Reason why the Democrats are suddenly doing an about face on antifas? Simple.
DNC did some secret polling recently. And note the usual rigged polls where they only pick people for the sample that will give them the answers they want to hear.
Demorats found that their backing antifas really really really is not playing well with the swing voters and moderates. Nor is the anti-free speech shit coming down from Silicon Valley and from Berkeley.
Meanwhile there are corporate Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi, who are secretly TERRIFIED of Antifas one day killing or maiming someone innocent. While Soros is paying some of the antifas, it's only a small portion of the angry mob and the larger portion point blank are not controllable at all by Democrats and their money men.
Trump hammering on and on and on about antifas being just as bad as the nazis? It's got the DNC worried that when the day comes that an antifas agent kills or maims someone, that Trump will pounce on exploiting it and hanging said death/maiming around the DNC's neck like a modern day Willie Horton.
Furthermore, the corporate wing of the DNC does not want to be beholden to antifas and their radical left wing agenda. They know that while they are punching and beating up Trump supporters today, tomorrow they could be committing violence against normal Democrat voters for not being left wing enough. Or destroying DNC property/harassing DNC events if their political beliefs are not made part of the DNC platform. These folks would rather lose in 2018 than win with antifas help and them having to deal with antifas threatening violence against them, if they don't get a seat at the table and a say over policy like the Tea Party.
This has been discussed by folks here already, but thanks a bunch DNCanon. Every bit helps. We need more folks like you to come out and help, God bless you. Anything else you can help us with, by the way? Anons here have mulled through a lot of stuff, but we really need help from folks like you on anything we might miss. Anyways thanks again.
Daniel Sanchez
i mean as far as LARPing goes, you are one of the best in recent times. just say everything everyone already knew.
hey how does the DNC feel about the democratic socialists gaining steam
Levi Carter
what is the dnc strategy to shift away from identity politics? Why do they continue on with the Russia narrative?
Angel Foster
When the fuck will you stop letting jews run the show.
Luke Jackson
Your problem is literally the KIKES.
Thomas Hill
Great I've seen in awhile.
Bentley Smith
Eh whatever DNC is fucked anyways you guys killed Seth Rich. AND you lied about the russian collusion bullshit. Enjoy never winning an election again for 100+ years.
Jeremiah Gomez
Is Noodles about to kill herself yet?
Cooper White
>Willie Horton
Isaac Perez
Are people within the DNC cognizant of the fact that they lack a message and are mostly just against trump? This is something that comes up a lot from the progressive wing of the party. I think the refusal of the DNC to take concrete progressive stances on many issues is going to continue depressing their voter turnout. If they are aware of this problem, does the DNC really intend to fix it by telling voters what they are for and not just what they are against.?
Chase Thomas
I'm the real DNC insider. OP is a fag
Caleb Morgan
Fuck what happened to /ourguy/ that was feeding them bad polls? Is he kill?
Parker Ward
Meanwhile there are corporate Democrats...who are secretly TERRIFIED of Antifas one day killing or maiming someone innocent Does nobody remember when they beat random people on the street for "having Nazi haircuts"?
Levi Wright
OP is lying to you.
They have moved forward with trying to censor the internet, antifa is now expendable.
With congress stuffed full of RINOs Trump is unable to stop them.
Our only chance is AdNauseum
Gavin Evans
Bump. I recommend to not buy sleep pills.
Juan Garcia
can we start giving free helicopter rides to larpers?
Matthew Russell
Post with american flag and u´ll be slightly more believable
Oliver Reed
I believe this. With the recent advances on the Search engine algorithms, now being able to "predict da footure", I think they are refocusing their energy in the online, data-strangling war rather than the physical, violent in-the-streets kind.
Caleb Sanders
>tomorrow they could be committing violence against normal Democrat voters for not being left wing enough They already have though, some CNN reporter got attacked.
Nicholas Murphy
DNC basically is 100% anti-Trump in terms of their election strategy. No real progressive stances; basically a preservation of the current Obama era body politic while fear mongering that shit could get worse under Trump.
While the Senate is basically unobtainable, the set dream is to basically win the House then have the quisling GOPers in the Senate (the McCains) betray the GOP and vote for impeachment once a Democrat control House takes over. Even if impeachment fails, there is hope that it would force the GOP to force out of running in 2020 or force him to resign via holding any Presidential Pardons over his head to make him go quietly.
The Democrats braintrust don't plan to say what they are force save for vague references to keep the current ultra corrupt status quo in play, using tranny rights and Obamacare being repealed as the stick to make the SJW base vote them back into power.
They are still utterly clueless that their overreach with SJW crap while refusing to work on shit like converting Obamacare to Medicaid For All, as alienated them from working class voters. Current plan is to shit on anyone who wants reform and further change, while in the same breathe claiming the current corrupt status quo is fucking utopia/shangri-la and must be preserved at all cost, and to hell with anyone who is calling out how a lot of people are being fucked over by the current corrupt status quo. They truly think that A. they can ride anti-Trump sentiment back into office without offering a populist alternative similar to what Trump offered and B. keep the rank and filed bullied enough to paper over the holes in the walls of their "utopia".
Ryan Collins
Russia narrative is their revenge against Trump and Republicans for the Birther narrative; basically a good number of Democrats consider Birtherism to have been the sort of "breaking point" in civility. Because of it, the Democrats came to a conclusion that the GOP will say and do AYTHING to DE-legitimatize a Democrat President so they might as well give the GOP a taste of their own medicine.
But the biggest, is that pushing the Russian narrative allows Hillary to continue to claim she did nothing wrong and that the Russians cost her the election/that Trump is illegitimate, to prop up her frail narcissistic ego up so she can avoid reality and the damage she did to the Democrats
Hillary and Bill still has a huge amount of sway over the party and no one wants to break the Clintons' delusions that they fucked up huge.
