How did the Holocaust make you feel?


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Bad, because it hasnt happened.

I can't feel anything about something that doesn't exist


amazing that they included smiley ones.

sad that that's the state of education. If you're old enough to learn about the Hall of Cost you are old enough to communicate without emogees.


>I chose the emoji(s) because
>"how come all labor camps examined by the US turned out to not be death camps? Was it just a big coincidence?"



>>I chose the emoji(s) because
How did some of the death camps had water wells being used meters away from allegedly mass graves with hundreds of thousands of rotting corpses?

You both get an F

I'll see you 2 nazis in privilege studies tomorrow

Id hope the feeling was of disgust being lied to.

Its so simple to debunk, the vast amounts of fuel, wood, petrol etc in the stock records required to burn millions at alleged camps are where in the camp records ?

They claim mass burning because theres not anywhere near enough mass graves to account for large numbers claimed , but what did they burn them with ? it takes a lot to reduce bones to ashes and the furnaces were simply not big enough to accommodate such claimed numbers even running 24/7

We have the records from nearly all the camps yet nowhere near enough fuel sources for such a large number....

experiment.. take a chicken and burn it... see how much fuel it takes you to reduce it to ash... youll be shocked.

What the fuck.

almost as retarded as common core

11 year old blacks can't read yet so they need some help.

i wasn't born yet at that time. i keep hearing it was rather unpleasant for inmates in penal institutions like auschwitz.

What a great school....
If you answer the question wrong, they call the police.

No one in school lived through the holocaust, people should be essentially neutral about it.


We're well on our way.

>current year
>not homeschooling

If there really were crematoriums spewing ash in those camps, there would be a an ash layer in the soil surrounding the camps and one has never been found.
t. Geologist who wanted to use the layer as a dating mechanism for a stream channel analysis



Angry, because the jews have used the HoloCo$t to fuck over not only Germany, but the USA and the world. Ultimately every jew is a con of some sort.

The shoah has been worth trillions and made evil jews a protected species.


fucking sick of this indoctrination.


Perfect reply.

Very weird, like sci-fi weird, because I don't believe it happened anymore.

Really annoyed because then we had to read all about Anne Franks shit, watch Fiddler on the Roof, and do other Jew shit when I had never seen or known what a fucking Jew was living in the middle of Texas with a bunch of other redneck kids. In hindsight it's become plain as day who is behind all this but as a kid it was the start of figuring out that something was amiss.

>American """""education"""""

You win the internet,Dad

It's because they were Christian

Exactly so.
They can open up fucking museums but if you want to research into it, they tell you to fuck yourself and believe what you're told.

Same thing with racial differences, if they were so confident we are all the same then why are studies on the subject illegal?

How no one can question this is mind boggling

because it didn't happen but it should happen in the future

>thinks they can read a sentence
>thinks they never learned words for emotions
Our kids are better than this

Relieved that so many made it out alive so many times.

Stop making fun of a terrible tragedy. Whether you believe they were gassed or not at least 2.5 million were exterminated by nazis.

but Dachau, user.


Learning about the holocaust reminds of the sheer magnitude of the extermination of a people and the eradication of an entire way of life. Polish and Eastern European Jewry at large was forever extinguished during those years. A thousand years of history had gone in the blink of an eye as an entire culture was wiped out.

Before the war, my great grandfather had spent a fair deal of money buying tickets for his relatives in Poland. His father tore them out and sent them back saying that they were safe and wouldn't need to leave.

By the end of the war, my great grandfather in Canada and his brother in California were the only surviving siblings out of a family of 13 kids.

This pretty typical for what you see among Jewish families, though I suppose I got lucky in that most of my closer relatives had already moved to Canada.

What about Dachau?

>There is no credible evidence that the gas chamber in Barrack X was used to murder human beings.

Dr Charles P Larson was the head of the forensic coroner group that investigated the camps in Western Allied occupied zones. He described this experience in his book.

>Crime Doctor: Dr. Charles P. Larson, world's foremost medical-detective, reports from his crime file

As part of the US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. He was later questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors on his findings.

In an interview with the Wichita Eagle, 1 April 1980, he called the holocaust a hoax.

>Larson has talked little publicly about the war experience. One reason for his silence has been that his autopsy findings conflicted with the widely held belief that most Jews in Nazi camps were exterminated by gassing, shooting or poisoning.

>"What we’ve heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax," Larson said...

>...most died as a result of the conditions to which they were subjected rather than mass exterminations...

>...autopsies showed that "death by gassing and shooting were rare. Never was a case of poisoning uncovered."

