New job report lowest in four years


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So now is Trump fault and not Obama's?

If something goes good, "Obama fiscal year"
If something goes bad, "Impeach Trump"



>something good happens for donny
>donny did it all by himself what a sucessful boy
>something bad happens for donny
>fake news/nigger king did it/it's the jews

sorry kiddo, it's Obama's fiscal year. this is Obama's fault.

Trumpkins on twitter seem to disagree


don't really care what random people on Twitter think, unfortunately. those posts sure make it seem like you're accepting that there are good things to be had from this august job growrh

>creating low wage part time jobs counts as real jobs


There is this foreign concept to a Cletus like you shits that as time passes economic numbers shift responsibility from the previous administration's influence to the current.

Oh well, we live in a world where Trump is claiming responsibility for job numbers from the day he took office while mouth-breathers pat him on the ass and suck his dick for it.

Fucking T_D shitposters.

>not enough beaners to slave away at plantations
>lowest august job growth

sorry bucko! facts are facts, and you can ad hom all you like to deflect, but this is Obama's fiscal year and for that Obama has to hold the blame.

What's sad is your cherry picking, our economic growth is higher than it's been in 4 years, food stamp recipients are down, while workforce participation is on the rise.

You as a foreigner have no business opining about American economics when you have your own problems, keep your eyes on your own paper, faggot!


Well, they're not counting being a "Paid Protester" as a job.

last month america reached full employment, right?
that pretty much means job growth is going to slow to a crawl

>Trump can claim numbers from the day he took office but worsening numbers months into the Trump presidency are Obama's fault

Cool. Have your shit and eat it too.

when the mexicans get deported jobs will spike, those fields will be full of socialist/antifa/commie scum picking crops just like God intended


President Trump Cuts More US Debt for a Longer Period of Time Than Any President in History

Real gross domestic product increased at an annual rate of 2.6 percent in the second quarter of 2017

Government spending as percentage of GDP down

Milestone for Trump: 1 million new jobs in six months

U.S. has record 6 million job openings, even as 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs

Wages rising faster than prices

Consumer confidence back near 16-year high

U.S. unemployment hits lowest level since 2001

Summer Youth Unemployment Falls to Lowest Level Since 1969

Black Unemployment at Lowest Level in 17 Years

Stock market at record breaking highs

Lowest number of people on food stamps in 7 years

Will be a huge jobs boost rebuilding Houston

My phone has been ringing off the hook with offers
Ill probably be down there for 2 years

I'm reallt doubtful about these figures seeing as the BLS is corrupt to its core either by redefinitions by the prior admin like we had for immigration or the BLS is just a bunch of Obama holdovers

When even fucking PBS calls Obama's employment stats bogus, you know that theyre just made up and twisted like you see in link 2.

Link 1 debunks something that Obama's BLS stated as a fact for 8 years

>assuming things about literal strangers on the internet
face it, buddy. it's Obama's fault. and we, as die-hard Obama supporters, have to come to terms with that. it's okay, sweetie.


It doesn't help when militant fucking commies and paid protesters won't even try to get a proper job. America's almost at full employment anyway if we don't count those cancers.

These numbers are fake news just like everything a democrat posts

to reddit you go. shoo shoo

Betting they are just going to ignore this.

>Blue areas make ridiculous minimum wage increases
>Job growth figures hurt

all government statistics are pretty much guesses with a little bit of fact

>job growth
>dont point out unemployment is fucking ridiculously low and economy booming

fucking cunts

Of course they will. Just shills being shills and hoping their bullshit doesn't get called. Idiots never learn.

Yes. That's What Obama was good at

as much as i dont like drumpf and some of his policies I must say he has no effect on GDP and jobs yet, maybe in early 2018 and definitely in Q3 2018 and onward he could get the achievement/blame for it but not yet.

True. They Have never told the truth


Literally retarded

cant create a shitload of jobs when everyone is already employed

nice shop, shill

Time to buy UVXY

He literally took responsibility for soaring economic growth the second he took office you fake bitch

The secret is already out, libtards!....In just a few months of President Trump doing away with hindering economic policies, our economy is already on a big uptick!

This is proof that big government only enslaves the masses, and that if government were to get out of the way, individuals will find avenues to improve their quality of life!

Obama's fiscal year. Thanks obama.

The stock market responded positively as soon as Trump won the election in 2016. The market had remained stagnant under the uncertainty in the event Shillary was to be elected.

>h-h-haha i-i don't c-care

trumpcucks are fucking pathetic holy shit. does your dad hang his head in shame every time your effeminate little fag ass walks into the room? SAD!

>black employment lowest in 17 years

>it's obama's fault that i turned out to be a NEET loser!

and i thought conservatives were all about self-responsibility and avoiding "playing the victim". SAD!

We hit peak job, unlike oil there is no fraking to save us so we are fucked.

This was Obama's strategy for 8 years.

I think he meant black *employment rates

>weakest numbers in 4 and 6 years
>4 and 6 years
So during Obungos presidency there were worse numbers
yeaaaah impeach drumpf

>no source
>also, comparing Obama's eight years in office to Trump's seven months in office
>also, welfare are food stamps excluded here


Yea, Obama's economy is really stagnant. Thankfully Trump's economic plans will go into effect next year and the stock market is still at all-time highs thanks to the optimism around Trump.


Has anyone considered that the numbers are no longer being artificially inflated to elect a member of the president's party?

The high black pop areas are still under democratic control

No shit, we aren't in a rescission anymore. Most of the stragglers can't/won't get work. In fact, we are close to the lowest unemployment since 2001 with a projected 3% growth!


You are fake news.

The american economy four years ago was still recovering from the second largest republican financial crisis in history

The job report is weak because nearly everyone already has a job now. You cannot add many more jobs when you're down at 4.4% unemployment. Anyone who cannot find a job right now is either not trying or some kinds of unemployable criminal.

>no source

How long before republicans switch back to the job reports are fake?

Cant wait.

The DOW was leveling out. Then nov. 8th hit. You DO know what market confidence is, yeah?

Nah bro trump already cut unemployment by 35%

>1 milion jobs created

It's almost as though the run up to an election is a point for high uncertainty. What a fucking strange idea, not knowing how policy will change makes people more bearish.

>more jobs are made during recession recovery

You don't say?!

It didn't drop, it leveled as everyone and their mother thought Hillary would win. Then it spiked, hard.

>Hit full employment
>Job growth has slumped
Really spins my dreidel

Ah, you can't read. Explains a lot.

I did not, at any point, say that it dropped.
More Bearish / Full on Sell-Off you illiterate fuck. It means that investors hold their breath and wait until the results to play their hand due to lack of ability to accurately predict the way policies will change. It happens during many election run-ups.

Oh and the spike is largely attributed to an incoming tax reform, a thing that has not happened and Trump spent much of his legislative currency with the failed Healthcare push. So: good luck on that.

We weren't still recovering from recession in 2016 retard.