Wayne is making John MacAfee to back him in starting the anti-youtube. A free speech platform to give everybody a voice.
New media company funding by John McAfee
Jacob Howard
Justin Myers
Good luck, Wayne and John MacAfee. Let me know if you need a developer.
Logan Hernandez
Too late.
Funded, patented, and launching in 2 weeks.
Jayden Kelly
You should do a live call in show. You already gave out your phone number.
Thomas Barnes
>to give everyone* a voice
Ayden Wright
Hows that bag of dicks sucking going?
Jose Stewart
Lucas Kelly
I guess I kind of ruined the joke by making it look like I was correcting the OP but my point is you're gonna get banned if you talk about race realism or the Jewish question.
Adam Diaz
Isn't this the guy who wanted to fund a lawsuit against Sup Forums with JK Rowling?
Hunter Green