The best parties to vote on in Norway?
The best parties to vote on in Norway?
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Are there any that don't look like pic related?
The communist ones.
Vennlig påminnelse om at FrP samarbeider med pro-EU partiet Hoyre, og at FrP har ingenting i mot arbeidsinnvandring fra Europa
Senterpartiet sier også at de er imot EU, men de samarbeider med pro-EU partiet arbeiderpartiet.
Sannheten er at hvis du er imot EU, innvandring og åpne grenser så er det bare et parti å stemme på. Og det partiet er Alliansen
I am voting for Arbeiderpartiet this election. Tajik-Store 2017
Senterpartiet for soft nationalism and conservatism.
Also fuck the EU
Drep deg selv horunge
Venstre for den gode siden av konservatismen + mere stotte og forbedringer for skolesystemet + de vil legalisere weeden min.
Jo flere som stemmer på FRP jo storre innflytelse får de på politikken, iflg meningsmålinger ligger de an til å å få en rekordoppslutning. Ingen liker hoyre, det er 'De rikes Parti' og hoversponsoren er NHO, men de har vært en god 'stepping-stone' for å vise at FRP klarer seg vel så godt i posisjon som i opposisjon. Stem FRP
De er ikke i nærheten av den gangen de fikk 22.9% Breivik odela for dem.
Any who support gay rights + closed borders? They go hand in hand in my mind.
Please talk in English. Sup Forums requires it.
Really hard to tell
If we want real change in our country, the best solution is to support the party that is closest to our political views. If we want a greater influence we need to join their party and start changing it from the inside. I'm happy that FrP got Listhaug as minister of immigration and inclusion, but honestly I would prefer her as Primeminister.
Liberalistene. FUCK THE WELFARE(more like weakling) state.
I can't take Frp seriously sorry. They just seem like rabble and focus on non issues like water skis and alcohol. Sylvi is also a bit to divisive I love her as a minister but as a party leader she would alienate a lot of normies.
I like welfare. It sometimes is necesarry. Fuck the foreign aid and culture budget tho
FRP. Stemte på dem denne uka.
Når jeg leverte stemmen min så ble den plassert i en konvolutt og limt igjen, men så plutselig rev han opp konvolutten, og det var et lite oyeblikk der han kunne direkte se hva jeg hadde krysset av, deretter plasserte han den i en ny konvolutt, limte den igjen og ga den et stempel og så ga han den til meg for å legge den i stemmeboksen. Valgfusk på gang.
I think youre talking about the old FrP which pulled alot of public stunts and made populistic statements. That was when Carl I Hagen was running the party. There has been a big purge in the party since then. They kicked out pedophiles and agitators and made themselves more 'edible' for the average voter
I already got a couple of mates inside FRP here
ikke vær rasister
stem SV
how many % does a party need to get above sperregrensa btw? It's 2-something isn't it?
>using labor slogan, lit piggy backing on another party's slogan..
>everyone aboard
guess that's the english term
Fuck that nigger loving(they really aren't they larp) party
Faggots in oslo vest that have it too good vote for that party
but alliansen only have 1%
Stem Alliansen!
A = andre
Du trur vel ikke seriost at Alliansen kommer til å få 1 % av stemmene? De er et mikroparti, mindre enn kystpartiet og pensjonistpartiet
Normann som bor i Danmark her, stemte FRP onsket å stemme alliansen men tror min stemme vill få mer innflytelse ved å bli brukt på FrP
Posting in a Norge thread with no knowledge of Norwegean political life and no understanding of them nordrunes.
one can hope, I like the coast party too
we seriously need some action at stortinget, so it's funny again
mr (((putin))) good to see you again.
I think Alliansen is a perfectly valid party, but since its young party they still have alot to prove. FrP started like them many years ago as an outsider party. Personally I'm going to wait a few years until i concider them a viable option.
it's about fish and immigrants basically
well and old peoples welfare and jobs
Probably going for Venstre. Their immigration policies are lax, but they need to get above 4% for the current government to have a chance at remaining. Otherwise, we get the socialists.
FRP is pretty established now, it took them lit decades to get in power.
It's a safe bet, that's for sure
Venstre is full of Taqqyia pakis flag and old fat women
Vote for more fish and less niggers.
