You get nothing, Polacks
You get nothing, Polacks
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Not until they take some rapefugees, at least.
mo moni fo dem programs it is den.
That sounds suspicious like antisemitism. Has she apologized for The Holocaust recently?
"Merkel's lawyers say something usefull to Merkel" Wew lad.
Does that mean Poland gets Euro credits?
>demanded debt but not paying their own
Do you think you are pushing whole nations over the edge,Kraut?
It would be really unfortunate if some of us teamed up and bombed your entire country to smithereens.
To be fair Poland started it by ethnically cleansing Germans from their lands. Not sure how Poland would get dem reparations for that.
Oh wow, look. It's yet another woman who refuses to be held to account because it has a vagina.
I'm truly shocked.