Alt-right hero Glenn Beck - who spent years promoting Obama birth certificate conspiracy theories and other racist garbage - has announced mass-layoffs at The Blaze, his collapsing media empire. How does it feel, alt-right? Not even your biggest celebrities can attract enough support to stay in business, lol!

>Glenn Beck announces mass layoffs at The Blaze

>The Blaze will be conducting mass layoffs in an effort to “become more nimble” and “keep pace with the massive changes" in the media business, Glenn Beck, the company’s founder, said Thursday. “Today, we said goodbye to just over 20 percent of the combined workforce of Mercury Radio Arts and TheBlaze,” Beck, a one-time Fox News and HLN host, said in a statement.

>The Blaze, based in Irving, Texas, laid off an estimated 40 employees in 2016. The Blaze TV is struggling due to a lack of distribution through major cable companies such as Time Warner, Cablevision and Comcast.

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>Glenn 'Hillary is the moral choice' Beck

Glenn Beck has been a nutter for years. No one on this board takes him seriously. Especially since he is a NeverTrumper.

that tomi chick was all they had and she got hired by fox

Glenn "The Last Cuck Standing" Beck is /ourguy/ ?!? LOL...

This. OP is either funny or retarded. Glenn Beck was ok 20% of the time but he went off the fucking rails when he became a never-Trumper.


>Glenn Beck is "alt-right"
4/10 bait


>cocaine Beck didn't set himself on fire in the most public suicide in history by openly campaigning for Shitlery

Glenn Beck is a piece of shit. He was the epitome of controlled resistance. Constantly preaching
Non violence and telling his listeners "don't worrry folks we are working on a story that will get Obama impeached". He exposed himself as a shill when he criticized the Bunfy ranch resistance and started attacking anyone who supported it. I hope that fat fuck kills himself.

You have to go back.

Without Beck Trump would have never been elected, he was the one that turned the tea party into this retard nationalist shitshow we have now.

>being this delusional

Glen Beck is an alt-right celeb !? Do you even know what alt-right is about ?

Glenn Beck is a FAR-LEFT anti-white that hangs out with the likes of Samantha Bee like a good little doggy..


Beck was a good litmus test for whether or not Trump really pissed off the establishment. He served his purpose, now it's time for him to retire to Texas and laugh about how he got a birth certificate conspiracy moving.

Didn't get Sheriff Joe though, that dern Sheriff got away again!

Glenn is your fellow #NeverTrumper Hillarybot you idiot commieshill.
Go back to your training classes, fucking goy just wasting our resource.

I say we continue on. Let not this minor hinderance impede our efforts towards creating our own destiny.

>Alt-right hero Glenn Beck
Lol, good one. Now make a thread on that great leftist icon General Pinochet.

you missed the target audience by like two decades. although ill admit he did do a good job laying out various union connections to higher ups, and bringing that into the public sphere. but his audience is 40+, ie not user