My friend is in Norway right now (somewhere up north, beyond the polar circle), here's what he says:
1. there is at least one nigger in every village, even in the most northen regions
2. everything that involves human labour (i.e. not imported canned food) is expensive as fuck
3. as a consequence of the 2 - there's no big difference in bus driver's salary and a doctor's one, making all working people more or less equal
Is that true? Do you like this (((equality)))? I mean it should eliminate the motivation to improve
vote frp you numbnut. Frp is the only sizable party thats not a meme party like alliansen and will have enough votes to actually be represented in Parliament.
du er vel ikke en islamofob, user?
I love our welfare society, but when all is said and done the average man cost our society 25000 kroners, and a woman 136000 kroners. The cost is covered with our oil money. I think its paramount that we manage to reduce our spending to a point where we're atleast breaking even. Some cuts in public sector must be made for eg. culture, foreign aid and immigration. But on the other hand we need to spend more money on police school military infrastructure and caretaking.
Contradictory tier (for those who vote with emotions) : frp , mdg
Status quo tier: ap, hoyre , sp , venstre
Commie tier : SV and rodt
Christian tier : KrF
it's kinda true with vage equality if you compare it to other countries I guess, esp. the US.
I'm an engineer+ (I haven't completed my master thesis) and we earn really little here compared to again especially the US.
A doctor still earns a lot more than a bus driver though, but they earn well too, everybody do that here, it's kinda nice that way. Everyone has to eat.
The problem with this ofc, is it drives the price of everything up, like food there. Also when it comes to food you know, we have this food cartel here basically. They control the entire marked and are crooks. Like for-instance lidl tried to establish them self here, it was impossible, they had give up due their mafia-lite activity.
Yeah also they have made these asylum centers up there now, so now you at vidda and you encounter niggers. WTF are they thinking. They usually move down to (((oslo))) once they are done with the asylum detention shit
cuck tier: KrF
Those are two people... I already explained my reasoning, though. If V gets under four percent, then the current government loses 5-ish seats, more than enough to tip the balance.
bunch of homos, more and more of the christians are making way to FrP instead
The problem with Venstre is that they are too vague politically, they lack a strong leaderfigure. Their motto should be 'Yes to everything, everyone gets a free pony'
man they are digging their own grave this shit
>and they wonder why nobody votes for them
beside lysglimt, she is the only poltician that actually knows how to social media.
my facebook troll got gassed, but I used to follow her there, she's quite active tons of fans.
Really she should have been the leader, siv is boring as fuck and is only leader because she was Carl I Hagen's pet
Yeah religion and emotions are closely linked, and with all the consistancy issues in the bible im sure they will feel at home with frp
it's no secret, but really many people just vote because of the immigration issue, that's the only reason why FrP is popular
Labor tried to get in on that eventually, but people don't trust them
>bad picture quality
>comic sans
i made those user, took me 2 minutes
FRP, Alliansen, Demokratene
FrP has alot more to offer than a strict immigration. I dont agree with them on every matter but for the most part they've made reasonable desicions.
As an example they reduced the taxes on buying new more climate-friendly cars which reduce the pollution. Instead of doing like MdG that wants to tax everything to death
>Senterpartiet for soft nationalism and conservatism.Also fuck the EU
Yeah, and Senterpartiet, I wish they could cooperate with FRP, that would be fucking utopian!
SP are by name centrist and will always try to suck the biggest cock. If FrP wins this election I'm pretty sure SP will work with them on some political cases.
yeah that was a good thing though, tons of people actually bought these cars. MdG is cancer and directly dangerous to our country
>Now is it too early to go and buy beer now? It's friday. I think FrP approves
beer prices
>that should have been a political point
>it's too expensive
>fucking hundred of krones for just two six packs
>that shit should have just been like 100 krones
going to buy Tuborg, seidel is cheaper but I like tuborg more
that's the One thing I hate about SP, otherwise SP is allrite, we need traditional values and they are against the bs AP and Hoyre want.
But because of their refugee shilling I guess they are going to lose out on LOADS of votes.
The woman who went to the rinkeby migrant place, what party is she? They seem based.