Your instincts react to it, and see it, but you can't call it what it is. It's a mix of ignorance and (((brainwashing))). Imagine growing up knowing what it was without any misunderstanding or denial. Power level would be off the chart.

>Mein Fuhrer, zis man haz survived ze gassings 5 times already, shall we put a bullet in his brain?
and people believe this

I never understood these American homeworks. It's like school for retards. Also comic sans everywhere.

>By the end of the war, my great grandfather in Canada and his brother in California were the only surviving siblings out of a family of 13 kids.
How do you know?

>Two brothers were separated by the Holocaust. After 77 years, their families just reunited.

>Polish Jewish Siblings Who Thought Family Perished in Holocaust Reunited in Israel

>After 60 years, Jewish siblings separated in Holocaust reunited

>Sisters, Separated by the Holocaust, Reunite After 61 Years

>Holocaust Survivor Finds 'Exterminated' Brother Through Appearance with Revisionists on 'Montel Williams Show'

>Photo of Holocaust survivors leads to reunion 72 years later

>How I Reunited My Holocaust Survivor Father With His Long Lost Neighbor

>An Unexpected Family Reunion, Seven Decades After the Holocaust

Archive time

>washingtonpost com/news/inspired-life/wp/2016/05/02/two-brothers-were-separated-by-the-holocaust-after-77-years-their-families-just-reunited/?utm_term=.03b1e28a66c9
>haaretz com/israel-news/1.759200
>nytimes com/2005/02/06/world/middleeast/sisters-separated-by-the-holocaust-reunite-after-61-years.html?mcubz=0

>How do you know?
Fair point, we don't know for sure.

What we do know though is that the Bialystok Ghetto was exterminated or "liquidated" in 1943.łystok_Ghetto

Sauce? No way this is real.

Like you'd actually be free to totally answer this question honestly.

Based ki-- wait is this another trick to confuse the goyim?


How about you deliver some actual proofs the holocaust didn't happen? So far you haven't delivered any. A local newspaper interviewing a literal WHO some 30 years ago who was able-bodied in terms of age and therefore part of the labor force who must have had some kind of PTSD experience each time he partook in the communal showers, given the rumors, an excerpt from a novel penned by an investigative reporter released very soon after the war with no historians to fact check it, a very blurry newspaper article about Dr. Larson, who, during another interview, actually said a few of the corpses who he had personally autopsied at Dachau had been killed by homicidal gassing (Crime Doctor book).

Right now your biggest smoking gun is the Yad Vashem survivor listed as dead. Good job, son. Now the next step in your master plan should be proving a systematic accumulation of errors in the Yad Vashem database, not just that one or two outliers you clowns have managed to collect over the years.

It's difficult now for a lot of people to believe without evidence that those people were exterminated.

>Those deemed too emaciated to work were murdered in Majdanek gas chambers.łystok_Ghetto

>Eric Hunt: The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth

Some call-in on NPR yesterday was crying about how her Jewish parents his the "six or seven million" holocaust dead from her as a child

I wonder how high the death toll will rise by the time I'm dead

Fuck your gay ass class, elementary students get the FUCK off my board.

>Dr. Larson, who, during another interview, actually said a few of the corpses who he had personally autopsied at Dachau had been killed by homicidal gassing
Unfortunately, my friend, gassings at Dachau is now universally accepted to be a hoax.

>There is no credible evidence that the gas chamber in Barrack X was used to murder human beings.


>How about you deliver some actual proofs
Where are the plans and orders?

Where are the gas chambers?

Where are the mass graves?

Experimental gassings did happen there before prisoners were taken to Hartheim.

Frantisek Blaha: „Many executions by gas or shooting or injections took place right in the camp. The gas chamber was completed in 1944, and I was called by Dr. Rascher to examine the first victims. Of the eight or nine persons in the chamber there were three still alive, and the remainder appeared to be dead. Their eyes were red, and their faces were swollen. Many prisoners were later killed in this way. Afterwards they were removed to the crematorium where I had to examine their teeth for gold. Teeth containing gold were extracted.“

IMT Document 3249 PS

I would legit put sad face because

"He didn't finish the job"

>prove a negative

I wasn't alive when it happened.

It's a fucking joke that it's the only political topic of the last hundred years that is so sacred that it cannot be deconstructed or unpacked. It's just as simple as 'evil germans killed poor innocent jews'. No mention of who did it or why, no mention of the other ethnic groups that were complicit, and so on.

I am not a holocaust denier but no one brings up the allied strategic bombing campaign that caused the overcrowding, starvation and disease in these camps.

>There is no credible evidence that the gas chamber in Barrack X was used to murder human beings.

Again, do you have any proofs?


whats a holocaust?

