What does Sup Forums think of female masturbation?

What does Sup Forums think of female masturbation?


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it's just annoying when they glorify it like it was some bold political statement
feminists believe men are scared of women masturbating, topkek

Women are like dogs in their pursuit of pleasure and need for guidance. Disgusts and doesn't surprise me.

Heil Hitler!

Such a degenerate article

>We tried masturbating at work for a week
Yet when I do it I get dismissed. Unacceptable behaviour for a primary school teacher my ass!

It's pretty hot desu

>tfw you realise you'll never get to masturbate like a women
wanting something youll never get promotes self destruction, but can also promote self appreciation and the ability to be happy with what you got

>For me, sex is about interacting with another person, so masturbating doesn’t massively turn me on

wow, i'm barely into the article and she's already virtue signalling. "interacting with another person" sounds so mature and respectable until you remember that she actually means "getting dominated and violently fucked by a chad choking her neck and then gagging on cum" but yeah, "interacting" sure


>Her employer (the paper) is paying her to jack off and she gets paid to gloat about it