What is going on with Sweden?
Swedish Man Charged for Eating Bacon in Front of Muslim Women
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link, cunt.
Well, this I what secularism + pseudo-intellectualism does to a society. These individuals believe they have the moral high ground by pandering to a religious minority that is having dire consequences to their country's culture, identity, etc. Although none of this matters to the secular opulation because they are spoiled by culture, and have become numb to it, so losing it to a religious minority isn't a big deal when "all religions are the same, all cultures are good in their own way, and being inclusive is part of science!"
just nuke sweden already
swedish police have time to investigate bacon eating?
i suppose they need to do something. ANYTHING but cleaning up those no go zones
you mad you cannot be as progressive as us?
That's your best come back swe?
Was he doing it specifically directed at them or was he just a customer at a restaurant?
This is a post of pure pain. Poor sweeds.
Jesus fucking Christ sweden what the actual fuck.
>no link
>likely clickbait
>be me
>fresh lad in Middle School
>learning about all this cool European History
>cool buildings, churchs, monuments, languages
>expect to go to Europe and take German in Highschool
>watch German soap opera to learn language and get a qt Fraulein with a good jaw
>ISIS happens
>Merkel opens her legs
>sucks in 2m unwashed mussies in two years
>they get everything, housing education, food, no penalty for ficki ficki
>soul crushed
>not just Germany
>Sweden, France, UK and even Canada join the cuckfest 2015+
>still never been to Europe
>never had beer with big breasted German girls in traditional dress
>no drinking songs
>no old cathedrals
>only Islam now
tfw there's no more feels left, I'm dead inside
Give the link you fucking autistic faggot or kys.
i was there for 3 weeks in 2015, northern Italy and the good parts of Brussels were really nice, anything that attracts tourists will have the most refugees/immigrants
Or you can just
Search for it
If that's too much for you to do then you know what to do, fagot.
welcome to the internet btw, I mean jesus fucking christ
That's irrelevant as long as it was done in a public space. Freedom of movement/speech/whatever specific liberty protecting this behavior triumphs the hypothetical right to have your feels unharmed
>good parts of Brussels
>find mudslimes
>sit infront of them and eat bacon
>they leave
>start to stalk the mudslimes while eating bacon
>proced to tell them how much you hate mudslimes
i was in Ypres, i met with the kids at a high school there and only one of them was a muslim, and they were the only muslim i saw in that town
Well that's harassement actually
its okay brother. you're not alone.
>directed bacon-eating is now a criminal offense in swedistan
Maskinpistoler sounds like machine pistol, which is actually a legit term and different from machine gun.
Reminder that the bacon mosque guy was fucking murdered in prison.
Should have obeyed the laws of the Caliphate
heres the story in swedistani
>Eat bacon in front of muslim women
>Have to pay them FIVE FUCKING THOUSAND DOLLARS in "damages"
Why would any self respecting person live in Sweden?
the eternal kraut strikes again
next they sell them submarines and scream about dnbts while rigging interest rates to suit the kraut empire while fucking inland
>murican education
its closer to 630 dolaridos
All he has to say is he had no idea they were there
I don't think the police would arrest someone for eating his meal. Probably taunted the muslims but it's still fucking horrible to arrest someone for that
Painfully true.
Like that makes it any better? He shouldn't be paying shit to those fucking invaders.
What if, hypothetically speaking of course, hijab wearing women hurt my fee fees? Do they have to pay a fine then, too?
yeah don't pay attention to the amerishart. Brussels is a shitshow but it's very segregated just like any city in europe
Paying them any amount for eating something they dislike in front of them is fucking ridiculous.
Eating bacon in front of muslims, even if you taunt them over it, is not and never should be a criminal offense in any civilized country
$600 or 5000 doesnt matter. You have the right to be an asshole so long as you dont touch anyone or threaten them. I dont care of he followed them for weeks slathering himself in bacon and saying allah is a pig, he doesnt deserve a fine.
Can I join the church of flying spaghetti monster and claim reparations from people eating spaghetti?
>nuke Sweden
You did this didn't you Finnland
Plotting waiting planning
"Take in the goatfucker Sven"
It is the humain thing to do.
Abandon god Sven, we should know we live right next to those dirty Russians and their orthodoxy and those stupid pols and their Pope.
