>Reminder that Orwell would bash the fash with us.
And a reminder to all you alt-righters that still hide behind "free speech" - We know you are crypto-totalitarians, who would censor, ban, and persecute anything that would go against your white nationalist agenda.
Wyatt Gonzalez
Your flag that you chose to larp as is anarchist-communist. Every George Orwell book is against communism. >sage goes in the options field
Blake Ortiz
Orwell despised the hypocrisy of middle class poseur socialists like you most of all. Try reading one of his books.
Zachary Lopez
Yes many people on both sides would censor and ban things they don't agree with if they could. Nothing new there.
That's why we never achieved proper capitalism and libertarianism.
Lincoln Kelly
"The only sight they want of the proletariat is through the wrong end of the telescope."
Jordan Thompson
It's a sad thing that the idiots who heard about this on the news and never actually read it, outnumber fans of the book.
Caleb Jackson
>alt-left cuck claiming other wants to censor shit
Carson Rodriguez
>Pre-1945 Orwell pretty much did a 180 after the war ended and realised he had been lied to.
Justin Long
>advocated gun rights and free speech as the fundamental mechanisms versus totalitarianism Again, the western liberal antifa whose missions and effects live shorter than flies are a product of the feelgood capitalism where you can hang out at starbucks with friends at 3 and "bash fash" the same starbucks at 7. Orwell actually saw proper antifascists that would first hang the alt-righters then these little faggot antifas.