We got some stuff to discuss.

Reasons why Jacinda Ardern shouldn't be voted in? Easy, she's a marxist socialist.

She was the 2008 president of 'The International Union of Socialist Youth'.


Other urls found in this thread:

Even if you believe she is the second coming (I don't) the rest of the Labour party is still the same pack of useless cunts they've been for the last 9 years.

doesn't matter which big party is in, labour wants to reduce gooks and clean up our water with Winnie. Maybe Winnie can stop the doubling of Muh refugees rate.

Vote for nz first Winnie cunts

>labour wants to reduce gooks
what happened to your labor party, it seems that it's broken

They want to replace chinks with somalis and island niggers.

Look at their immigration policy and compare the numbers to how many Somali niggers they want o import. It's like a 20 to one ratio or some shit




>pi c related REEEEEEE

Yes but fuck the nats they are fucking traitors

That's why I'm voting Winnie

Labour's always been the nigger party.

Taxcinda YahardEarned
Fuck that bitch and the lying media. Hope it rains on the 23rd

National went full globalist so Labour is anything they aren't.

That said they'll just be hush and we'll continue letting in Chinks by the boatload if Labour gets elected. Only good contribution Labour has to the country is taxing water exports to China, as businesses get access to insanely cheap or even free water here and bottle it to sell in China.

Yeah, we're fucked aren't we?

I'd rather we were white and gommie than becoming the 新西兰人民共和国

> Taxing water exports
Do you live here? Not exactly short of water. Last year we exported enough water to keep Huka falls flowing for 2 whole minutes.

As usual with Labour their policy is a cluster. Is it 1 cent or 2? Farmers pay but Coca Cola won't?

Such a meme issue.

My mate was fucking Taxinda about 8 or 9 years ago. We even laughed about her angry political posters and huge teeth back then.

I'm not saying it's a major issue especially for the environment but it's revenue not going into NZ (business owners are often chinks), but I'd support ending free trade with China and imposing tariffs over Labour's plans.

good morning straya jr

Immigrants flood the market with low-skilled labor, which weakens unions and keeps wages down. This is good for employers but bad for employees.
The right is supposed to respect the interests of capital owners (employers), so it's logical for National to want more immigration.
The left is supposed to represent the interests of the lower-class (employees), so it's logical for them to want less immigration.

Also, globalism and the free market go hand in hand. Protectionist taxes (like Trump's tariffs) are fundamentally leftist in nature.

The current state of affairs in NZ makes perfect sense; it's the rest of the world that's got it backwards.
You foreign faggots let sensationalist ideologies play too big a role in your politics.

It's late afternoon Indonesia-chan.

>ending free trade with China
Why exactly?

>Like we're not an ideological pit of failed social engineering.

Well, Auckland is at any rate.

Labour and NZF seem like a good pair if they both keep immigration and asset sales down

How the fuck are all these idiots suddenly loving this random bitch?

Good thing these fickle cunts mostly won't be assed voting

good afternoon

Because of the shit it entails



And another thing i would mind religion of peace redpilling everyone in Auckland this would be to our long term advantage.


Seriously how can anyone trust Labour again after Tranny Clark sold us to the chinese with the FTA. The commies bought out both of our only relevant parties. Fuck this bipartisan shit!

Because it's hard to compete with their high numbers and low standards, because it's detrimental to local businesses to have to compete with them, because they have openly flaunted our sovereignty in the past, because most of what we import from them is consumerist crap etc.

Tariffs on them would hurt us though, I will admit that but as it is free trade with China just leads to our standards slipping not theirs rising.

Assuming that as soon as Labour wins they dont have a leadership vote and the unions install Chicken Little. He's still first on the list. Anyway I think one more term of Labour as Government will destroy the party once and for all. They can't stop taxing people.

Labour is just buying votes with gibs. This election is an arms race for programs and social spending.

idk man

I'll take anyone over National and the complete fuckup that they've presided over.

Sure, you're going to get a lot of leftist garbage if Labour win, but I'm single-issue over housing and immigration (both are tied together). National fucking love the immigration/housing situation the way it currently is. It suits two of their main constituencies. Employers love cheap workers and stagnant wages, and house-owners/investors love ludicrously inflated house prices.

Will it be any better under Labour? Fuck knows it might not be. One thing's certain though: under National it can only get worse.

I'd still really prefer things if NZF got bigger.

I'm sure prostitutes get a lot of money for letting people shit on their mouths too

That's not really an answer.

NZ isn't a manufacturing nation. We're not America; we have no car factories or great industrial assembly lines that risk closing down or moving overseas.
What local businesses are actually being hurt by this trade agreement?

Free trade with China gives our produce exporters access to a market of a billion people.
It's our exporters that make keep NZ going.

If we did put up have protectionist tariffs against China, who would that actually help?


Voting isn't going to change anything. This madness will end when the $IMFS ends.