And the current plan is to bait and switch on shifting away from ID politics. Basically, what Reagan and the 80s are to the GOP and the 90s were to the Democrats, the Democrats want to make the Obama Presidency ('09-'16) that to Generation Snowflake: basically a magical period where everything was perfect and all sorts of social justice gains were made and Obama saved the economy and anything ANYTHING bad that happened? The GOP's fault and the fault of that damned fake news.
Basically they want to preserve the status quo under Obama, at the very least circa 2015, and push the fear hard of the GOP undoing it. Identity politics would be part of the fear mongering, but they have the fear of Obamacare to distract people from the identity politics from this angle of nostalgia.
Connor Myers
As with any organization I'm sure there is internal dissent. Surely some members understand that this strategy is doomed to failure. What happens when this fails in 2018 and 2020? Are there people internally trying to unseat the current leadership? I mean serious attempts by corporate democrats, not berniecrat stuff. Even corrupt corporate democrats have to understand that Pelosi and Schumer are an albatross around the neck of the party. I imagine by this point that corporate democrats are worrying about how the current leadership will inhibit their own political aspirations. I also have to imagine that the donor class is concerned that the bad optics of DNC leadership will mean less of a return on investment. What I'm getting at is that the current direction of the DNC is not only corrupt but grossly incompetent from an objective material standpoint.
Ryder Ross
>These folks would rather lose in 2018 than win with antifas help Everything seemed 100% legit until you said that bullshit
Jeremiah Howard
Whitehouse user here.
Lincoln Lopez
Jason Phillips
Ocean's razor.
Charles Price
>claiming the current corrupt status quo is fucking utopia/shangri-la and must be preserved at all cost
Just like the Neocons want, both parties are really similar and Trump is the only wildcard. Anyway, none of this matters as this nation is done.
Brandon Torres
They should go back to sucking on crack pipes.
Nathan Morris
How many timea can you use the shotty word FOLKS? STOP
David Cooper
Jaxson Thompson
Michael Campbell
Thank you for your hard work. Is there maybe a (small) uprising from populist/ classic liberals? Or do they just Keep quiet, since they`d be ruined?
Leo Harris
Liam Gomez
Mary Whitehouse user here. Y'all niggaz iz b postin in a LARP thread. STOP WATCHING PORN, WEEBZ!
Nathan Hill
ky LARPer
Nathan Wright
Zachary Foster
More like Nancy Pelosi is afraid Antifa's going to kill them congressmen one day.
Ethan Jenkins
>Nancy Pelosi, who are secretly TERRIFIED of Antifas one day killing or maiming someone innocent. >one day they already have you stupid faggot.
Isaac Harris
God, please let the democratic socialists remove these fucks from power
Is it bad if I want to keep antifa around long enough to get rid of the DNC and RINOS?
Anthony Mitchell
Continue to push impeachment stuff. Yes, that will go well for the DNC. Americans love that
Jeremiah Sullivan
I unironically believe that you are really White House user and that you have learned to shitpost well while here.
Gabriel Wood
Both sides must work together cleaning house and ensuring corruption is defeated, only then we can go back to being civilised. "The eagle needs two wings to fly, both the left wing and the right wing. But the wings get thinner the further away they are from the main body".
Owen Moore
DNC insider here.
I'm literally insider. Her. Inside. Her.
Thanks for reading.
Mason Sanders
>They know that while they are punching and beating up Trump supporters today, tomorrow they could be committing violence against normal Democrat voters for not being left wing enough.
I'll take inevitable outcomes for 1000 alex
Hunter Powell
>DNC insider here. He could be larping.
>Reason why the Democrats are suddenly doing an about face on antifas? Simple. This is true. The Dems are trying to distant themselves from Antifa.
>DNC did some secret polling recently. And note the usual rigged polls where they only pick people for the sample that will give them the answers they want to hear. This also is true, but you don't need polls for this. It's common sense that the vast majority of America knows that Antifa is a terrorist group made up of retards.
>Demorats found that their backing antifas really really really is not playing well with the swing voters and moderates. Nor is the anti-free speech shit coming down from Silicon Valley and from Berkeley. This is one of the many reasons why the Democrats are going to lose the seats they are currently holding. The extreme left is savage, vile and an embarrassment to humanity. If the left supports them or not, it doesn't matter because they threw childish tempter tantrums when Trump said that 'both' sides were to blame for what happened in C'Ville.
The DNC is in a world of hurt. And they should be. People are so sick and tired of their fucked up bull shit. So much so that they voted for Trump.
The most terrifying thing for the Democrats are when the silent majority speaks out.
Jace Nelson
nah fuck that . democrats are scum that manifest their own boogeymen out thin air and "progressives" cant let go of the fucking past. id rather being doing lines of coke and killing hookers with greedy capitalists any fucking day
Logan Moore
DNC owns antifa.
Isaiah Robinson
>DNC does a secret polling >They usually rig their polls to get the answers they want to hear "Hey lets do a poll only we can see the results of but only so that we see the results we want to see so we can act on thing we fakely acquired without anybody knowing it!" This is beyond ridiculous. Rigging public polls, okay. Rigging polls for internal use and planning, utter bullshit.
Ayden Scott
>antifa might someday kill or maim an innocent person >(((innocent))) It happens every week, faggot.
Dominic Martinez
>it's only a small portion >legions upon legions of antifa in it because it's a legit (((grassroots))) movement Uh, no. LOL!
Nicholas Hughes
You do realize that Trump has run on the classic Dem platform and that you have all moved into pure Communism, don't you? Checkmate.
Even the vocal pro antifa supporter Paul Ryan (R), has been forced to abandon his political and financial support for the communist-anarchist group!
William Robinson
Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,”