Break your programming, White Man

Everybody knows that the Jews are programming us for failure. They constantly bombard us with messages which invite us to degeneracy, and they love to signal the habits which set us up for failure as Chadlike.
Listen up faggots, life is like vidya. And you need to start levelling up.
Level One: Get some sleep
A tired mind is a weak mind. You need to develop an eight-hour sleep programme. Pick an eight hour block of your time that you will spend lying in the dark every fucking night. Set your alarm for the end of this eight hour period. Turn off your phone and computer. Go to bed.
Enemies to vanquish on level one: Smartphone Jew, Hollywood Jew, Midnight Snack Jew, All Night Gaming Jew, Porn Jew, Not going to bed at the same time every night Jew.
Level Two: Get out of bed and do something white for 16 hours
You are well rested. Now eat a healthy breakfast and go improve your life, white man. Go to work. Don’t have a job? Then go fucking look for one. Still in school? Then hit the books. It’s Sunday? That’s the Lord’s Day fool. Put on a suit and go to Church. Is it Saturday or Sunday afternoon? Relax mang. Unless you gotta work because you are paying your way through school in which case respect and God bless.
Enemies to vanquish on level two: Sleeping through your alarm Jew, Skipping breakfast Jew, No Shower Jew, Dress like a nigger Jew, Laziness Jew, Apathy Jew, Atheist Jew, Gaming or watching shows when you should be at work/study/Church Jew.
Congratulations, you have unlocked the accomplishment Not A Loser
Next: White man tier

Other urls found in this thread: Freely.html AND TRRPB (HATE SPEECH EDIT).html

Level Four: Improve your mind and body
This is where a lot of people start. But this is nigger tier thinking. Without eight hours sleep you can’t function properly. If you do something productive with your day then you are probably losing weight and looking fitter anyway, because a healthy lifestyle always has this result. If you are spending all your time working out and “”””reading books”””” instead of working and studying for qualifications then congratulations Tyrone, you really living dat jailhouse lyfe gud bix nood.
The world was full of good looking white people before there were gyms, because white people were good active Christians and avoided gluttony.
Enemies to vanquish on level four: Gluttony Jew, Snacking Jew, Junk food Jew, Malnourishment Jew, Binge Drinking Jew, Drinking on a worknight Jew, Lack of Protein Jew, Low intensity workout Jew, Quitting Jew, Posting yourself up on Social media Jew, Never reads a book Jew, Doesn’t constantly level up his qualifications Jew, Doesn’t shitpost daily on Sup Forums to defend white values Jew, Poisons his mind with Hollywood bullshit on purpose Jew, Tolerates Faggotry Jew.
Congratulations, you have unlocked the accomplishment Nazi Superman
Next: Reichpussyslayer tier

Boss Level: Pick a decent woman and eventually make a family.
Follow my advice kid and you will be drowning in pussy.
If you are smart you will keep them all at arm’s length. Take your time. Go on dates and check out her values. Don’t try and make a housewife out of a ho.
Finding the right woman to watch animu with for the rest of your life is the most important decision you will ever make. Don’t blow it.
Boss level enemies: Degenerate whore Jew, hates your friends Jew, inferior non-Aryan genes Jew, Gold digger Jew, Crazy bitch Jew.

>wasting time in a cuck shed church
>being a wage slave

This cute little regiment you made seems quite authoritarian. Why don't you just let people live their lives faggot?

All you're describing here is what it's like to be in the military. I've been in the military. That routine sucks balls & has nothing to do with white power of evil Jews.

I'd of enjoyed this rant much more if you didnt mention anime at all

Solid advice

bumping for MY PEOPLE

>going to a church

Literally cucking the Holy Spirit.
Just read the Old Testament.

> OY just read the TALMUD goy