Jeg tror at Alliansen og Demokratene kommer til å få nesten 1 % hver. Kanskje mer.
Thats Sylvi Listhaug, our minister of Immigration and Integration
i'm going to vote FrP, but pic related is something i disagree with
pls contain them in one place, makes it easier to control them later
don't let them spread out and contaminate the beautiful countryside
wasn't there some shit that they refused to work with FrP in anyway?
They are shooting them self in the foot if you ask me
Hvordan fungerte dette med personstemmer? Var å forhåndsstemte i går, tok lappen med FrP, og ville gjærne gi en personstemme til Listhaug, men navnet hennes var ikke på lappen. Så er det kun de som er i samme fylke som meg jeg kan gi personstemmer til?
>Jeg tror at Alliansen og Demokratene kommer til å få nesten 1 % hver
ta deg fri fra Sup Forums et par dager og ta deg en tur ut og snakk med folk
I agree with your reasoning. But immigrants are easier to manage and assmilate if you divide them. In my part of the country we managed to keep them in check for a long time, until we were overrun by eastern europeans and jugoslavs in the 90's thanks to AP.
I don't want a bunch of shitskins here
It's already a bunch of polacks here, I don't want niggers too
Keep them in the detention centers and (((oslo))). Also lock them inside, they should not be allowed to leave the property to the detention centers, they just run away anways
mer OC
most people don't even know about them you know
I remember Grande making a statement a few years ago that they would not cooperate with a governement that had FrP in it, to rub AP's dick. But you know how it is with politicians, They are like diapers, they should be changed regularly and for the same reason.
(((integration))) = cultural and ethnic suicide
tre spörsmål til deg:
hva er målet med integrering?
når har vi oppnådd integrering?
hvorfor er dette onskelig?
how new are you?
i replied to another guy who made these ridiculous predictions
Good catch user, I got a sylvi quote folder now
Lol @ pedo love heart party
I was just validating your statement
Those look like brand logos
Selv tror jeg valget ender med en rod-gronn regjering. Så blir det partileder skifte i FrP og Syvli blir statsminister i 2021.
Ideally we should be allowed to exist in our own country and not be replaced by foreigners, but because women were allowed to vote and work and became marxist-feminist we have to adapt to the reality that we're facing. The immigrants that are here are not going away. The best we can do about them is to make them law-abiding assimilated hard working norwegians. Failure to comply should result in deportation. However i would personally want us to abolish the schengen agreement and send the slavs back to their shitholes. But that is my political conviction.
think it's the wrong thread straya
labor had a pedo mayor though, they initially defended him and attack one of his known victims, it was really disgusting. He's called Rune Oygaarden, disgusting piece of shit
>Here he is probably praying on school children
FrP seeks to forcefully castrate all pedos
Why not vote for her party then? They'll keep the pakis out
helt riktig. det er ingen store partier som ikke folger "oppskriften" om innvandring og globalisering. Kommer alliansen til makten, vil de også folge denne oppskriften. Ikke kast bort krefter på valget.
nice curry-fever
I actually haven't seen her this entire election
Haven't paid so much attention though, I just watch dagsrevyen basically
Usually I avoid the jewspaper and tv all together when there is an election, politicians piss me off
Trust me user. I did political science in school and when i graduated i was a socialist, but after witnessing the utter decay and destruction of our country at the hand of the nepotist and degenerates in AP I am voting FrP for the first time in my life. I want my kids to grow up in the same fantastic country as i did.
FRP hvis du er realistisk.
Alliautistene hvis du vi ende opp med rodgronn regjering.
så du er helt eller delvis med etnonasjonalisme
så hvorfor onsker du å integrere de dersom vi ikke bare kan bli kvitt dem? den beste losningen på et fleretnisk samfunn er etter min mening apartheid. jeg vil bare gjore det klart at jeg ikke er for apartheid, jeg vil mye heller ha en etnostat, men apartheid er i det minste bedre enn de tilstandene vi ser i Sor-Afrika i dag
>not using qts in your election campaign
no wonder AP is going down in the polls
Venstre, my dude
Underated pokek
It's very pizza gate, remember that American law enforcement pedo symbols image that was doing the rounds. Australian politicians are actually human cockroach hybrids - it's a whole other story.