Would you rather

Would you rather.

a) your current position and status in life but there are no more refugees and Muslims in your country or

b) $1billion plus you live in a gated community like celebrities but your country gets pretty much over taken by .himself and refugees



the problem isn't refugees and Muslims, the problem is people who think refugees and Muslims are not a problem.

A... Must secure a future for white children, not just yourself

Although with about 100b $ I could probably lobby something like that.


Both, i invest 100 billion for more refugees and muslims in my country.
I need it for economy.
Then sent them to all other countries where they take over and kill white christians.
After that i declare marshall law and conquer all those places under disguise of liberation of europe from islamism.

Merkel stop giving up your plans... They're shit thought out anyway

Isn't bundeswehr a joke? You'll need 100b more to make a good army (and will still lose)

Germans dont fight, russians will fight for germany once again.

Unironically a.

This bullshit would be solved overnight if we had the fortitude as a society to recognize them as solvable problems.

A billion dollary doos in the right hands can prepare quality people to weather a population bottleneck scenario.

Like how the Nazis did when they took their Kraut saucers to Antarctica.

A. But can you remove niggers, spics and Jews as well?


That's funny coming from a country that has solely relied in numbers instead of tactics in warfare. To the point the biggest killer of Russian troops should be considered their commanders.


I fucking hate rich posh people
Never in my life would I want to become one hiding behind a gated community

>solely relied in numbers instead of tactics in warfare
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
Take war with Napoleon (1812), Crimean war (1853-56) as an example.

A, obviously. Unless 1bn would be enough to fund a coup and achieve A with money to spare. Root out the left while at it


Why would I want to sell out the rest of my countrymen?


Almonds status ON

This is still the follow up army of the Wehrmacht. Without Germany modern warfare wouldn't exist like it does today. Take automatic rifles, machine guns in regular infantry and stealth technology for example. Biggest problem is the government trying to deconstruct our army. Half of the time we have been in Afghanistan the government didn't even bother to send artillery. Yet they are always ready to eradicate and Wehrmacht connection and diversify the troops.

A. Not even a reasonable question


I'm poor, no social status, and I've never been happy.

But at least I've always led a life of truth, I've been faithful to my girlfriends and any time someone tried to bully me I went really hard on them.

Honor, truth and duty are most important things for me. I rather live a this miserable life than a life of money but nihilistic.

And yes, I know my country and all other European countries are done. But at least I'll die knowing that I did what I could and that I never submit to the neoMarxist ideology.


so I can leave this fucking planet and go live in space someday