ranchers or guys who do lawn care.
mexicans will be out there pushing mowers under 5 ft of water, just so they can get paid at the end of the week.
I think the local pd has more pressing matters to attend to right now, goofball.
He will probably just park in his garage to protect his investment. Fill up the whole garage with gasoline fumes until the furnace sparks on...
spotted the busriders who have never touched a gasoline pump
He is putting it into LDPE plastic trash cans which will dissolve in a few hours just from having the damn gasoline in them. Who gives a shit if he paid for it or not. The gas will be wasted because he is a fucking idiot.
That container is actually allowed, though most use it to collect rain water.
He's onto something....
light a match and watch it burn
Nobody would care if he had brought metal jerry cans with him to fill up. The problem is not that he bought extra gas. The problem is that he is an IMBECILE endangering the lives of everyone by using garbage cans.
It's Austin not Houston you retarded leaf.
It doesn't matter. That makes him dumb, not greedy.
Also, you can still seal all that with a liner on the inside.
>Pickup truck
>tiny penis
> now he has gas
lmao who the fuck cares this guys smart
natural selection faggot
it probably ate through the cans
No it isn't. Most trash cans like that are made from LDPE or MDPE plastic which dissolves in gasoline. They would need to be made from HDPE to be considered approved for gasoline storage.
Anyone in this thread who defends
are first to go on the day of the rope.
>People are being idiots and rushing to the gas stations and this asshat filled up two trash cans in the back of his truck. People can be such selfish motherfuckers.
Just get a rubber band and a bic lighter, tie up the rubber band to keep the lighter on (aka to release the gas to where the pressure from your hand won't be needed) then toss it into one of the trash cans and have a fun time.
>Filling up two trash cans with gasoline
I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't look at the picture OP posted, holy shit. How much did he spend? I guess he thinks it's worth it in the long run, it's like someone believing the world will end soon so they go out and buy a bunch of provisions that seem stupid to most people.
Probably going to sell it door to door.
checked!! in texas everyone drives a big ass truck or your a liberal. big trucks and big tanks, that or you get shit for mpgs. personally i favor older jeep wranglers with big tires, or about 14 mpg.
All the gas is gone in Katy, TX
Mad Max Fury Road commences soon
checked brotha, PREACH PREACH PREACH!!!!!!!!!
Survival of the fittest, fuckers.
That much gasoline spilling onto the ground actually IS a bad thing. Even if you don't consider the contamination of underground water sources the fumes from that much gasoline spilling can be a huge problem. Not to mention you can't seal a trash can of that type enough to stop the fumes anyway.
He's not using an approved container. That is extremely illegal.
the container is illegal. Improper storage of flammable substance
If that doesnt work, theyll find another way.
That wasn't a trash can. That was a water container.
>Ever seen what gasoline does to a lot of plastic containers?
Top kek.
Im sure some people are using it in rescue efforts. But even san antonio was panic buying gas and had cars parked in the access roads blocking shit just to wait in line. Not a cop in sight. Pretty crazy day today.
>nazi flag
>electric car
nazi faggot? a liberal nazi? wtf.
You got a purty mouth
I think this guy might be right.
Gasoline and plastic both come from separating crude oil into light and heavy components. I wouldn't be surprised if they easily recombine.
its a legit type of fuel tank this based black cowboy dindu nuffin
You could do some cool stuff with that much gas. Is it true if you throw a bunch of Styrofoam in gas it dissolves and makes napalm? Asking for a friend.
Not with patented lid and duct tape technology.
Rich people call them slip tanks
The container is illegal, yes, but taking that much fuel into a container in general is not illegal, such as a jerry can. Doesn't matter how much you buy. It's not limited to just your vehicle's fuel tank.
He's gonna have a bad time.
Also, I once had a carburator float get stuck and gas stated pouring on the hot exhaust manifold. You could hear the gas 'sizzling' and evaporating into steam. Scary as fuck but it didn't ignite.
There's nothing wrong with an Electric car. A Prius, however...
Gonna need some more Charlie maymays, boys.
Checked and underrated
Bingo, black cowboy is likely helping refill a generator.
Trash can truck, not so much. Those cans are likely to dissolve and that goopy plastic will eat into the bedliner or be a sticky goopy mess that will never clean off.
Put some gas in a coke bottle and watch. Water, milk jug, that shit dissolves. Even pvc will become spongy or melt.
So. he will have napalm. What better way to dispose of looters.
Uh yes it was a fucking trash bin you fucking idiot.
It's THIS fucking trash can.
wow black are way more intelligent than white, really makes me think!
Dumbass is gonna lose tens of dollars to evaporation.
>Only liberals can drive electric cars
Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of slurping coming from the lady's mouth on my dick while I drive down the coastal highway in my Tesla.
It makes a sticky goop that is flammable but much less volatile than plain gas.
It's anarchist cookbook "napalm", but nothing like real napalm.
It's pretty safe stuff really, I made lots of it when I was a teenager. Just make sure you have good ventilation when mixing it so you don't inhale too much of the gas fumes.
>Is it true if you throw a bunch of Styrofoam in gas it dissolves and makes napalm
No. You need dry soap powder and magnesium. Styrofoam will dissolve into a jelly like substance but burns more like candle wax. Doesnt burn too hot and easy to throw dirt on and put out.
not technically napalm but similar effect
You can literally throw cigarettes into a bucket of gasoline and it won't ignite... liquid gas is not flammable, only the vapors, which is why it's injected into a piston on the up stroke where preessure is less than atmosphere, and thus it vaporizes. Learn some fucking science you stupid fucks.