Like seriously
South Park had A WHOLE SEASON surroundind the fact Trump was gonna lose and also even after his win, they stopped the humour and were trying desperatly to shit on him. After all Rick n Morty never did this
Is RIck n Morty reaally that bad by Sup Forums standards?
Other urls found in this thread:
is rick and morty even worth talking about on Sup Forums
Trump is a meme we helped to get mainstream, so we could get more happenings and chaos.
only redditors really like him, don't fall for the meme and enjoy your manchild hobbie
Why do you care what Sup Forums thinks about a fucking cartoon?
They recently did a joke about how no one wants to talk about Zionist/Israeli influence over the American government
So why bring it up?
its a cartoon
no one gives a shit
why do shills keep pushing this? Is this demographic that essential?
You can make ANY show look bad that way
Rick and Morty promote degeneracy and Scientism.
It's entirely hit or miss, most of it is these days is forced memes and lazy bullshit but I can't blame them cuz women writers
Season one was actually pretty good, I think what fucks it is its unbearable fanbase who will shit their pants clapping regardless of what they put out
Ive watched most episodes of Rick and Morty and enjoy watching it. Its alot better than most trash on tv now-a-days and has some pretty good humor if you get past the dumb shit.
But anyone that claims it is a show for intellectuals because "muh science jokes, muh time travel theory, blah blah blah" is a fucking retarded and probably posts on leddit.
And as a wise man once said "fun things are fun"
They took Roilands non-political IP and big-bang'd it.
Can Mods /bant/ this garbage? Its afucking self-insert narrative
Rick & Morty is fine if you like it then whatever.
the fans are the worst and they ruin it all. it's complete plebbit atheist science-rules-all transdimensional bs that gets plebbitors to sperg like legit autists. embarrassing to ever relate yourself to those people
tldr; the show is fine but don't become a "fan" or label yourself as part of that group
rick and morty is literally jew: the cartoon
watch samurai jack instead
it's an unfunny show with a few incisive moments that are otherwise blighted by reddit trash
Yes, and we hate South Park and know it's literally disgusting Jew shit.
Only the first ~5 seasons were decent.
i like it because rick is the SHIIIIIT BIIIIITCH
It had the worst DEUX EX MACHINA ending
I guess you guys completely missed that episode when Rick is talking about 9/11, even hinting at Sup Forums directly - saying that he talked about the subject on some anonymous forums online. Truth be told, there have been a couple of times when he did that, and I guess that's all Dan Harmon breaking his conditioning.
Ah, I see you listen to TDS aswell.
Dan Harmon, the writer is a lefty jewish loon. It was satirical. Muh dumb nazis
hes trying too hard to pander to Sup Forums in all honesty
the shows only good aspect is the dynamic between characters and its random bouts of extreme absurdity
all the political garbage i just ignore since none of it really shocks me and basically I DONT GIVE A FUCK BIATCH
reminder cartoons are degenerate, time wasted stroking your braincock could be devoted to productivity
Rick and Morty is how leddit faggots fantasize themselves to be.
>Rick is a super genius.
>Can accomplish anything he wants.
>Spends half his time drunk, talking shit about how inferior everyone else is.
>Hates nazis and racists.
>Is a massive nihilist, "too smart to care about anything" tier.
>Shits on the weak, beta husband who ironically is the closest thing to a typical reddit user in that show, fulfilling their self-hatred requirements also.
All in all, r8 8/8.
Rick and Morty did exactly what it set out to do.
Teach people to get comfortable with the idea interdimensional portals exist, and we can use them.
It's the Beavis and Butthead version of Doctor Who.
You can all thank Mike Judge next time you see him.
episode in question:
Seems too dumb for me to try.. Idk better thibgs to do? Whats a good ep anyway?
>I sometimes reference the geopolitical complexities of the topic, which is not the same as going to an antisemitic place
lefties hate israel because they are colonialist, and even there he has to wimper and apologize for even resembling the worst thing in the world when hes blackout drunk, an antisemite
literally the first one
It's just a fun show and I enjoy watching. So do most people here I think. I'm not looking for political messages in the shows I watch.
>projection: the post
this and checked
It's a shitty ass cartoon.
Nobody gives a fuck except for edgy teens
Not at all. I find Rick's character completely unrealistic in every sense. I don't think a super-genius, capable of everything that he does, would behave the way he does in all other aspects. Certainly wouldn't give a fuck about racism and nazis. He behaves the way reddit people behave, except he's smart and they're not.
Probably the only good episode this season outside of whatever political sperging Sup Forums may do
Only pol approved cartoon is the amazing world of gumball
I really don't understand the appeal of rick and morty. I try to enjoy it but it just isn't funny. I liked the interdimensional tv thing in one episode but other than that it's just really boring.
plausible deniability because he's 70 years old and senile
The comics are also awsome btw. If anyone is interrested.
dan harmon is a good writer and it shows sometimes but its ruined by the unbearable jewish humor brought by roiland.
>lmao shit fart so funny jews rule amirite
its almost as if jews are funny
It's clearly the most atheist try- hard show imagineable
Because you hate your life.