>implying they did not dispose of the corpses with SS™ Bone crushing machines and SS™ Bone eating pigs. After they were done with the pigs they fed the pigs into the bone crushing machines as well, leaving no evidence of their existence. Then the bone crushing machines were molten down all patents destroyed and they made zyclon b canisters with the metal. A perfect crime to be honest.

Why must plans and orders have to survive in written form?

Why does the 1943 Himmler Posen speech make you uncomfortable? Or the Goebbels diary entries that speak of something unspeakable and barbaric happening to the Jews? Plenty of paperwork left including Einsatzgruppen memos that speak of gas vans, Jewish civilian executions etc.

>where are the mass graves

I do not see the problem with this, it's easier for a child to express with facial expressions than words.

>Why does the 1943 Himmler Posen speech make you uncomfortable?
They don't. A single ambiguous word, "ausrotten," in a single speech is not evidence of anything.

Did Hitler also believe that the Germans were about to be holocausted?

>Wenn die deutsche Nation den Zustand ihrer drohenden AUSROTTUNG in Europa beenden will. (Mein Kampf)
>if the German nation wishes to end the condition of its pending DESTRUCTION in Europe (Mein Kampf)

Or has this word been twisted out of context from its original meaning in translation?

>Wenn aber ein Männlicher nicht beschnitten wird an seiner Vorhaut, wird er AUSGEROTTET werden aus seinem Volk, weil er meinen Bund gebrochen hat. (Genesis 17:14, Luther Bible)
>And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be CUT OFF from his people; he hath broken my covenant. (Genesis 17:14)

Hitler himself used ausrotten figuratively on numerous occasions.

>Was aber besaß dieses Bündnis für einen Wert, wenn erst das Deutschtum der Habsburgmonarchie AUSGEROTTET worden wäre? (Mein Kampf)
>What kind of value did this alliance possess once the Germanism of the Habsburg Monarchy had been REMOVED?” (Mein Kampf)

>den Marxismus und seine Begleiterscheinungen aus Deutschland AUSZUROTTEN (Berlin Sportspalst speech)
>to ELIMINATE Marxism and its accompanying phenomena from Germany (Berlin Sportspalst speech)

They were common, mundane words that he used in numerous contexts in Mein Kampf, but never a single time in the sense of "extermination."

I asked for plans and orders. Where are they?

I don't think so. Holocaust was probably the reason why Nazi Germany was even more vilified post-war.

IMO, they should've just deported them to Madagascar instead of systematically killing them. If they really had to remove Jews from Europe.

>Or the Goebbels diary entries that speak of something unspeakable and barbaric happening to the Jews?
They don't. The """""Goebbels diaries"""""
were """""discovered""""" printed on glass plates in Soviet archives in the late 80s
They were not even published till 1995.

They do not even sound at all like Goebbels, not the Goebbels everyone knows, and not the Goebbels of the authentic diaries published just after the war. This is Goebbels we're talking about; the greatest orator in the Reich second only to the greatest orator on audio record, greatest meme propagandist of all time, and suddenly he's talking like an irrational underage stormfag? This is a great and highly detailed thread on textual analysis of the diaries if you are interested. Obvious forgeries.

I asked for plans and orders. Where are they?

>Plenty of paperwork left including Einsatzgruppen memos that speak of gas vans, Jewish civilian executions etc.
>speak of
Really? :^)

No plans or orders though?

Damn I should have been a feggitor I could have asked him how many times he was gassed
Wow this guy and all his siblings lives what are the odds the Holocaust was so so lethal...

>how do you feel
Fuck feels.

really gets u're noggin joggin'

>instead of systematically killing them
lurk moar or look up the Holocaust handbooks/Germar Rudolf

Oy vey the gas chambers are just unquestionable proof accepted through faith.

>where are the mass graves
Let's keep it simple. 3 million jews - according to the Soviets', and now most of Europe's, official, legally-enforced narrative - were exterminated at 6 camps, 2.5 million of those between Auschwitz, Treblinka and Belzec. That is a population the size of LA, which one would expect to leave behind a literal mountain of remains. Can you show a single mass grave at any of these sites?

What makes you think the only criminal phrase in Himmler's 1943 posen speech is the word ausrotten? Do explain why you believe there's nothing else there which the brightest revisionist scholars have so far been utterly unable to refute.

>Did Hitler also believe that the Germans were about to be holocausted? Or has this word been twisted out of context from its original meaning in translation

In his wartime speeches, Hitler made it pretty clear that he was utterly convinced WW2 was about "sein oder nicht sein" of the German Volk, i.e. if they lose, there would no longer be a German people left once the victors had their way. It was a war of annihilation for him.