Mix your language with those Danes and Norwegians Sven. What could go wrong?
You are the Jew of Scandinavia!!
>bacon misuse
not once in my life had i ever thought i would hear those two words together
Reported for being underage.
Keyword "civilized" not "government officials not sold out to islamic oil money".
now click on the link provided in the article
he was charged for for saying I hate muslims and niggers to the women and following them around when they tried to leave
I swear, you niggers don`t have a shed of critical thinking if something seems to fit into your worldviev
>Probably taunted the muslims but it's still fucking horrible to arrest someone for that
It depend, maybe he was following them around which and didn't want to leave them alone.Which is why they propably called the police
Somebody stop the planet.I want to get off this planet.
Not every country follows murican Law system
He shouldn't be arrested for that either scheiss kopf
New UK legislation makes it illegal to have bacon out in public
>Don't be forsaken, bin that bacon!
>he doesnt deserve a fine
He does because that's harassement
>Arrested for telling someone your opinion and following them
Yeah dude was being a cunt, but that's still not a crime
Alright faggots, relax. Dude went out of his way to antagonize people, following them on a train and chewing loudly while proclaiming he hates muslims. We're cucked but this is some serious fake news
Fuckoff ahmed
In EU it is
Its scary. They may even have bomvests under there. They need to be band
It was clearly meant to offend Muslims, play stupid games win stupid prizes
We're all cucked by (((them))) don't worry bro
Majority of Americans normalize our freedom and assume everyone else is like that, when in fact no one else really has our freedoms.
>implying pol cares about the truth
You're killing the meme narrative
Based, more swedes should be like him
>work at gas station while in college
>sell nasty baked potato item that people love
>tell everyone it's vegetarian
>find out it actually has bacon in it
>still tell everyone it's vegetarian
>suggest it to people who say they can't have pig
>laugh everytime
haha fuckers
I mean, that's clearly an obnoxious thing to do but he shouldn't be fucking criminally charged for it
maybe thrown off the train
The fuck is the world coming to?
Haha "LAND OF THE FREE" am I right? :D:D
pic related: 14-year-old Swede
Good. Another criminal off the streets of Europe. Sends the right message to all the racist scum.
pic related: three 12-year-old Swedes.
Can you guess which lil' fella won the race?
Sorry we tend to forget nobody else is allowed to be free but us
Yeah sure, that's why I specified "MP5's"
>false freedom
>complete fuckboy for Israel
lmao as delusional as always
I now understand why swedes use the gender neutral pronoun all the time
>racially motivated attack
>say that Islam isn't a race but a religion
What now?
>fake beyond reason
show your real flag :)
Why sweden takes everything too far? Why you always wanna be """ahead""" of everyone else?
they say: we all know you hate islam because mostly niggers are muslim
you can't make this up
>Swedish Man Charged for Eating Bacon in Front of Muslim Women
Damn those pesky swedish kids just get uglier and uglier as the time goes by.
>The Swedish man, who has not been named by media or the police, is said to have approached the Muslim women who were wearing Islamic veils on a train while he was eating bacon and dangled the bacon in front of their faces
>The women got up to find seating elsewhere and the man followed them with his bacon
At least read the article, you cucks!
>i did not read anything what i just linked myself
the thing was not about eating bacon but harrasing 2 trashbags
Someone post the pic of the 10 year old laying on top of the 30 year old shitskin in bed at a "tolerance camp"
Surprise, we also call it machine pistol. Literal translation from German.
yeah he shoul be charged for harassment but everyone here knows he's going to get the book thrown at him for racism
the eternal swede
I don't want to hear any more fucking swedes try to tell me they aren't that cucked, and germany and the UK are way worse.
We are all cucked, it is ridiculously bad and it's time to start standing up for ourselves.
This is fucking madness, if this man pays this fine he should have to forfeit his testicles.
>be me
>eating pig oil biscuits while watching shop
>muslim customer ask me
>user what are you eating, care to share?
>sorry ahmed, this content pig oil.
>oh okay, no problem.
WTF sweden
He looked them dead in the eye and ate bacon, the fucking monster.
Those swedish girls were scared for their lives.
Let me know when he does something that's actually a crime.
Read the thread dumbass, this is fake news