ITT: We discuss this flag and the identitarian movement.
Who are they? What do they stand for? Could they be the answer for bringing back an indigenous Europe?
ITT: We discuss this flag and the identitarian movement.
Who are they? What do they stand for? Could they be the answer for bringing back an indigenous Europe?
LARPing faggots.
heard theyre kosher
They are far more successful in making what is still a fairly radical and völkische right wing ideology look potentially somewhat reasonable to a broader audience, than earlier movements/organisations, who very much just alienated the majority.
the look exactly like every other Soros funded color revolution force so far except with a white right wing twist
probably just another kike plant group there to hedge bets if liberals are to pussy to kick off the civil war that the globalists need to impose marshal law
Retarded shill doesn't even know he's in the wrong thread
Generation Identitaire is a funny name for a bunch of gen y rejects that turn to nazism because they don't know their next door neighbors.
>Who are they?
A step in the right direction.
I hope you all gave money to Defend Europe. They saved so many lives.
c o n t r o l l e d
Also, source?
I see the shilling in strong in this thread
This picture is what Europe should look like.
kys fincuck, your whole country is controlled cpposition
Should I join them?
Join, see, learn, if you don't like it, quit.
What do you have to lose?
damn.... first few post all shills one after the other
the panic is real
>op thread bread
Lmao pathetic larpers who keep getting rekt by the left evertime they get interviewed
Damn shills are fucking SCARED
Well, they're under watch by the government here for being extreme right wing so I don't wanna end up on a list
Nothing to be afraid off, they are only a bunch of suburban retards, no one takes them seriously honestly
They look cheerful and fun.
ye, turk are subhumans, what's your point?
Are you using a VPN right now?
You're already on a list mate.
They are alt-lite as fuck. Most of them don't think the White race is superior and don't want a final solution. Just assume that stopping the boats will change much when we are already occupied.
It's a step in the right direction, user. Treat it as such.
>Heels not on the ground
>that subhuman IQ
Being on a list of shitposters is different than actual right wing activists though
Leader member of GI here, AMA.
What is this and where is proper heraldry? Swastika is a beautiful symbol that has been with Indo-European culture for thousands of years, discarding it because some yids screech at you (not that they will stop even if you be nice goy) is basically admitting defeat before shit even started.
So you rather want to lower the head and pray you won't be the next victim rather than look around and maybe change things?
It's statistically good for you, but bad for the greater good.
Your choice mate.
>dude why aren't you doing things that will land you in jail and give the government an excuse to destroy your organization
Sub-70 IQ moron or kike shill detected
is there separate orgs for Germany and Austria?
What is even your identity? French or Dutch?
Maybe I should join an official right wing party and become a politician, that was my other thought
>no one takes them seriously
>literally being asked about by journalists to the european Commission, discussed in the Italian parliament, talked about in all mainstream media
I smell a jelly leftist.
The shills are really coming out of the woodwork ITT. Really activates your almonds
You can too. It's still infinitely better than doing nothing.
It's the spartan lambda, what they used to decorate their shields, symbolizing the fight of Europe vs Asia.
Yes of course, they are both called Identitäre bewegung.
We are Flemish (dutch), we see the islamization of our country and white genocide as a bigger threat then the political state of our (non)country.
P sure he's bullshiting, the leader in Belgium (Flanders actually) doesnt know about Sup Forums.
And yes, there' chapters in Germany and Austria, but tied to the european mouvement
I think what he's saying there is that being gay is literally the only identity that white people are allowed to adopt which they are allowed to feel pride for.
I.e. if a white faggot is proud about being a faggot, everyone will clap him. And that's the only identity that a white person can adopt where that will be the reaction, since celebrating your white identity is, of course, frowned upon.
I think that's what he means.
Oh wanted to say lead member, I'm not the leader.
What's the Flemish branch called? You guys have a website or kikebook page or sth like that?
t. voorzichtig geïnteresseerde user uit Leuven
It's a manly flag for sure
I mean, can you tell me if then Austrian identitäre are even worth it? I heard the leader is on that ship right now
How many kinky cuties do you get to fuck on average each month ?
Wouldn't know.
But it doesn't hurt to read a few pages, meetup with the members a few times, talk a bit.
Yeah, they're great guys. Leaders are Martin, Philipp, Stefan. Just meet with them without signing up and you will see.
I know nothing about these guys yet I always see them in large numbers. It doesn't seem to make any sense.