>the joke is i said poop and sex haha also fuck god wow look how edgy i am lol
But I like other shows like Archer, Bob's Burgers, and countless others. It's just Rick and Morty that I don't find funny.
yea the episode where jerry and beth go to an alien couples therapy wasn't genius at all
Archer? plz kys
Overzealous fans are annoying but so are know-it-all faggots who think they're some kind of intellectual giant for shitting on a cartoon. It's euphoric as fuck
>having a strong opinion about cartoons
like i said, harmon is a good writer. he has his own way of setting up a story that works really well, he just needs to cut out roiland
Sorry i thought you mean arrow my bad
Guess why is itt called Reddit & Normie?
>Stop having opinions about things I don't care about!
cant deny roilands voice talent is priceless
Archer is honestly kinda funny, better than Ricky & Morty in my opinion, what do you think of the boondocks?
It's right wing style humor with some left wing views, I watch it for the humor not the politics. The people who think Rick is a real person however have poor brain health.
People who think Canadians are real are also pretty messed up.
Not true.
With Hillary we would have about a million more Mexican in the US right now.
honestly the shows not bad buuut i feel like episode 1 of season 3 where they literally throw the fucking federation and the rick council out the window seemed kinda forced also they were like the 2 most interesting groups, i mean instead of keeping the federeation in power and seeing how different that world is for like a few episodes which would have been interesting but when push comes to shove the show got scared it changed the statues quo to much so it just went with token emotional drama that doesnt actually change anything aka the divorce
>I think what fucks it is its unbearable fanbase who will shit their pants clapping regardless of what they put out
I hear a lot of people here say this but I have met literally nobody in real life that likes this show and is obnoxious about how great they think it is. I've seen some comments online that are pretty cringey (although I suspect a number of those to be trolls as well just because of how perfectly bad they are). I'd bet the over the top part of the fanbase is considerably smaller than most people here seem to think it is.
>>seeking Internet people's approval to enjoy something
I would urge you to kill yourself, but you already live in Albania
Rick and Morty is biggest plebfilter for Sup Forums
It's funny get over it.
Also they named israel in a new episode. They are redpilled
Both true, he was a meme that also happened to be the better candidate because the alternative was a globalist shill
I'm genuinely curious why he would point out one of the serious issues that Nazis have with the Jews. Exposing the JQ will only recruit more people to counter - semitism, what could a Jews goal be with this in mind?
rick and morty isn't bad. only the reddit tier online memery that surrounds it is cringy af
one of the creators is actually a channer
rick and morty is good i dont give a FUCK
also i haven't seen season 3 yet
Reminder that Rick has named the Jew
>time wasted stroking your braincock could be devoted to productivity
>He says stroking his braincock on an anonymous sudanese yodeling , not being productive
good it ended at season 2 only dissapointment from season 3
i dont understand why people say season3 is bad its good
i like rick and morty
It's shit.
Rick is a super godlike superhero now, defeating monsters and over coming impossible challenges whilst also solving the social problems within his family.
He truly is king of kings.
Since I got such a sick id i'll also say south park shit on hillary as well, they shit on literally everything including their own beliefs and is the only cartoon to do social commentary/satire right hence why they can make new episodes on current events and remain popular without gettint stale.
Rick & Morty for reasons stated above relies on deus ex machina for narrative, cheap nihilistic humour & literally fart/burp jokes. In a show with infinite universes it's akin to an ocean as deep as a puddle. First few episodes are hilarious but any further exploration reveals very little depth beyond Roiland's ad hoc improv. If you watch the original short you see the essence of Rick and Morty; obnoxious parody interspersed with shock humour. Never meant to be a fully fleshed out canon for ledditors to latch onto.
picking the smaller turd doesn't mean you have to think the smaller turd is fucking great
him being very memeable and also the better choice than Hillary just happened to coincidence
rick and morty is like simpsons every episode they have a new thing. so you can have the characters insult headscarfs and in other episodes a "strong wiming" episode. its good and a good balance imo
Yes. First two seasons were okay, now ever since they hired (((diversity))) writers, every other line contains the words "shit" or "fuck", and not a single joke lands.
Basically it turned from a decent cartoon with ok jokes, to john oliver tier jokes
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head.
There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE.
As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
The subtext is that criticism of Israel is anti-semitic.
Usual reminder that Star is a superior western cartoon
Rick's nihilism doesn't require you to be smart to watch the show, it's just funny and overly expressive
Half the humor of the show comes from the witty dialogue, the other half from the outlandish actions, neither really require a lot of intellectual thought. its just edgy in a humorous way
No, the subtext highlights the stupid duality of current liberals.
If you are pro lebanon you are anti semetic
If you are pro Israel you are an islamophobe.
try it for entertainment. Just bring it up in discussion with someone for shits and giggles.
kek good post. it's a shit normie show
people who cite the burp and fart jokes as a reason the show is bad are fucking dumb, its a fucking juxtaposition of the smartest jew in the universe being a drunken jew slob, yall just want something to hate
>amazing animation
>great character design
>shit tier pacing
>shit tier story
Which invalidates both of the former. It's like they gave a bunch of little girls cocaine and told them to write up stories, only they get distracted halfway through and can never finish anything.
Make way for a true patrician's western cartoon.
>falling for the Sup Forums copypasta
what the fuck those pros and cons are completely the wrong way around
underrated shitpost
Why not ask same about your mum