8values general

Post your 8values results. The one next to me is mine

Anything below 90% equality goes to Gulag

I thin the tradition/progress axis is kinda dumb. what's the contradiction between wanting to genetically engineer humans and traditional values?




Har har har.

True, some questions are dumb, like wtf does "chasing progress at all costs" mean? Also, gulag
6 weeks forced labour
le enlightened rational skeptic, how are you? Also gulag


now you go to a concentration camp.

Rate me

How did you even get that option? I tried memeing it in, but I always got state socialism or fascism


all go to gulag

That's basically Killary Clinton's 8values. 1 million years Gulag
Forgot to rate that one. Directly to the wall

Gulag or no?

right wing populism

Oh boy, here we go marching tanks into Prague again. Gulag
I can forgive those 2 percent, also nice revolutionary axis, you might want to be less of a globalist and save the liberty for after the transitional phase. You get a free Zigulak



Wat do?



right wing populism

No bully please. I voted Trump.

I do the ratings here. Join the party or Gulag

Shouldn't you be using the natbol flag?

National Socialism

If you weren't libertarian you should face a firing squad.


Seems pretty accurate


So many liberals...

Found the Porky. 1 million years gulag
Nah, I like my nation but prefer struggles of the working class
6 months Gulag with parole
Permitted to live
10 years forced labour

Good enough?



Ultracapitalist master-race here. Seriously, what is with all the Cuck'unists on this board?

Perfect, comrade. Appointed party leader
1 million years Gulag
Holy fuck that's gonna be Gulag and mutilated genitals


It doesn't make sense because I don't want a theocracy, but I believe religion / tradition should be respected.

if you're anything other than this gas yourself you cuckold

Lads what's up

2 months forced labour
4 months forced labour
Ah yes, the """"""""""""an""""""""""""cap has only a 66% liberty rate, who would have thought? Gulag
2 months forced labour


not a classcuck i swear

Market scale says otherwise. Gulag

Thanks comrade


Fuck off commie, go starve somewhere else

It means you don't give a fuck if Communism is going to fail because you're going to do it anyway. Your people can go extinct but as long as Communism succeeds it's ok.

GMO humans are very progressive but it takes forever to understand that transhumanism is bad. Basically, it removes incentives to practice traditional values and lifestyles, as it removes underlying humanity that makes them practical and good.


OP you're the leftypol version of larping 1488 autists

>being anti-1488
Don't tell me you aren't even a "religious fundamentalist" in the current year.

You are working class, enjoy a shitty life of being the lowest of the low in your shitty commie paradise.

(((8values))) is shit. Tryna turn me into Jeb! or something

Because it's a contradiction in terms. Tradition holds that man has fallen from grace, has become estranged from the essence of existence, and can only close that break by seeking unity of will with the Infinite and Transcendent. By contrast, the ideology behind something like genetic engineering would have us believe that through instrumentation man can perfect himself and forge his own destiny, irrespective of the fundamental nature given to him. A more anti-traditional philosophy than this would be hard to imagine.

Reminder that if your market score is higher than your nation score, you're a Jew.

> inb4 gulag

Gulag for little ole me I guess

In to the gulag i go

Can't argue with this.

Rate me

>not globalist
Trotsky is disapoint.

Traditionalists need to be killed. Are you faggots honestly unable to imagine a society that's better than le Western Civilization meme? Build on those values and stopping trying to "go back" it's "make X great again". Nothing is it will ever be the same again. That's how evolution works.

I hate these questions:

>It is very important to maintain law and order.
>If you answer 'yes' it pushes your more authoritarian
But an answer of yes only pushes you more authoritarian if you believe that a State is required to maintain law and order

>All people - regardless of factors like culture or sexuality - should be treated equally.
>if you answer "yes" it pushes you more left
Treated equally in what way? If you interpret it to mean that they are all equal in the eyes of the law, then yes of course I agree. The NAP should be the fundamental basis for all people. But, that's not at all what this test is implying. They're saying that all people should experience equality of outcome. Fucking commie question that I have to say I disagree with in order to have the more accurate result

Communists aren't people. They're target practice.

all i know is, my gut says maybe

>what's the contradiction between wanting to genetically engineer humans and traditional values
it's a fucking abomination, an insult to god and to nature and people who support it should burn at the stake?

is obviously for

Hell I landed the same thing. I feel dirty now.

Fuck you faggot.

Tradition is a faith-based value essential for any healthy and sustainable civilization. Humans did not emerge from the mud by indulging in our base pleasures and cultivating selfishness as the highest virtue. Civilization exists because the individual is willing to sacrifice their time, resources and life for something greater or other than themselves, such as their family, their community and posterity.

What you are advocating is to discard all of the values which brought humanity, namely white Europeans, to this point in time where we can communicate online.

>Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire - Gustav Mahler

>wtf I love Nazis now
Remove the flag and you are pardoned from Gulag
Shut up, Václav
I see nothing wrong with that
1 million years Gulag
Our autistic LARPers are ANTIFA, who think throwing bins on the floor will bring regime change
How's life in your mum's basement?
Well then become a commie and problem solved. Also, wall
6 months Gulag with parole
You're goddamn right. Gulag
Nah, that's just wall
2 months free bread
Trotsky was a bitch. He deserved the icepick
You would make a good tank cleaner
Gulag with parole
Genetically modifying humans to create superior workers is perfectly OK