If I'm honest I believe we need the revival of the swastika and show people the truth. When the masses see that we've all been tricked, that anger will be directed onto those responsible. The kikes.
not all swastikas look like the nazi one tho
kys, faggot
If we get the identitarian here in the east it would turn 1488 in 2 seconds
I'm sad there are zero official branches, just members who travel to austria or france
Generatie identiteit, ik ben zelf ook van Leuven maar voorlopig ligt de focus nog op het uitbouwen van GI in West-en Oost-Vlaanderen, Volgend jaar zal ik proberen om een afdeling in Leuven te starten.
Not enough but the future seems bright.
Are you telling us GI girls are frigid bitches ?
The Austrian guys are amazing, you should sign up right now.
Thanks snek man and Jean Claude
Ill actually try to go to a meeting now
Best LARPing ever
Are you one of the Halle guys? You really inspired us.
conservashits larping as nationalists
>Identitarian Patreons shoah'd
>Identitarian PayPal shoah'd
>Alt-Light Lauren Southern's Patreon shoah'd just because reporting on Defend Europe Mission
yeah, totally a Soros shill organization
lurk moar faggot
nope - but i spend money for the house-project
>1000 rich kids?
Europe is saved
just join traditional nationalist movements, non of those members have enough life experience to be trusted
I think that (((they))) are more afraid of the shitposters that of the Identitarians.
Even better to be both.
What's this project ? I was in East Germany on august and have been to Halle, Leipzig and Dresden. I was surprised how white these cities were compared to France and West Germany.
I felt more at home in East Germany than I do in Paris
Is this true
Hello Free People Against Antifa III
>1 post by this ID
I am married and have 3 kids
we NEED to do something in Germany and Europe
Who the fuck are you to tell me that I have no experience in life to be trusted?
This movement is the good an right way for us
Something seems fishy about all this?
Why do they look like AntiFa?
>Why do they look like AntiFa?
Do you see their face?
Yes? Then they're not AntiFa.
a place for US, (near campus) to
- live
- work
- communicate
- making plans
- be safe
already protested by antifa
(and attacked at night)
They've been off the boat for quite a few days now.
Just sign up for your next local Stammtisch, or join us on September 9 to march in honor for the defense of Vienna 1683.
Note: We value pragmatism and effect on politics higher than ideology.
Since the effect of National Socialism on the European peoples was devastating, we do not endorse that.
You should know that before you come here.
Many left disappointed, but we do not need them.
What we need are disciplined and motivated activists, willing to fight for a Europe of sovereign Nations.
If you're still on the fence about our views on the metapolitical situation, watch this:
Nikolai is probably to the right of us, yet we are on friendly terms, since we adhere to a similar pragmatism.
Standing in front of wrecked graffiti'd buildings holding flags.
If we want to bring back traditional values we need our propaganda to look better. Country fields, uniform, happiness and virtue.
I don't like the look they're giving off here. It makes them look like an angry group of LARPers in the city.
Jesus, you obviously did not even read what was written or know what they were doing there and yet you bitch and moan.
What have you done, mate?
Want to meet up there maybe?
And no worries, I'm not a nazi or extremist, I'm just a regular red pilled Austrian guy
Well than put on a uniform and position yourself in a whey field and see if you are succesful
I don't have much in common with them, but amidst every right-wing nationalist groups the Identitarians definitely look the most well-adjusted and trustworthy
They are a group of pan-Europeans that want to form a European brotherhood against 3rd world invaders and send all the current invaders in Europe back. NatSoc's hate them for not calling out the jew though.
I'm not bitching and moaning. Propaganda is important.
Think of Plato's Allegory of the Cave: only one of the slaves frees himself and get out of the cave to contemplate for the very first time the sun, to later return to the cave and tell the other slaves what he has seen. What does this allegory mean? Well, it means that the truth has to be, somehow, "democratized" or "popularized". And I bet that that's what the Identitarians are: a popular presentation of the swaztika. Few people can handle the redpill required to embrace the swaztika.
We also hate NatSocs. The feeling is mutual
They're not. They beat up Antifa, do you really think Antifa dress up as nationalists then get beat up by them?
You, my friend, are completely wrong.
What does Lauren Southern smell like?
Do Identitarian girls have cute feet?
French Identitarian movement got the aesthetics right.
I remember you from previous threads. Keep up the good work
It is said that, if you are in both of the lists, you get swated. (jokin)
You're all misunderstanding. I'm not calking then (((AntiFa))) I'm worried about the image as the Alt-Right/Alt-Left are becoming a brand name for the MSM and we have to break away from their paintbrush of what "looks like a violent white supremasist" in the eyes of Schlomo's cattle.
We're easily antagonised, so our propaganda and image must be good. The more violent we look without equal imagery of compassion and kindness, the less we will make any ground.
Which identitarian group has the most followers? (EU)