>Chinese FTA makes some people a good amount of money
>China becomes our largest trade partner
>China uses this as leverage to start buing out out supply chains - making sure the only people making money will only be Chinese
>Required number of Chinese immigrants must be allowed in per annum according to the FTA
>By making NZ financially dependant on China we become subservient to them, we lose all sovereignty, China then exploits this
>Same thing that happened to SEA countries happens here, a Chinese managerial class loyal to the Chinese government completely takes over

Think about why NZ of all places was the first one to manage an FTA with China, we're not a partner, we're a target

Which is why we must vote in governments that are opposed to foreign asset sales and immigration.

China is definitely not a place to look up to, or get close to. Imagine a country full of the kind of people that made all our leaky houses, only they're in every single industry you can think of.

>Chinese citizens living in NZ get 0% loans up to a million NZD to buy land, houses and businesses
>Buy up everything thats not nailed down
>Kiwis become renters in their own country

I have 2 Chinese friends and both of them own homes and businesses through interest free loans

>>Required number of Chinese immigrants must be allowed in per annum according to the FTA
Is their a required number of NZ immigrants to China?


Good luck with that. It's working a treat in Melbourne.

Auckland is already the biggest Pasifika city in the world.

Nor do we need to, but nor are most of our engineering contracts going to China (as has been learned you can't trust them), it's all consumerist garbage.

We don't need welfare cunts being able to afford Plasma TVs, we need to milk the fuck out of our role as an agricultural exporter.

Mate, the point of FTA is to diversify our exports, so we don't rely on a single trading partner.
The more trading partners we have the less dependent we become on any single other country.

Would you be opposed to a FTA with India, based on that same logic? What about a FTA with Brazil, or America, or any other country?
Would you prefer we traded solely with Australia and the UK, like we did in the 70's? Remember how great that turned out?

>Required number of Chinese immigrants must be allowed in per annum according to the FTA
Fake news.

Let's be realistic, given NZF track record over the last 10 years and the polls in 2017 - what difference is it going to make?

The problem is letting students become citizens after they study here. The infrastructure can't take it. We're being pushed out of our own country by Asians and Indians

Please dont normalise terms aliens push by using them.

Who knows you can only try.

Sorry mate. Biggest Coon City in the world

I have a problem with China.

>Would you be opposed to a FTA with India
> FTA with Brazil?
Also yes.

Why because in the first two situations the economies of scale benefits them far more than us, with America they have a similar standard of living if not higher so we get more out of free trade with them and they with us. Unegual trade agreements do not serve us as a nation, especially as most of our products are consumables.

The people of NZ have the freedom to buy whatever they want. Who are you disregard our imports as "consumerist garbage?"
What are you, a commie?

>we need to milk the fuck out of our role as an agricultural exporter
Yeah, because exporters thrive under heavy tariffs, right?


What the fuck do you have to offer us you goddamn island savage your country doesn't produce shit and your people are all fucking tattooed in the face like some mad max shit

Hard to avoid i know.

>The people of NZ have the freedom to buy whatever they want.
And they can, just at a fair market value (none of those memes about any value the market offers is fair). And no I'm not a commie and I'll I have already said the temporary harm to our economy is better than the longterm affects of non equitable trade agreements.

Why do you think we hated the TTPA so much here?


Good dairy products and meats at a fair price (meaning it won't affect your own producers badly either).

we'll even sell you the unshagged sheep.

I guess I'm already at the age where politics are just getting so depressive especially when it's domestic and actually affecting you. With National and Labour it's like you want to halt your leukemia but your only treatment is one that'll probably give you prostate cancer instead.


>country that gets cheese in a can
>doesnt even eat lamb
>your meat gives you man titties
We have nothing to offer

we gave you Lorde, and for that your millennials are indebted to us until she expires

Fuck Lorde is ugly as sin.

Daily reminder Lordes last name is (((Yelavich)))

Pozzed opinions

Let's face it NZ is a tiny country

Shes a 9 in NZ.

We have nothing to offer you, and no interest in offering you anything.

It's Yelich-O'connor, Yelich is Balkan

>population 4,693,000

fuck, I still remember when it was 3.5 million.
Is it too late to go back?


Which is why even the air in downtown Auckland is leagues better than any of those mega chinkpools you have on the left. Every chink WISH they can live in NZ

idk you could try detonating a nuke in Auckland to reduce population by a few mil :^)

inb4 I get partyvanned

if would've been sad since that's the best NZ can do, pop music wise.

But pop music is for plebs so who gives a fuck

fuck you fanboy no one knows that.
Your probably her asian ex boyfriend


Nah I just spent two seconds googling it because I'm not a brainet

They use NSA tools.

what font is that? need to change it to:

fucking happening.
Auckland volcanoes explode tomorrow

I for one welcome our inevitable deaths in fire and brimstone.


stop being a thieving chink cunt and stealing them slogans from aussies. Write your own slogans

I actually wish for a devastating earthquake to weed out the weak. I think I may be a sociopath.

>tfw you live in Wellington

make me faggot



>Most are returning Kiwis from Australia.
Well I'm glad of that it's still not perfect, among other things what is the root cause of the decline in visitors? I'll bet you it's because it's getting too shitty for even them.

Fuck those people coming back from Aussie, they all made a big song and dance about leaving and pissed on NZ as they left, let them stay there.

Evening lads

timestamp or fake

I've changed it just enough.

While they are irritating they are better for our society than third worlders.