All your other examples have the same destructive meaning: to make something permanently cease to exist. Why does CW Porter suck so much at languages other than English?

Now tell me why you think there's nothing in the Himmler speech except the word ausrotten.


>only 2.5 million jews were killed in the holocaust
>posting this illegal opinion from the UK
It's 60 gorillion MINIMUM

Can you show a single plan or order related to anything to do with the holocaust?

When will gookmoot bring emoji support to Sup Forums?

What makes you think the only criminal phrase in Himmler's 1943 posen speech is the word ausrotten?

Can you show me all (or even some of!) the Jews transited through the extermination camps (that allegedly were transit camps) out of the Reich and into Russia?

edgy faggots

>le Im white I hate jews ebin maymay

Germans were always industrious.
If they really wanted to mass kill Jews why the fuck they didn't used a big hydraulic press that could kill and crash bones very easily and very fast?
Operating gas chambers is complicated and you need to dispose gas and transfer bodies, check for leaks it's very complicated to operate.


hologram, something that looks real and solid, but is an illusion

they don't usually make the words up out of random syllables , there's usually some not so deep meaning in them.

>They were not even published till 1995.
they were published in 1948, dumbass


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom tier bullshido.

Most Jew death in labour camps during WWII came from the fact that allies were bombing pipelines and transportation routes to Germany. The jews were prisoners, so would have lower feeding priority. With the meme allies depleting the food source, the jews starved off..hitler did nothing wrong.

>Can you show me all (or even some of!) the Jews transited through the extermination camps (that allegedly were transit camps) out of the Reich and into Russia?
Sure. Here are some holocaust survivors talking about entire trainloads of jews being transitted through Treblinka from Steven Spielberg's personal archives (8:07).

Certainly at least hundreds of thousands of Polish jews ended up in Siberia by whatever means. But even if a single one did not, the increase in American and Israeli jewish populations more than accounts for the lost jews of Poland. For the rest, Stalin is to blame, not Hitler. There are entire villages of Eastern European jews in Siberia.

>In 1940, Soviet ruler Joseph Stalin deported approximately 200,000 Polish Jews without passports from Russian-occupied Eastern Poland to labor camps in deep Russia and Siberia.

>In 1941 Esther and her family are arrested by Soviet troops because they are capitalists and are taken away from their home in Vilna, Lithuania and transported to Siberia in Russia.

I dunno, how about (((you and your friends))) pay for me to go to Germany and Eastern Europe and tour some KZs, and I'll report back to you my feels.

>1942 og 1943
Not the sections he is talking about dumbass. Those weren't """""discovered""""" until the 1990s (actually) printed on glass plates in Soviet archives and weren't published till 1995. Don't you think that's kinda funny?

>Some of these survived, and formed the basis for the publication of sections of the diaries (mainly from the war years) after the war. The boxes of glass plates at Potsdam were discovered by the Soviets and shipped to Moscow, where they sat unopened until they were discovered by the German historian Elke Fröhlich in 1992.

Now, do you have a single plan or order related to anything to do with the holocaust?

good goy

gotta get em young

Are you a shill trying to make "nazis" look stupid or something? The very section ("barbaric methods") is in that very book (1942).

Seriously, I really don't understand Holocaust "denial". I agree the numbers are probably exaggerated and there are some things wrong with the narrative, but the Jews actions post-1945 makes the Germans justified in what they allegedly did. I really don't give a fuck either way and diving deep into this is useless because normies will think you're crazy anyway.


wrong. You are showing me Eric Hunt's archival compilation of less than a hundred or so able-bodied people being redirected from Treblinka back into the Reich (Majdanek) as labor force. That same Eric Hunt now admits this was him being intellectually dishonest, and revisionists' continued lack of answers as to where outside the Reich millions of Jews were transited to, was the reason why he quit being a holocaust denier.

The fact that it took you 10 minutes to come up with an answer proves you were struggling.

>the increase in American and Israeli jewish populations more than accounts for the lost jews of Poland.

wrong again. Check the census records of USA, Canada, Israel, hell, all of North and South America. Not even 1 million of Europe's 9.5+ million pre-war Jewish population escaped the continent 1933-45 in sufficient numbers for you to be able to say "Jews went where Jews are".

>There are entire villages of Eastern European jews in Siberia.

And none of them are recent immigrants from within 1940s Reich territory.

Past that, where is all the ash? Figure 3-10 pounds of ash per person, there should be 12000 tons of ash. Figure somewhere around 100 cubic inches per person that's almost 3 cubic miles of ash.

Where are the ash heaps?